60 Minutes Cut Harris’s World Salad About Israel, Netanyahu
What else did the program edit and leave on the editing floor?

60 Minutes released a few clips of its interview with VP Kamala Harris before the program aired.
CBS posted a portion of Harris talking about Israel, Iran, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Well, 60 Minutes edited out the word salad she presented when Bill Whitaker said, “But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening.”
What else did the program edit and leave on the editing floor?
WHITAKER: But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening.
HARRIS: Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.
WHITAKER: But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening.
HARRIS: Vice President Kamala Harris: We are not gonna stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end.
Wow. Here’s what happened. 60Minutes released a preview of the Kamala interview before it aired. Netanyahu word salad clip got dunked on relentlessly. So… 60Minutes cut it from the version which actually aired on TV. Makes you wonder what else was left on the cutting room floor. https://t.co/n1nd1Iz26z
— Jerry Dunleavy IV
(@JerryDunleavy) October 8, 2024

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These people are shameless Democrat propagandists
You mean “misinformationists”…
Willie Brown had her up front and now 60 Minutes has her back.
So exactly which hole is running for president?
I think we can all agree it’s not the mouth.
I’m convinced that your are dreaming of having Willie Brown from behind. Not that there is anything wrong with that, of course.
This is just tedious. Have you exhausted all your fake concern?
Just STFU, lonejustice.
Just… STFU.
Whoa. Did you just sexually harass Paula? Telling her your fantasies about her is not ok.
Dan Rather taught us decades ago that news-fraud which advances the left’s causes or candidates is acceptable to CBS only if you don’t get caught.
Walter Cronkite didn’t do the US any favors with Vietnam after misinterpreting the Tet Offensive as a military (political) victory for the North.
60 minutes needs to be forced (?) to release the entire, unedited tape of the interview. It would be nice if there was one pro-American person over at 60 Minutes who could leak the unedited tape … but the chances of such a person existing are minimal.
Other than that, nothing about this interview can be trusted, at all. They might as well have just had the interview created by AI to 60 Minutes’ taste (since Komrade Kamala couldn’t even be trusted to play her part correctly by reading a teleprompter for the role of interviewee).
What a joke. A sick joke. And more criminal in-kind campaign donations by MSM turds.
I’m surprised that 60 minutes is still on the air. Does anyone watch it anymore?
It’s still a top-10 show. But, that doesn’t really mean anything anymore because broadcast ratings have fallen off the cliff. In 2000, 60 Minutes was (roughly) the 6th most watched show of the year, about the same as it is now. But, in 2000. it had an 11-rating. Now, it’s 3.9.
In 1990, it was the #3 or #4 show, depending if it was football season. It earned a 20+ share.
Trump remembers it fondly.
I have no idea why he’d even admit that.
That makes her train wreck of an interview even more pathetic.
She ought to do more interviews on “Call Her Daddy.” The Babylon Bee reports it was her first interview where she didn’t need a teleprompter, or to know the questions beforehand.
A number of politicians speak or tweet in word salad. Of course Gavin Newsom speaks and tweets in it, unless it’s text approving or vetoing state legislation. USAID-Samantha Powers’ tweets are sometimes very word saladish. It’s like they both went to word salad finishing school and graduated summa cum laude. Very strange
I got to thinking, are they using a specially configured AI word salad grammar tool, or do all of these people speak WS in staff meetings?
Because no one can fluently speak word salad without lots of practice.
It is a technique to avoid saying anything substantive. If you go by the maxim anything you say can and will be used against you, it makes sense to say nothing, but it still has to sound good.
Casey Stengle’s Congressional testimony is a thing of beauty
Yeah, but my point is how do these people become fluent speaking WS. The “why” is obvious part of the whole thing. It’s bizarre.
Where does one apply to Word Salad Finishing School? The term is great. Wish I could give you more than one upvote.
Sadly, that opportunity is gone since Gordon Ramsey took over “Hell’s Kitchen” from Noam Chomsky.
I look at it as a trolling tactic. Instead of doing the work of crafting a smart, concise statement, politicians who do this are in effect saying that no matter what I say, you will never give me a chance. So I will speak phony intellectual gibberish and you can be frustrated that I didn’t respect you enough to put any effort into my response.
In the “you’ve changed your position so often, how can people know what you stand for” question, there is a horrible, *GLARING* edit (at about 43 seconds below). The camera angle changes, her sound changes, and she says “I believe in building common ground”. So much editing!!
You’re right. I had misattributed it to interplanetary transmission delay.
LOL. Rantingly calls Komrade Kamala “ChatVP“!
That what the Democrats Propaganda Ministry does
I believe this is similar to what the Biden administration claimed the right was doing to Joe. They said real clips dishonestly edited were “cheap fakes” to make Joe look bad when they still were still pretending Joe was functional.
This is a real cheap fake edited to make Kamala appear functional.
But making her appear functional is no challenge for them, after years of Joe.
She’s less “word salad” than she is “refrigerator magnet word game” (if you know the game I’m referring to). She not only does not answer the question, her responses are indecipherable gibberish.
Which leads me to conclude that she is nothing but an empty DEI hire who has been credentialed but simply cannot perform any of the core competencies.
Seriously, most of us could get up in front of a crowd of strangers and do a one hour talk right off the top of our head.
Why can’t Kamala?
I’m no fan of Bill Clinton but that guy really is intelligent. Many times we have heard him talk knowledgeably on a wide range of topics off the cuff. No problem.
Impossible for Harris. Utterly impossible.
Watching Harris makes us realize what a great liar Bill Clinton was.
What the msm is doing is like a stupid person patching their parachute with wax paper to make it look good not understanding that they will have to use it someday. These idiots are helping to elect the end of their country. Do they think they are immune to her insanity? It’s like closing the door on a ship that is flooding and going back up to the deck party.
They’re all fellow travelers. They believe it needs to be torn down so that it can be rebuilt in the Marxist utopian vision. They don’t understand that they’ll personally be gutted like fish in the process.
“So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.”
George Orwell
If I had the technical know-how, I would do a meme YouTube short or something like it where Pamela is jumping all over the screen and even the background props change and the sound changes like it’s going from one branded model of microphone to another branded model of microphone. I might even shift the color a little bit.
I watched the interview, some of the questions were good, and he tried twice often but she just doesn’t answer but in very general answers if at all.
Clearly, you didn’t watch the whole interview. It was already cut.
In the warped, twisted, myopic and evil Dhimmi-crat universe, Netanyahu is slandered and maligned as the bad guy, for staunchly defending Israeli sovereignty and citizens’ lives, while nary a scintilla of blame or vilification is ever laid at the feet of the goose-stepping, genocidal and evil Muslim supremacists, terrorists and Islamofascists who are the sole and perennial reason why peaceful co-existence doesn’t exist in the middle east.
60 minutes has a long history of doctoring their interviews. That may be their brand.