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‘Intifada!’: Anti-Israel Protesters Swarm New York City, Other Cities

‘Intifada!’: Anti-Israel Protesters Swarm New York City, Other Cities

The National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) encouraged people to participate in a “Day of Rage.”

Here we go. The National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) encouraged people to participate in a “Day of Rage” on October 7.

I know more will pop up so I’ll update this post through the day.

Columbia University

Let’s start at good old Columbia!

New York City

I don’t know if this protest on Wall Street is connected to the SJP protest.

I guess it’s “Flood NYC for Palestine.”

They unveiled a huge Palestine flag, though.

San Francisco

On Sunday, a person defaced an Israeli-owned cafe in San Francisco.

The jerks sprayed antisemitic phrases all over the exterior:

A popular Mission cafe and event space with a well-known Jewish owner was vandalized with anti-Israel graffiti Sunday during a pro-Palestinian rally.

Manny’s Cafe, owned by Manny Yekutiel and known for hosting political discussions and community gatherings, was defaced with messages spray-painted in black that said “Arms embargo now,” “Death 2 the enemy,” and “Zionists out of Frisco.”

On a window and a wall facing 16th Street, vandals spray-painted “Manny is a Zio murderer” and “Dems fund murder.”


The anti-Israel protesters showed up in Dublin on Sunday.


Rotterdam, a major city in the Netherlands, had a protest, too.


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“Day of Rage?” When are these wannbe Nazi a**holes NOT enraged?

    henrybowman in reply to MarkJ. | October 7, 2024 at 4:00 pm

    Early heart attacks should be in order, especially for those who have been sufficiently boostered,

      Danny in reply to henrybowman. | October 7, 2024 at 5:06 pm

      Does that include their adult neo-Nazi backer Tucker Carlson or is hating Jews still only bad when it is from the left and are you ready to finally condemn Tucker Carlson and other Nazis who agree with you on things other than Jews?

        henrybowman in reply to Danny. | October 7, 2024 at 5:56 pm

        If you believe that pursuing truth equates to hating Jews. I think we’ve identified the real antisemite here.

        JR in reply to Danny. | October 7, 2024 at 6:05 pm

        Danny is right about this. There are way too many people on the right, including Tucker and some Trump supporters, who either support these anti-Jewish groups, or look the other way.

          steves59 in reply to JR. | October 7, 2024 at 6:15 pm

          Izzat so, Lonejustice? Care to name them?
          Or are you still smarting from the walloping you got over at Althouse for your stupid “i cut my finger chopping onions and I bled more than Trump did after being shot” posts?

    ttucker99 in reply to MarkJ. | October 7, 2024 at 6:28 pm

    I think it should be “Day of Stupidity” Hamas started a fight they cannot finish. Yeah they killed 1200 Jews and now how many of their Hamas army is floating around Hell looking for their 72 virgins.

rhhardin | October 7, 2024 at 3:43 pm

It will never end if “Who’s more oppressed?” is the argument.

I don’t side with Israel because it’s more oppressed but because it’s moral and the Palestinians are not.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to rhhardin. | October 7, 2024 at 3:50 pm

    You are the only person I have ever heard claim that support for Israel is based on competing in the Oppression Sweepstakes. along side the pro-terrorist morons.

    Your straw man is so feeble I wonder why you continue to propose it.

      rhhardin in reply to Dolce Far Niente. | October 7, 2024 at 5:35 pm

      Really? The marchers are complaining about how many Palestinians Israel has killed. The other side is featuring how many Israelis were killed on Oct 7. Those are the arguments. It’s an oppression sweepstakes.

      The right argument is how each side feels about trade. Without trade, no new wealth enters the system.

      The Palestinians have shown how they feel about trade. They refuse it because the Israelis have oppressed them. But that’s the dumb side. At least do better on the smart side.

TargaGTS | October 7, 2024 at 4:13 pm

What’s the difference between the Klan marching on the anniversary of MLK’s assassination and what’s unfolding right now in NYC? I can’t remember the Klan even attempting something so ghoulish and brazen.

This is happening not even a month after the 23rd anniversary of 9/11. That atrocity was not a military failure. It was a domestic policy failure, specifically a failure of not enforcing our own immigration standards. George ‘The Retard’ Bush did bupkis to fix that and every president who’s followed – who’s not named Trump – has only exacerbated the problem. They’re the ones responsible for what’s unfolding on the anniversary of this horrific event. Islam is not compatible with western society. We invite our own demise by allowing these people to enter the country and grow their population.

Peter Moss | October 7, 2024 at 4:16 pm

Anyone who protests in support of “palestinians” on the first anniversary of the barbaric attack on Israel is a demonic fool of the first order.

Besides, if the Israeli continue with their present success, instead of Free Palestine, Gaza will be Palestine free.

“You can clearly see me getting elbowed and kicked … ” Any contact is a battery.” No matter how minor.

A friend bumped into a BLM guy here in Texas who called the police, and they arrested my friend who spent a day in jail. He was actually prosecuted and acquitted. The judged refused to allow exculpatory evidence in the form of. video. This contact was extremely minor. Like bumping into someone in a supermarket aisle. The police, prosecutor and judge were all on the same side. This in suburban Texas, a supposedly red state.

Subotai Bahadur | October 7, 2024 at 5:45 pm

It is the goal of the Left to turn New York City and other western cities into replicas of Gaza City. Since they have the aid and assistance of the ruling elites, it will probably happen at least for a while.

In the case of New York City, the time is ten times overpast for Jews and those of European and Asian ancestry to grab their assets and beat feet out of there. Mind you, the city’s supporting infrastructure probably won’t long outlast the exodus [hmmm. a catchy title]; but then said infrastructure is the product of racist/sexist/Judeo-Christian culture.

Subotai Bahadur

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