Hostile Forces on Campus Week in Education
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Hostile Forces on Campus Week in Education

Hostile Forces on Campus Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

At what point should we start to be concerned about what’s happening in American schools right now?

People who aren’t part of the left get targeted.

The left raises hell over consequences.

The Equal Protection Project is one way to fight back.

So many of these problems come from the inside.

Some good news.

Shouldn’t the students be apologizing?

Smart move.

This trend must end.


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Want to bet that 99% of the actual students have only heard one side of the issues? These Knuckleheads have NO idea what they’re fighting for and considering they are no longer in high school, but in college this illustrates how low education has gone.

Also, consider this Mark Twain quote:

“It is easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled.”

Hostile Forces on Campus:

Don’t forget Arizona State stabbing: hate crime in the classroom

From Gaza to Beirut getting their tails kicked, when does this happen to Pales in America?

destroycommunism | September 28, 2024 at 2:45 pm


AS BLM LOVER says no more whites allowed AND ARE REWARDED :

Last year, the Special Commissioner of Investigation for city schools was asked to investigate widely circulated screenshots of texts purportedly written by Wilson.

“No more white principals on my watch!” said one text.

“I need to clean up this island,” another reads.


Sources said she will keep her $230,000 salary and serve as “facilitator” in the Leaders in Education Apprenticeship Program (LEAP), which prepares teachers to become principals with a focus on racial equity.

Sources said she will keep her $230,000 salary and serve as “facilitator” in the Leaders in Education Apprenticeship Program (LEAP), which prepares teachers to become principals with a focus on racial equity.

Sources said she will keep her $230,000 salary and serve as “facilitator” in the Leaders in Education Apprenticeship Program (LEAP), which prepares teachers to become principals with a focus on racial equity.