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Harvard’s Antisemitism Problem is Worse Than Most People Know

Harvard’s Antisemitism Problem is Worse Than Most People Know

“When I spoke at a summit for the Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance last week, I had to be escorted across campus by an armed guard.”

This piece is firsthand account from a woman who served on Harvard’s Antisemitism Advisory Group. Her account does not paint the school in a favorable light.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Harvard’s Antisemitism Begins in the Classroom

I had the dubious distinction last fall of serving on Harvard’s Antisemitism Advisory Group. It went so badly that I wound up as a witness in Congress’s investigation of Harvard. When I spoke at a summit for the Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance last week, I had to be escorted across campus by an armed guard.

At our advisory group’s first meeting last October, a senior Harvard administrator admitted, “Students are very ignorant about the Middle East or Israel or Zionism.” If only there were an educational institution with a $50.7 billion endowment that could address that ignorance.

No one in the advisory group argued against free speech. Students can chant “globalize the intifada” all they want. As the screaming students point out, “intifada” simply means “uprising.” True. Also, “Sieg Heil” simply means “Hail victory,” and Confederate flags are simply regional symbols. Students can scream whatever racist things they like. But this evades the question: Why is Harvard full of screaming racists?

Our recommendations sought to address this question, but Harvard’s only major reforms since have been rules around protests—suggesting that Harvard believes it plays no role in shaping its students’ ideas. The school completely ignored our most important recommendation, which suggested that if students raised concerns about antisemitic content in courses or lectures, Harvard should review those academic events—not for the opinions expressed, but for academic rigor.

What is Harvard doing to advance academic rigor? As the Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance revealed in a May 2024 audit of Harvard’s educational offerings, the answer is worse than nothing.

Harvard’s School of Public Health, for instance, has a partnership program with Birzeit University in Ramallah. Harvard is usually allergic to bigotry—so much so that it changed its official law school crest in 2021 to avoid connections with a slaveholder who died centuries ago. At Birzeit, buildings are named after antisemitic murderers and students host Hamas military parades. Why does Harvard maintain a partnership with Birzeit, of all the universities on the planet? (In July Harvard moved the partnership program from the West Bank to Jordan due to “security concerns”—though not, presumably, due to Birzeit’s institutional enthusiasm for murdering Jews.)


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destroycommunism | September 30, 2024 at 10:12 am


waiting to see how the msm covers (up) the oct 7 celebrations

fix a camera on tlaib and omars movements to see how and what they do to continue to encourage all this bad behavior

JackinSilverSpring | September 30, 2024 at 10:57 am

Apartheid? Tell me about the plight of non-Muslims in Muslim countries. Now, that’s apartheid.

(1) Does anybody know how many millions of dollars Harvard receives from Qater? Saudi? Kuwait?

(2) Does anybody know of anything positive , or innovative, that Harvard has contributed to American society in the past, say, 25 years?

I’m not trying to be rude nor disrespectful but if Harvard wasn’t just another madrasa financed by oil sheikdoms a la madrasas in Pakistan and elsewhere , wouldn’t Harvard be using all that brainpower and alll that altruism and all those billions of dollars in their endowment to make America better? Or to make Massachusetts better? Or at least Boston?? I mean, wouldn’t Boston public schools be the envy of the world? Wouldn’t Boston crime be low? And recidivism almost unheard of?

Maybe Harvard’s best and brightest — eg, Lori Lightfoot Elena Kagan others — maybe they’re really kinda full of malarkey

    Jvj1975 in reply to Jvj1975. | September 30, 2024 at 5:35 pm

    David Hogg , Harvard Man.

    C’mon, man. Really?

    And brian selter? Are you serious?

    Harvard seems to be like an aging Hollywood star who has had too much plastic surgery

    Clearly, whatever their priorities are today, academic excellence is not at the top.

    Do you realize Gay is still teaching there! TEACHING!!!

drsamherman | September 30, 2024 at 1:48 pm

Not surprised at all. A university that does absolutely nothing about plagiarists, liars, and virulent racists within its faculty and administration is de rigeur in Ivy League whackademia. I would be surprised if anyone found a Republican in its ranks—at all. Perhaps they maintain a token one hidden somewhere in the Accounting Department in the Business School just for laughs.

stella dallas | September 30, 2024 at 9:46 pm

Harvard is admitting exactly what the admissions committee wants. – diverse angry group of young people who are repeating what they have learned from their teachers since kindergarten.

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