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‘Important Truth’: Hillary Defends Calling Trump Supporters ‘Deplorables’

‘Important Truth’: Hillary Defends Calling Trump Supporters ‘Deplorables’

Hillary’s lack of self-awareness is something to behold. Seriously.

Yes, Hillary. Let the hate run through you.

In her latest book, the failed presidential candidate defended her comments for calling former President Donald Trump’s supporters “deplorable,” which she posted in a Washington Post op-ed.

Leading up to her comments, Hillary described her time with former white supremacist Shannon Foley, who now reaches out to those and helps them shed their racism.

Hillary couldn’t believe Foley felt empathy for them. I get that because I highly doubt Hillary has ever felt empathy.

Hillary “marveled at the empathy Shannon managed to summon for even the most (yes, let’s say it) deplorable bigots.” Yeah, double down on it, Hillary:

I’ve struggled with this myself. In 2016, I famously described half of Trump’s supporters as “the basket of deplorables.” I was talking about the people who are drawn to his racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia — you name it. The people for whom his bigotry is a feature, not a bug. It was an unfortunate choice of words and bad politics, but it also got at an important truth. Just look at everything that has happened in the years since, from Charlottesville to Jan. 6. The masks have come off, and if anything, “deplorable” is too kind a word for the hate and violent extremism we’ve seen from some Trump supporters.

In 2022, an editor at a major American newspaper reached out to ask if I would write an op-ed reflecting on my “basket of deplorables” comment six years on. A gunman in Buffalo had just massacred Black shoppers at a supermarket, reportedly influenced by the racist “great replacement” theory, which had been promoted aggressively by Tucker Carlson on Fox News and embraced by many Republican leaders. The New York Times had published a meticulous investigation finding that, on more than 400 episodes of his top-rated cable news show, Carlson explicitly pushed the incendiary claim that immigrants and people of color are displacing Whites. The newspaper editor said that he and his colleagues spent a half-hour at their editorial meeting talking about this report, and “the notion that the most racist show on cable news is also the most popular stuck with a lot of us.” Several editors, he said, brought up my “deplorables” comment and “how prescient” I had been. Did I want to write an op-ed about it?

It was tempting. In 2016, I warned about the rising influence of the alt-right and the threat to democracy from a political movement that endorses violence and refuses to accept basic norms of decency and pluralism. I was largely mocked or dismissed by many in the mainstream media stuck in a “both sides” straitjacket. Now they finally wanted to listen, but they were still intent on exploring this threat primarily through the lens of a six-year-old political controversy. I found that approach emblematic of the media’s shortsightedness, and I declined the offer.

I do wish that back in 2016, people had heard the rest of my comments and not just the word “deplorables.” I also talked about the other half of Trump supporters, “people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change.” And, I emphasized, “those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.” That’s especially true because many are living with unresolved trauma in their lives.

So, let me get this straight. Hillary admires Foley because she has empathy for people who disagree with her:

Empathy for people you agree with is easy. Empathy for someone you deeply, passionately disagree with is hard but necessary. What Shannon does, feeling empathy for Nazis and Klansmen, is damn near superhuman. As a Christian, I aspire to this kind of radical empathy but often fall short.

Yeah, because you don’t know how to have empathy, Hillary. You prove that in the next part:

Talking about the “deplorables” in 2016, I said, “Some of those folks, they are irredeemable.” Part of me would still say this is objectively true. Just look at the lack of remorse from many of the Jan. 6 insurrectionists who’ve been convicted of sedition and other crimes.

If you truly believed this part, Hillary, you wouldn’t have written this portion of the book the way you did:

But another part of me wants to believe something else. I’d like to believe there’s goodness in everyone and a chance at redemption, no matter how remote.

So Hillary wants to have empathy, and yet, as I just stated, she demeans Trump supporters in this part of her book.

Are there awful Trump supporters? Sure. The Democrats have just as many.

Having empathy doesn’t require launching an “I told you so” tirade. Instead, it sounds like you want people to sympathize with you because no one listened to you until it was too late.


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Hey Hillary, I’ve got a lot of things I call you. I won’t sully this website with them. In conclusion why don’t you FOAD.

McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | September 26, 2024 at 1:09 pm

If we can’t get a house to fall on her, won’t someone at least throw a bucket of water on her?

She’s so psychotic and filled with hatred and rage that she just can’t help herself. This is a creature that views the world through her own particular mental wreck of a personality, but she continuously beclowns herself and doesn’t even have the sense to stay out of the limelight. Her time has long since passed.

    ArmyStrong in reply to Jmaquis. | September 27, 2024 at 8:05 am

    There have two attempted assassinations on presidential candidates and they have both come from Hillary’s side of the political isle. We have two attempted attacks against conservative justices on the Supreme Court that have been stopped while democrat members of congress verbally assault these justices. And now this washed up, bitter woman wants to lecture us about hate and violence from conservatives? I’m not sure that anyone can be any more obtuse or disconnected from reality than Hillary.

I would like to say something about Hillary. However it has already been summed up in the above comments who did a better job than I could.

So ten thumbs up to:


Her Majesty is proof of the old saying “Only the good die young.”

Recall, also, that this vile, miserable and corrupt crone trashed rural conservatives, in an appearance in India, at which she maliciously stated, in so many words, “I won all the wealthy, economically productive and enlightened regions of the U.S., and, Trump won all the poor, economically depressed and racist regions of the U.S.”

Clinton is utterly contemptible, wicked and malignantly narcissistic.

She is so over. You think she knows what a buffoon she’s become?

    guyjones in reply to Demonized. | September 26, 2024 at 2:20 pm

    A malignant and pathological narcissist; an imperially arrogant and entitled apparatchik who is transparently desperate for attention and relevance; a harridan who is still embittered and resentful that the peasants of the proletariat denied her the throne which was rightfully hers.

I take this as an insult: de·plor·a·ble
deserving strong condemnation.
“the deplorable conditions in which most prisoners are held”
I consider myself;
deserving hatred and contempt.
“a despicable crime”

I never turned my back on the fellow Americans I served with, and I’m not married to a degenerate adulterer, yet I’m the deplorable one?

Yeah, whatever.

Psycho Bag Lady

As Dean Wormer said, Fat, Dumb and Stupid is no way to go through life–and Hillary proves it

destroycommunism | September 26, 2024 at 2:48 pm

of course she believes pro american capitalist patriots are horrible

she is a government knows best and humans are trash animal

we believe that communist nazi sympathizers as she is are murderous thieving thuggs

nothing new

but which side will rule america in 2024 and beyond?

Let’s track how her advance stacks up against book sales. This payola dodge never fails.

It sounds like sour grapes from Madam never president once again aimed at the man who ended her career decisively.

This poison-tongued, fat waddling sack of wine-soaked suet in a Mao suit has been a cancer on the American body politic throughout her whole sorry adult existence. The schadenfreude is still nearly blinding, thinking back to the 2016 election and knowing she will never infest the Oval Office with her toxic presence, the queen who never was of the ‘Rat Party Donks.

Is she sleeping with Liz Cheney?

A friend of mine stole an old line, but it’s pretty good. In regards to Hillary-

“She took a nosedive from the irrelevant tree and hit every branch on the way down”.


It was such a perfect encapsulation of the leftist mind.

It’s not that they’re full of hate, it’s that we’re just so hateable.

It’s not that they’re violent, it’s just that we have such punchable faces.

It’s not that they’re for censorship, not at all. It’s just our hate speech, by which they mean speech that they hate.

All their negative emotions are someone else’s problem.

    healthguyfsu in reply to clintack. | September 26, 2024 at 4:57 pm


    Ghostrider in reply to clintack. | September 27, 2024 at 2:01 am

    The truth is that HRC feels comfortable speaking about her political opponents and those people who support them because she has a strong sense of security knowing that the media allows her to speak the way she does. In fact, these Democrat tv and newspaper reporters adore her and have elevated Hillary to senior Alinsky communist status.

Well let’s be clear, Hillary’s ghost writer is just doing what she’s taught in playing to her audience.

Progressives do not consider most conservatives worthy of living. Remember that and never fall for their emotionally manipulative BS.

Everything she has ever done is because she got her Mrs. Degree in college. Complete failure, other than that.

Fly back to your cave, you old bat.

Hillary is the model for the left’s deep hate and deception. It’s easy to see why she calls the Dem Party her home.

As James Woods tweeted out a while ago –
Our country has gone through years of pure hell because this drunken old hag didn’t get “her turn.”

“A gunman in Buffalo had just massacred Black shoppers at a supermarket,”

Typical Hillary, Let’s talk about the ONE out of 30 that wasn’t a slavering leftist or a non-political headcase.

thalesofmiletus | September 27, 2024 at 1:27 am

Forever grateful to Donald Trump that this piece of shit never became president.

Wow – one of the most despicable, if not the most despicable humans (maybe) I ever saw. A foul liar not remotely as smart as she thinks she is.
And this clown has written is it three memoirs. The thought of even picking one up makes me nauseous. When I see her, I always think of the “Creature from the Black Lagoon.” She puts the ‘scum’ into ‘scum bag.’ A pompous and vile (what’s the line in A Man for All Seasons I think – “Somewhere in her pedigree a female dog got over the fence’). Our revenge on ‘Bill’ – he has to me married to this gorgon for the rest of his or her life.

Not to worry Killary. No matter how much you hate and malign normal Americans (those who work for a living instead of grifting and who aren’t leftists), rest assured we fell the same about Democrat filth x the intensity of a trillion suns.

As a point of clarification, Hilary says some were convicted of sedition. I don’t remember any convictions for sedition. Were there any *actual* convictions for sedition, as defined by USC?

Democrats, as a rule, live in a bubble that, if you don’t agree you still keep your mouth shut because dissent is not allowed. Hillary, on the other hand, lives in her own bubble and when she comments like this her bubble bumps into the Democrats bubble and they forced to defend her or shut up, for fear of bursting everyone’s bubble. Still, no dissent is allowed.

I am quite tempted to slap a post it note or two, with “Benghazi” or “Bleach bit” written on them, onto her book display at the local bookstore.

The good news is that, if you believe Hillary, only some of Trump supporters display hate and violent extremism. The bad news is I’m pretty sure when she says “Some Trump supporters,” she means, “all Trump supporters.” Of course, it was a Trump supporter who shot at him in Butler, and was ready to do so on the golf course a week or so ago.

The Greeks had great wisdom for all the ages.. Socrates: “When bodies become effeminate, souls get much weaker as well.”

What difference, at this point, does it make.