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Biden Wants Ceasefire in Lebanon as Israel Eliminates Hezbollah Terrorists

Biden Wants Ceasefire in Lebanon as Israel Eliminates Hezbollah Terrorists

Get over yourself.

I seriously despise this administration so much.

Israel is eliminating Hezbollah terrorists who are a danger to the entire world. This terrorist group won’t stop until it destroys Israel, America, and all the Jews.

So what does President Joe Biden do? Calls for a ceasefire.

Yesterday, I wrote about how Biden feels “humiliated” because, well, Israel is fighting back on her own and taking charge.

Cry me a river:

President Joe Biden told confidantes and allies this week that he did not believe that Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu wanted a halt to hostilities with Hezbollah, expressing increasing frustration as a proposed cease-fire plan fell apart, according to two people familiar with the conversations.

One person who spoke with Biden said the president felt Netanyahu had humiliated both Secretary Antony Blinken and Biden himself with his back-and-forth about a cease-fire proposal with Hezbollah.

Netanyahu at first told U.S. officials he supported a pause in fighting with the Lebanon-based militant group, then roundly rejected the cease-fire proposal once it was made public.


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He determined to embarrass himself and our country right up to the very end of his term.

Hezbollah commanders order thousands of rockets and missles to be fired at Israel.
Biden calls for ceasefire, right?
Wrong. Ha ha ha. You gotta be kidding.

Okay, so Israel responds to Hezbollah’s agression and seeks to eliminate the threat.
Now Biden yells, “Ceasefire! Ceasefire! Don’t hurt my Hezbollah commanders.”
Yes! That is correct. Not joking.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | September 29, 2024 at 10:19 am

Why ask for a ceasefire now? He should have been doing that since Oct 8th if he was serious. But he’s not. What an embarrassment.

Dolce Far Niente | September 29, 2024 at 10:29 am

The pro-terrorist anti-Israel bias is so blatantly clear, not just in this administration but the Dems in generals.

I suppose that’s to be expected though ; cherishing the 7th century Islamic ideology from a group that lives by long debunked theories from the 19th century. That’s also why the only tech they love for the public is trains and windmills

Once again, the talking point is always one way: Demand Israel cease fire to end the carnage – instead of demand the islamists surrender to end the carnage.

I wonder why?

IDF is reporting that they are now conducting airstrikes on multiple Houthi targets in Yemen.

Slow Joe is gonna have a cow over this.

Israel should tell Biden that when he vacations in northern Israel instead of at a Delaware beach is when they will consider a ceasefire. Also, that Biden implicitly paid for the rockets that Iran sent to Hezbollah to fire at Israel and that is causing Israel a bit of a problem.

Joe Biden* also wants a pudding pop. Tell the old grifting retard to shut the fu*k up and sit down. Serious people are taking care of serious business.

Meanwhile, this is what John Fetterman thinks about what’s going on in Beirut…

Hezbollah leadership shouldn’t buy any green bananas.

Worth noting that Fetterman is likely to win reelection in a couple of years easily while Harris is headed towards defeat.

    mailman in reply to TargaGTS. | September 29, 2024 at 11:19 am

    Fetterman gives me hope about not all Democrats being crazy.

    This Fetterman 2.0 I love 😂

      TargaGTS in reply to mailman. | September 29, 2024 at 11:34 am

      Unfortunately, Fetterman and Ritchie Torres (who are two non-Jewish Democrats that are very vocal in their support of Israel) are the stark exception in that caucus. If Fetterman wasn’t so well-connected to the blue-collar voter in PA, he’d probably get a primary challenge for his stance on Israel.

Seems like Israel isn’t even pretending to care what Biden or that equal idiot Blinken have to say at this point. They know drooling Biden is just a puppet with no brain and no authority to make actual decisions.

I, too, am in favor of a ceasefire, though not quite what Zhou Bai-Den has in mind I favor Zhou ceasing to say anything about Israel’s righteous battle and Bibi’s continuation of the fire that is raining down upon Hezbollah. So I suppose I want Zhou to cease and Bibi to fire.

Regarding Biden, as my late father would say: “He’s a day late and a dollar short.”

But Biden looks cool in his aviator sunglasses. Just ask him.

RandomCrank | September 29, 2024 at 3:36 pm

Senile Joe and Cleopatra Harris still fail to realize that NO ONE in the Middle East gives a good god damn what they think or say. They are irrelevant, and everyone there knows it.

RandomCrank | September 29, 2024 at 3:41 pm

The U.S. has tried to play a two-sided game there, and it has always been a failure. No matter what concessions Israel has made, the attacks have continued. Any and all concessions have been viewed as weakness, and Israel has finally awoken to the reality.

The only thing Iran can do now is nuke Israel (if they have the means), but they know that if they do it, Israel will make them glow, even if it means the end of Israel. They don’t want it to happen, but they’ve been there before and have eventually survived.

Sailorcurt | September 30, 2024 at 8:37 am

“President Joe Biden told confidantes and allies this week that he did not believe that Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu wanted a halt to hostilities with Hezbollah”


They’re winning. Why would they want to stop winning?

It’s self defense. In self defense you don’t stop firing until the threat is eliminated.

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