A bit of an odd combination. Alternative post title: Gun-lover Still Loves Gun-grabber Because It’s Still Massachusetts.
Sent to me via Twitter by Jack Gately, who took this photo of a door in Boston. Be sure to check out Jack’s blog, GatelyWire.com, for Massachusetts political news.
@leginsurrection I saw this yesterday. twitter.com/gatelywire/sta…
— Jack Gately (@gatelywire) March 14, 2013
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I almost noted that the “Warning” sticker was posted after the “I Support President Obama” sticker. But then I saw the “Scotch Tape” on the FRONT of the door. Yeah, still Massachusetts:)
Quick! put a ‘Gun Free Zone’ sign on top of ‘Warning’ sign!
guns and roaches.
Is it any wonder that Democrats vote for people that tell them what is good for them? They clearly do not know what is in their best interests.
Looks like the bottom part of Jack’s sign fell off. It was supposed to read:
“I Support President Obama, Despite the Fact that He Wants to Deny Me the Right to Use My Gun to Defend Myself. How Big a Chump Am I?”
Hmm. Massa..uhh, Massacu, WHATEVER!
Since it IS the above partially mentioned area, shouldn’t the pistol holder, point the pistol at HIMSELF? The state hasn’t exactly covered itself in glory since the Boston Tea Party days. I mean, umm… you know?
I can almost guarantee that anyone who shoots someone who’s taking their stuff will be prosecuted in MA.
’nuff said…
Dreams of material, physical, and ego instant (or immediate) gratification take precedence over silly rights. Many, and perhaps most, people will elect to exchange their liberty for submission with benefits.
Hey, in Boston, we don’t need guns! We have Cops Like These!
cross out “president”, marker in “tyrant” or “overlord”