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Israel Begins Ground Operations Against Hezbollah in Lebanon

Israel Begins Ground Operations Against Hezbollah in Lebanon

IDF says troops conducting “limited, localized, and targeted ground raids based on precise intelligence against Hezbollah terrorist targets and infrastructure in southern Lebanon.” 

Israeli military on Monday night began ground operations against the terrorist group Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. “Israeli ground forces crossed into southern Lebanon early Tuesday,” the Associated Press reported. “Israeli artillery units pounded targets in southern Lebanon and the sounds of airstrikes were heard throughout Beirut.”

According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), current ground operations are limited to Hezbollah-held border areas of southern Lebanon. “In accordance with the decision of the political echelon, a few hours ago, the IDF began limited, localized, and targeted ground raids based on precise intelligence against Hezbollah terrorist targets and infrastructure in southern Lebanon. These targets are located in villages close to the border and pose an immediate threat to Israeli communities in northern Israel,” the Israeli military said early morning Tuesday.

This is the first Israeli ground engagement in Lebanon in 18 years. Iran-backed Hezbollah renewed hostilities after Hamas’ October 7 attack, firing thousands of missiles and drones at northern Israel. Over 70,000 Israelis have been forced to flee their homes in the wake of relentless Hezbollah rocket barrages for nearly a year.

The IDF’s cross-border operation “Northern Arrows,” which began on September 23 with precision airstrikes on Hezbollah leadership and terrorist infrastructure, has now been joined by the Israel ground troops.

“The Israeli Air Force and IDF Artillery are supporting the ground forces with precise strikes on military targets in the area,” the military disclosed. “Operation “Northern Arrows” will continue according to the situational assessment and in parallel to combat in Gaza and in other arenas.”

The Israeli military is urging the residents of bordering Lebanese villages to move northwards.

Various IDF infantry formations and special forces are taking part in the unfolding ground operations in Hezbollah-held southern Lebanon. “The IDF’s 98th Division, an elite formation of paratrooper and commando units, led the overnight ground operation in Lebanon,” The Times of Israel reported. “The division’s Paratroopers and Commando brigades were joined by the 7th Armored Brigade, after preparing for the operation in recent weeks.”

These battle-hardened units, which fought Hamas terrorists in Gaza, have been conducting combat drills for operating in the Lebanese territory. “After many months of operating in the Gaza Strip, where the soldiers of the division gained skills and operational experience, they moved north and are now operating in the northern arena after making the necessary adjustments for fighting in Lebanon,” the IDF statement said.

Senior Israeli official says Biden admin leaked battle plan, endangered IDF soldiers

A senior Israeli official has accused the Biden administration of leaking the battle plan ahead of the overnight ground operation. The move by Washington put the lives of Israeli soldiers in danger, the Israeli public broadcaster Kan reported, citing the unnamed government official.

The revelation comes as President Joe Biden pushes for a ceasefire as Israel gains an upper hand on the Iran-backed terrorist group.

The Times of Israel reported Tuesday:

A senior Israeli official accuses the US of endangering IDF soldiers by leaking plans for the Israeli ground operation in Lebanon. In comments to Kan news, the official calls the leaks yesterday “dangerous,” adding that they put Israeli troops in danger.

“This was done even though the US supports the operation,” says the official, “but it is clear to us that the US is worried — and therefore they outed the operation to try to limit it.”

The official also says that “there will be no [diplomatic] arrangement in Lebanon before the end of the operation.”


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mailman | October 1, 2024 at 7:57 am

If the Jews haven’t worked out by now that the Biden/Harris Junta aren’t their friends then leaking the battle plans to the media SHOULD be the final nail in the coffin! There is absolutely no justification for the leaks to have happened other than shear malice by the Democrats!

gonzotx | October 1, 2024 at 8:18 am

“S Israeli official says Biden admin leaked battle plan, endangered IDF soldiers”

I absolutely thought Israel was smarter than that by now

Blew my mind

gonzotx | October 1, 2024 at 8:33 am

Why does no one speak to UN resolution 1701 in 2006?

I speak of course in jest

Israel did, hezbollah of course, did not

Israel withdrew from the border of Lebanon, after 2006 Lebanese resolution, hezbollah, did not and continued to murder Israelites and the UN did nothing to enforce their little resolution.

Never intended to , but as usual, Israel complied , and paid dearly for it

Capitalist-Dad | October 1, 2024 at 8:46 am

Good hunting, Israel!

Whitewall | October 1, 2024 at 8:57 am

Clearly the IDF has some top notch intelligence to operate with. Another type of intelligence would tell them not to breathe a word to Washington.

guyjones | October 1, 2024 at 9:41 am

Israel has been tolerating Muslim terrorist/supremacist/Islamofascist attacks and belligerence from the Hezb’allah thugs, for over a decade, in the name of political comity. When your own citizens can’t even live in their homes, because of persistent and unrelenting attacks, it is time to take out the trash.

Zero tolerance for Muslim terrorism, Islamofascism and Muslim supremacism. That is the policy that every western nation should adhere to.

    Jmaquis in reply to guyjones. | October 1, 2024 at 12:56 pm

    I wish I could give you 1,000,000 upvotes!

    Israel has learned two cancerous lessons:

    The present administration lives deep in the behind of Iran.

    Their compromising nature and policies over the decades have brought them nothing but grief.

guyjones | October 1, 2024 at 9:43 am

Disgusting, but, unsurprising, that some Dhimmi-crat lackey sympathetic to Muslim terrorists would leak the IDF’s battle plans. These reprobates are evil traitors to the U.S. and to our allies.

It is now time to stop all US funding to Israel.

Israel, by their actions, risks a world war that could actually destroy the entire world.

The USA number one concern is the protection of the USA!

Israel is a loose cannon, which the USA should drop like a hot potato,

    gonzotx in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | October 1, 2024 at 10:15 am

    Is that you JR

    Johnny Cache in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | October 1, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Right, it’s Israel’s fault that they merely exist. They’re surrounded by evil that wants to wipe them off the map, in a part of the world that happens to supply the energy of the entire planet and has a crucial shipping canal, but that too is Israel’s fault, and we should let the whole region be managed by religious lunatics.

    In the past 75 years, the US has given Israel about $250 billion. In the past two years, the US has given Ukraine $175 billion. So if you’re gonna bitch about aid, bitch about where most of it is being flushed down the toilet right now, in a place that has no economic or strategic value to the United States. Ukraine’s wheat is a big deal to the rest of the world, but if Russia wins that war, they’re not gonna be flying jets into anyone’s skyscrapers.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | October 1, 2024 at 10:25 am

    You are hilarious. The US and NATO are right this minute risking nuclear war with Russia because of their fervent defense of the money-laundering apparatus and the biolabs in Ukraine.

    Israel is trying to keep from its civilians overrun and killed by mohammedans.

    We’re the baddies, not Israel. And no, The Joos™ do not run the world.

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | October 1, 2024 at 10:29 am

    .And what do you propose that Israel should do in the face of constant rocket barrage and the Hezbollah plan to invade the Gallile? Lay down until destroyed?

    guyjones in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | October 1, 2024 at 11:18 am

    You farcically and contemptibly posit that Israel is the alleged threat to world peace, but, not unfettered, unrelenting and rabid Muslim terrorism, supremacism and genocidal Islamofascism.

    Your perspective and moral scales are totally warped.

gonzotx | October 1, 2024 at 10:11 am

Next, Israel must take out Irans nuclear capabilities

There will be no better time

joejoejoe | October 1, 2024 at 10:18 am

Doing the jobs Americans won’t do. 👍

destroycommunism | October 1, 2024 at 11:33 am

maybe israel is waiting for oct 7 to unleash their biggest attack against the forces of evil

celebrate THAT !!!!

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