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60 Minutes Interviewer Calls Out Harris for Ignoring Economy Question

60 Minutes Interviewer Calls Out Harris for Ignoring Economy Question

“Pardon me, Madam Vice President. The question was how are you going to pay for it?”

60 Minutes will air its interview with VP Kamala Harris tonight.

The program released two clips, and man, it will be a doozy, as usual.

Bill Whitacker had to call her out over her non-answer about the economy.

No wonder this lady won’t sit down for interviews. Not only does she succeed with word salads, but she falls apart when she can’t just use the regular talking points.


Harris repeated the same old talking points and dog whistles and diverted from questions presented by Bill Whitacker.

Thankfully, Whitacker called her out when he asked her how she plans on paying for her big government ideas:

HARRIS: My plan is about saying that when you invest in small business, you invest in the middle class and you strengthen America’s economy. Small businesses are the backbone of America’s economy.

WHITAKER: Pardon me, Madam Vice President. The question was how are you going to pay for it?

HARRIS: Well, one of the things, I’m gonna make sure that the richest among us, who can afford it, pay their fair share of taxes. It is not right that teachers and nurses and firefighters are paying a higher tax rate than billionaires and the biggest corporations, and I plan on making that fair.

WHITAKER: But we are dealing with the real world here

HARRIS: But the real world includes…

WHITAKER: How are you going to get this through Congress?

HARRIS: You know, when you talk quietly with a lot of folks in Congress, they know exactly what I’m talking about because their constituents know exactly what I’m talking about. Their constituents are those firefighters and teachers and nurses.

These people live in fantasyland where money grows on trees.

Well, we know that the Treasury loves to fire up the money machine. Money machine go bbbrrrrrr!

Anyone else tired of the phrase “fair share?” I have not heard one person define “fair share.”

If you want them to pay their “fair share,” get rid of write-offs and deductions in the tax code. You’re an idiot if you don’t take advantage of them.



Then there’s Israel and Iran.

I included the whole clip because there is so much going on with Harris’s answers. But the last part raised some eyebrows.

I emphasized the parts I talked about below the transcript:

WHITAKER: We supply Israel with billions of dollars in military aid. Netanyahu seems to be charting his own. The Biden-Harris administration has pressed him to agree to a ceasefire. He’s resisted. You urged him not to go into Lebanon. He went in anyway.

He has promised to make Iran pay for the missile attack, and that has the potential of expanding the war. Does the US have no sway over Prime Minister Netanyahu?

HARRIS: The aid that we have given Israel, allowed Israel to defend itself against 200 ballistic missiles that were just meant to attack the Israelis and the people of Israel. And when we think about the threat that Hamas, Hezbollah presents, Iran, I think that it is without any question, are imperative to do what we can to allow Israel to defend itself against those kinds of attacks.

Now, the work that we do with the leadership of Israel is an ongoing pursuit around making clear our principles, which include the need for humanitarian aid, the need for this war to end, the need for a deal to be done which would release the hostages and create a ceasefire, and we’re not going to stop in terms of putting that pressure on Israel and in the region, including Arab leaders.

WHITAKER: But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening.

HARRIS: Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.

WHITAKER:Do we have a real close ally? In Prime Minister Netanyahu.

HARRIS: I think, with all due respect, the better question is, do we have an important alliance between the American people and the Israeli people, and the answer to that question is yes.

OK so the first part I emphasized. WORD SALAD. (We need a new description. I’m already tired of it.) Is she trying to blame America for the problems in the Middle East? Is she trying to blame Israel? What the hell are you saying, lady?

The second part: I saw people freaking out over her not calling Netanyahu an ally, but when I provided Professor Jacobson with the full quote, he agreed it wasn’t horrible. This is why I hate it when people don’t put the whole quote in the post because, more than likely, people won’t watch the video.

I don’t think Harris threw shade at Netantyahu. She is trying to play both sides. She cannot tick off The Squad too much and the places they represent, especially Rep. Rashida Tlaib.


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Dolce Far Niente | October 7, 2024 at 11:58 am

The Dems HAVE NO PLAN to fix any of the problems facing the US, partly because they are responsible for creating those problems in the first place, and secondly because their ideology has no provision for rational answers to complicated and multifaceted issues.

And Kamala is frankly such a stupid woman that she would not be able to understand, much less articulate any answers even if they existed.

The Left has only lies and smoke when discussing their actual goal, which is the transformation of the Republic into a totalitarian state. Most Americans would still resist such an ending, if they understood it.

Fred Idle | October 7, 2024 at 12:05 pm

No more “word salad’? What do you call that little circle which keeps turning on your computer screen while you wait for Microsoft to finish installing “important” updates? That’s a perfect description of the usual Harris answer to a question.

Olinser | October 7, 2024 at 12:05 pm

She’s so stupid its actually unbelievable.

She can’t answer questions because she hasn’t been told how to answer them. That’s what happens when you can’t think for yourself.

TargaGTS | October 7, 2024 at 12:07 pm

Latest YouGov poll shows tied race, 47/47. Their last last poll had Harris +4. Not sure you can point to one specific thing. That debate was a disaster for them and the hurricane response hasn’t helped. But, it’s clear she has an increasing problem with men, particularly minority men and I suspect it’s almost entirely driven by economics.

With respect to finding a replacement for ‘word salad,’ I think you can never go wrong with jabberwocky, gibberish and/or my personal favorite, commie gobbledygook.

Recargador1 | October 7, 2024 at 12:13 pm

National debt: $35,683,500,000,000.00
Unfunded liabilities: $219,714,000,000,000.00

Real American | October 7, 2024 at 12:21 pm

Can we stop with the garbage talking point that Netanyahu has resisted a ceasefire? It’s so tiring and not based on reality. Israel has agreed to pretty much every proposal put out there by this terror-appeasing administration.

Hamas, who doesn’t gaf about the so-called Palestinians, has rejected them time and time again because they don’t care. They want a wider war. That’s the objective of these terrorists. They just didn’t know that Israel would win that war.

It’s these appeasers that want to blame Netanyahu instead of the terrorists because they’re worried about losing Dearborn, MI.

The Gentle Grizzly | October 7, 2024 at 12:23 pm

Is that MA-dem Vice President?

Or, muh-DAMN Vice President?

alaskabob | October 7, 2024 at 12:25 pm

Just like AOC, she has a degree in economics. I can’t … I just can’t say enough.

“60 minutes interviewer calls out….”

It was more like a whisper with lots of kisses before and after.

Whitewall | October 7, 2024 at 1:00 pm

The look on her face says ‘you are supposed to help me’.

EdisonCarter | October 7, 2024 at 1:32 pm

An alternative to “word salad?”

How about bafflegab!

George S | October 7, 2024 at 1:37 pm

“How are you going to pay for it” is a diversions to get Harris off the hook. Sure, it sounds “tough” but it’s benign.

The better question to ask is if we should have not spent $600B on illegal border crossers over the last 4 years and instead diverted that money towards American businesses, infrastructure and keeping inflation in check. But since we did, and the only alternative, Madam Vice President, is taxation, does that not indicate to Americans you simply don’t care about them?

LeftWingLock | October 7, 2024 at 1:44 pm

OK, let’s talk fair. Why is it fair that about half the people in America pay no income taxes (or get free money back)?

scooterjay | October 7, 2024 at 1:58 pm

I can hardly wait to be the first deplorable on my block to be relocated.

nordic prince | October 7, 2024 at 2:57 pm

I prefer “word vomit” over “word salad” myself.

Ironclaw | October 7, 2024 at 3:11 pm

What’s really quite pathetic is that even going into something like 60 minutes where it was going to be mostly softballs, they didn’t seem to expect even one real question. I mean, they can’t completely softball it because they have at least a little bit of a reputation that they’re trying to protect.

rhhardin | October 7, 2024 at 3:44 pm

It’s a question of manifestly stupid ideas, not a plan or a prediction.

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