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Leftist Icon Fran Lebowitz to Bill Maher: Biden Should ‘Dissolve’ the Supreme Court

Leftist Icon Fran Lebowitz to Bill Maher: Biden Should ‘Dissolve’ the Supreme Court

“It’s not even a court; it’s only a court in the sense that the court of Louis XVI was a court, you know.”

Fran Lebowitz was a guest on the Bill Maher show this weekend. She said that she wants Joe Biden to ‘dissolve’ the U.S. Supreme Court.

If you’re not familiar with her, Lebowitz has been part of the hipster scene in New York City since the days of Andy Warhol. She has written books, given lectures, and even acted in TV shows. She played the character of arraignment judge Janice Goldberg on Law & Order for seven seasons.

It’s ironic that she played a judge, given the contempt she showed for the nation’s highest court in this Maher segment.

NewsBusters reports:

Author and crazy person Fran Lebowitz joined HBO’s Bill Maher on Friday’s episode of Real Time and suggested that President Joe Biden “dissolve the Supreme Court” because it is “Trump’s harem.” Questions of sarcasm versus sincerity aside, Lebowitz made the suggestion by relying on a false interpretation of the Court’s immunity ruling that claimed the president is now the king and can do whatever he wants…

It’s an insult to Motown to call it the Supreme Court. It’s not even a court; it’s only a court in the sense that the court of Louis XVI was a court, you know. Basically it’s a harem, okay? It’s a harem, it’s Trump’s harem. So, I always feel sorry for the three real judges on the Court. You know, I know a lot of people have jobs, not me, not you, and you have to go to work every day, and there are people you don’t like at work, but can you imagine going to work every day—Alito, you have to go work with Alito, with Kavanaugh?…

What Biden should do, not that you asked, but when they passed that law, the Supreme Court passed that ruling, you know, where they said you’re not the president, you’re the king, which is what that ruling is, you can do whatever you want, you can never be held responsible, I thought Joe Biden is still president, no one seems to notice, but Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court.

Watch the whole clip below. Even Maher was a bit surprised by her comments:

These are the same people who accused Trump of destroying our cherished norms.

This clip got some strong reactions on Twitter/X:

A Democrat senator from Oregon has just introduced a bill to pack the U.S. Supreme Court and now this.

It drives the left positively insane that they do not control the court, so it must be changed or destroyed.

Featured image via YouTube.


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McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | September 29, 2024 at 2:08 pm

When I want to hear what my country needs, I always ask an ignorant nincompoop.

CommoChief | September 29, 2024 at 2:14 pm

I thought Miss Lebowitz died in a tragic kiln explosion…

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 29, 2024 at 2:38 pm

You have to give her a break. Leibowitz is just angry at the world because she’s so damn ugly. … and pretty stupid, too. Not a great combination.

I thought it was Howard Stern. Sorry Howard.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JimWoo. | September 29, 2024 at 3:47 pm

    Just as ugly and just as stupid.

    No harm, no foul.

      Well, they are both Jewish. Is that where you’re going with your insults about personal appearance?

      CincyJan in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | September 29, 2024 at 7:11 pm

      I don’t have to look up who Fran Lebowitz is. I remember her. When young, she was a sharp and very funny satirist. Then she sank out of sight, only to make very rare reappearances as a ghost of her former self. I have no idea what happened to her since her early success in NYC, but my bet is that it wasn’t pretty. I imagine this last interview was her attempt at satire. The more well read will remember Jonathan Swift’s satirical A Modest Proposal, wherein he argued for solving the Irish problem by … well, read it for yourself. The point being that satire can be quite savage, and I would suggest this is Fran Lebowitz’ last hurrah. Let’s just say she didn’t read the country’s mood very well.

        CincyJan in reply to CincyJan. | September 29, 2024 at 7:14 pm

        I have no idea how my carefully thought out comment ended up here! I’m on my phone – it’s Apple’s fault!!!

          The Gentle Grizzly in reply to CincyJan. | September 29, 2024 at 7:46 pm

          It isn’t you. Remember: Apple knows what is best for you; just ask anyone who has ever tried to arrange icons where they actually want them on an iPhone or iPad.

          So, it put your comment where IT wanted it to be; not you.

I came across this earlier today before it appeared here, and I looked her up on Wikipedia. As Wikipedia is now a leftest organization, repudiated by its founder, and given to omissions, distortions and outright fabrications, I expected a favorable portrait. Well not to me. She’s perfect example of a enfant terrible. An awful student– failed algebra six times, expelled from hight school for “nonspecific surliness.” Jewish, lesbian, atheist, who kept the company of various radicals. An ignorant ne’er-do-well who seems lack any understanding of law and politics.

The president lacks the power to dissolve the Supreme Court, an independent branch of government by design. This from people who accuse Trump of being an aspiring dictator. How does a creature like this get any attention?

“An awful student– failed algebra six times, expelled from hight school for “nonspecific surliness.” Jewish, lesbian, atheist, who kept the company of various radicals. An ignorant ne’er-do-well who seems lack any understanding of law and politics.”

Yet, here she is

These same low IQ types believe it’s easy to grant DC and Puerto Rico statehood and add justices to the SCOTUS. Remember how those two main planks of the Democrats drove their electorate? When the votes were counted those issues faded and were never mentioned again. All their issues are lies and fear mongering.

alaskabob | September 29, 2024 at 3:15 pm

I don’t know if she needs it or had the side effect of G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate. Probably the latter. The gauge of whom can stand to be around her shows how off they are.

As a typical Leftist, she (?!?) is into control, everything, all the time. They know how to live your life better than you.

Imagine history if struggling artist A. H-tler’s application to art school had been accepted

So, if I’m keeping track of this all, we have to get rid of all our guns, restrict the 1st Amendment and now dissolve the Supreme Court in order to – checks notes – save democracy.

Seems sketch.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 29, 2024 at 4:41 pm

Actually, there isn’t much new about what Leibowitz is talking about, as regards dems and their complete hate of the Constitution and American governmental architecture. Back in 2008, right after Barky won the election (even though he was Constitutionally ineligible, or at least, should have been forced to prove that he was eligible to a court) Barky and his junta actually proposed that Bush should step down immediately – in November/December – to let Barky take over early (since we were in the grips of the credit crisis) even though there is absolutely no Constitutional mechanism for doing anything of the sort, or anything even remotely related to that. But Barky and his America-hating crew actually proposed that insane idea, which, alone, should have gotten Barky pre-impeached and disallowed from ever taking office.

Of course, the big “joke” with that was that after Barky was inaugurated he couldn’t put a cabinet together because he kept picking the most insane leftist tools around. The only reason he ever even got started was because the Senate GOP felt bad for him and started letting some of the worst dirtbags on Earth get voted on and confirmed – which was a HUGE mistake … among so many that the Senate GOP did to hep Barky in his destruction of America.

Whitewall | September 29, 2024 at 4:45 pm

Fran will do or say anything to maintain her position on the left until they turn on her too.

Subotai Bahadur | September 29, 2024 at 4:46 pm

I have occasionally mentioned when listing possibilities for the immediate future that the November elections may not be allowed to take place. I am sure that there are more than a few eye-rolls when I do that.

But consider.

We have Leftist propagandist Lebowitz calling for the dissolution of the Supreme Court [and presumably Article III of the Constitution] by presidential decree.

We have John Kerry, 2004 Democrat presidential candidate, calling for the elimination of the First Amendment to the Constitution at the World Economic Forum yesterday because it interferes with government control and censorship.

The first pre-requisite of being a sovereign independent nation is having clearly defined borders with the nation’s laws being supreme within those borders. The Left in general and the Democrats specifically are destroying those borders, allowing in an army of hostile foreign invaders, and placing them above our own laws. At the same time, they are working to register them to vote in our elections despite not being citizens and having no loyalty to our country.

And a couple of weeks ago a Constitutional Amendment was introduced to functionally cancel elections if there is a “mass casualty event” and allow the appointment of persons to office without elections.

In the midst of all this we have the co-opted media and the sogannante opposition party practicing silence.

Toss in the repeated attempted assassinations against President Trump and the less than sterling response by those charged by the Leftist government with protecting him from such; and we have the prospect of our own “Jose Calvo-Sotelo moment”. It is worth the effort to look up as it was one of the main triggers of the Spanish Civil War which led to WW-II.

The Constitution we swore Oaths to is at risk.

Subotai Bahadur

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | September 29, 2024 at 4:50 pm

    And a couple of weeks ago a Constitutional Amendment was introduced to functionally cancel elections if there is a “mass casualty event” and allow the appointment of persons to office without elections.

    Combine that with the fact that primitive fertilizer bombs and AR-15s are legally categorized as “Weapons of Mass Destruction” (which is as intellectually offensive as anything gets) and this makes for some very interesting possibilities.

“In incredible transformation, old Jewish female morphs into Heinrich Himmler.”

2smartforlibs | September 29, 2024 at 7:45 pm

I understand stupid is away of life for the left but is called 3 branch of government for a reason

But, remember — it is President Trump and conservatives who represent the alleged threat to “democracy.”

I’m so tired of the unabashed and brazenly totalitarian antics and rhetoric of these vile, evil, stupid and Maoist/Stalinist Dhimmi-crats.

The Party of evil.

henrybowman | September 29, 2024 at 10:32 pm

“I thought Joe Biden is still president, no one seems to notice”
Well, that’s on YOUR harem, Endora.

What was most disheartening for me was that the audience applauded this foolish & unconstitutional notion. Fran Lebowitz and her admirers including apparently Bill Maher is that about 40% of the decisions are unanimous and some 70% are near unanimous. Furthermore, even Justice Sotomayor has complementary things to say about the character of Justice Thomas even though she has a much different judicial philosophy. And to say that there are only three real justices is frankly insulting to the justices and to the American people. And all Maher could say was a sarcastic “your still a centrist” or something to that effect.

inspectorudy | September 29, 2024 at 11:14 pm

It is pointless to attack someone this stupid. Not ignorant but stupid because ignorant means that you didn’t know the facts and can be corrected. Stupid means you were born that way and there is no fix. For her to use the word, “Dissolve” shows how stupid she is. Imagine if the POTUS could dissolve the other branch of government as well! That’s called being a king.

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