Biden Confuses Israeli Airstrikes in Yemen With Union Strikes
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Biden Confuses Israeli Airstrikes in Yemen With Union Strikes

Biden Confuses Israeli Airstrikes in Yemen With Union Strikes

Biden supports the “collective bargaining effort” between Israel and Houthis…WHAT!?

President Joe Biden is just gone. Just WOW.

No words. Seriously, I don’t have to write or say anything else about his answer regarding the Israeli airstrikes in Yemen:

REPORTER: “Any comment on the strikes in Yemen, Mr. President!?”

BIDEN (or whatever’s left of him): “I’ve spoken to both sides. They gotta settle the strike. I’m supporting the collective bargaining effort. I think they’ll settle the strike.”


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I know he’s an awful person but stop abusing the senile old man.

    UnCivilServant in reply to UnCivilServant. | September 30, 2024 at 9:11 am

    We’d all be best off if he finished disappearing into the background and semi-formally retired.

    buckeyeminuteman in reply to UnCivilServant. | September 30, 2024 at 9:45 am

    He needs to spend his final days in prison. I don’t care how old or senile he is. Hundreds of thousands, millions, of people are dead and the world is in literal flames because of his theft of the 2020 election.

    I don’t think anyone cares about him enough to abuse him – and frankly I don’t think he’s cognitive enough to grasp he’s being abused.

    The point of the exercise is to remind everyone that the Democrats and the Press were protecting him and hiding his condition with every intention of keeping him in the Presidency for another four years.

    It has suited them because there was no Executive to rein in the special interest groups who, as reward for their support were given control of various parts of the government.

    Unfettered by anyone with a grasp or even interest in reality, we got such things as a trans-sexual (became a) woman assistant secretary of health,
    admiral, the highest-ranking official of the U.S. Public Health Service entrusted with protecting the nation’s public health.

    With this bit of whimsey thrown in :
    Levine’s appointment also made her the organization’s first female four-star officer.

    But the whimsey doesn’t stop there:

    The U.S. Army released its first climate strategy this week, an effort to brace the service for a world beset by global-warming-driven conflicts.
    The plan aims to slash the Army’s emissions in half by 2030; electrify all noncombat vehicles by 2035 and develop electric combat vehicles by 2050;

    The good news here is that no one will have to fight on cloudy days any more.

    On a more serious note the interest groups also got control of the border:

    Nearly 7.3 million migrants have illegally crossed the southwest border under President Biden’s watch, a number greater than the population of 36 individual states,

    But it’s a GOOD thing

    Most undocumented immigrants come to the United States because of work opportunities. These individuals are far more likely than the rest of the population to be in the prime of their working years, ranging in age from 25-64. Studies also indicate that undocumented immigrants are not displacing U.S.-born workers. Rather, they are filling jobs that few Americans are interested in pursuing.One sector, in particular, offers a striking illustration: Undocumented immigrants account for 50 percent of all hired field and crop workers, making them essential to the success and continued viability of American farms.

    Gotta love that involuntary servitude that comes with being able to underpay illegal workers.

    And so it goes. Every group that gave a dollar to the Democratic not only got influence (which is normal for any political party and system) but actual control of some governmental function, which is not.

    So, yeah, no one (especially the Democrats) has cared about Joe for several years now beyond keeping him vertical enough to act as a puppet.

    Reporting on the dotard-fool’s displays of witlessness isn’t abuse. This is relevant because the idiot is still president for several more months, and, is ostensibly running the country.

Until that corrupt, despotic warmonger resigns his office, he’s fair game for questions about world events in which US foreign policy is involved.

There are lots of stupid people in the world who pose no risk to anyone.

That’s not the case with Joe Biden. He’s a handsome man in a crisp business suit with a room temperature IQ that has been in a position of power for the past 40 years.

That he currently is in the throes of dementia is beside the point. On Joe’s best day anyone cutting the grass on the White House grounds could have done a better job as president than Biden has done.

Hell, I’ll even go so far as to say that Acting President DOCTOR Jill Biden is an improvement, albeit unauthorized.

Ok time to bring up a topic I don’t see covered: the gold codes. The president has the sole authority to launch nuclear weapons. I’m not sure the following is still in effect. The president carries “the biscuit,” which is a card containing the “gold codes.” The gold codes are a list of numbers that identify the president. The president has to memorize the current code from other bogus codes on the card and tell that to whoever is carrying the “football.” The football has targeting and other information. Bill Clinton as president lost his biscuit. It went missing for two months!

So who is carrying the biscuit? Biden? Jill? The vice president has a copies of both the biscuit and the football, but the vice president can only act if the president is officially incapacitated.

So what happens if right now (today as in Sept. 30, 2024) we suffer a missile attack and the president has to crack open the biscuit, and read off the proper code to the military person carrying the football? It seems to me that unless the whole procedure has changed, we don’t know who can do what.

Now is the cover up of Biden’s incapacity to discharge his critical functions constitute treason?

BTW Wikipedia has an entry for the gold codes but I can’t really make sense of it when I combine what’s written with my other knowledge.

You get three strikes.

By Joe Davidson
April 24, 2012 at 9:02 p.m. EDT

“Maybe the Secret Service has too much testosterone.”

Problem solved. Note the SS officer in the top photo.

Random thought – what level of security clearance has been granted to Jill Biden? Seriously, has anyone in the press asked that question?

Mind you, you don’t have to be senile to make that kind of slip-up. There’s wind noise, he was initially far away, and if he only heard “strike” and had the Teamster’s thing on his mind, it’s sorta understandable.

It’s also funny as all get out and fits in with his senility perfectly.

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | September 30, 2024 at 2:59 pm

    Nonsense. Both he and the reporter were referring to the impending strike by Local 892 of the International Brotherhood of Livestock Yemenators.

The state of our union is wrong.

I’m only a few months younger than Biden, but I can still do pretty much everything I could do 20 years ago. But no way am I fit to be president which requires energy, resistance to stress, and quick recall for a blizzard of details. A president has to sign multiple approvals every day, and make complicated and consequential decisions. Having a zombie in the WH puts us all in danger. Congress should have removed this dead man barely walking years ago. Both parties have been remiss in their obligations. The welfare of the country is far more important than partisan politics. Both parties rate an “F” grade. The Democrats rate an F— while the Republicans rate an F–. If Harris gets elected we are done. Get out while you can.

    henrybowman in reply to oden. | September 30, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    Ah, but where is left to go? Elon isn’t ready yet.

    Milhouse in reply to oden. | October 1, 2024 at 12:45 am

    Congress can’t remove a president for mere incompetence. It can only remove him for a high crime or misdemeanor, and two thirds of the senate must be convinced that he has committed said HCM. You’ll never convince the congressional Democrats that he has done so, so they would be automatic votes against removal. And without them the Reps can’t do it, and attempting it would just be shooting themselves, as they learned the hard way in 1998, with a president who was undoubtedly guilty.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 30, 2024 at 6:53 pm

Here’s a thought, fellow LI-ers. We are seeing more and more of Biden’s obvious senility. Will these displays lead to an October Surprise consisting of 25th Amendment activation?

    If it does, and Biden objects to it as is his right, then the Republicans should vote to keep him, on the grounds that yes, he’s incompetent, but that still makes him better than Harris. Also on the grounds that he’s no worse now than he was a few months ago (or really the last 4 years), so why have the Dems waited until just now? Highlight what a cynical exercise it would be, and refuse to participate.

He should have started his answer with “I was born into a middle class family” . Then the answer would have made much more sense.

Biden couldn’t tell you if he was afoot, or horseback.