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Israel Eliminates Hezbollah Rocket Chief in Beirut Airstrike

Israel Eliminates Hezbollah Rocket Chief in Beirut Airstrike

The IDF: “Over the years and during the war, he was responsible for launching missiles toward Israeli civilians.” 

Israeli fighter jets eliminated the head of Hezbollah’s rocket operations and several of his key commanders in a strike outside the Lebanese capital, Beirut. “The IDF eliminated in Beirut on Tuesday afternoon Hezbollah’s rocket chief Ibrahim Muhammad Kabisi,” the Jerusalem Post confirmed. “Additional Hezbollah commanders from the rocket unit were with Kabisi at the time of the strike.”

Kabisi was directly responsible for relentless rocket attacks on northern Israel that forced 70,000 thousand civilians to flee their homes. “Over the years and during the war, he was responsible for launching missiles toward Israeli civilians,” the Israeli military said in a statement Tuesday. “He also served as a significant source of knowledge in the field of missiles and had close ties to senior military leaders in Hezbollah.”

Kabisi was also behind the abduction and murder of three IDF soldiers more than 20 years ago. He “planned the abduction terror attack in Mount Dov in the 2000s, in which Staff Sergeant Benyamin (Benny) Avraham, Staff Sergeant Adi Avitan and Staff Sergeant Omar Sawaid were abducted and killed. They were brought back to Israel for burial in 2004,” the Israeli military revealed.

The elimination of Hezbollah’s rocket chief comes as an Israeli airstrike on Friday killed the terrorist group’s second-in-command, Ibrahim Aqil, and the entire leadership of the Iranian-trained elite Radwan terror forces. On Monday, Israeli jets targeted Hezbollah’s third-in-command, Ali Karaki. Media reports suggest that Karaki may have survived the strike despite sustaining serious injuries.

Reuters reported the details of the latest successful Israeli airstrike:

An Israeli airstrike on the southern suburbs of Beirut on Tuesday killed a Hezbollah commander who was a leading figure in its rocket division, two security sources in Lebanon said, as fears of a full-fledged war in the Middle East mounted.

The sources identified the commander who was killed as Ibrahim Qubaisi. The attack, in which six people were killed, dealt another blow to the Iran-backed group which has faced a series of setbacks at the hands of Israel over the past week.

The pressure on Hezbollah has increased fears that nearly a year of conflict will explode and destabilise the oil-producing Middle East, where a conflict between Hamas and Israel is already raging in Gaza with no end in sight.

Israel struck the Hezbollah-controlled area of the Lebanese capital for a second consecutive day after mounting a new wave of airstrikes on targets in Lebanon. Hezbollah said it had fired rockets into northern Israel earlier on Tuesday.

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) was conducting strikes on terrorist targets across Hezbollah-held Lebanon. “Over the past day, the Israeli Air Force fighter jet squadrons conducted hundreds of operational sorties in order to remove threats to Israeli civilians and degrade Hezbollah’s terrorist infrastructure and capabilities in Lebanon,” the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a press release Tuesday. ‘Approximately 2,000 munitions were used in strikes on approximately 1,500 terrorist infrastructure targets in southern Lebanon and deep inside Lebanese territory. IAF fighter jets are continuing their activity, conducting strikes even at this time.”

The main focus of the Israeli operation, named “Northern Arrow,” is the destruction of terrorist infrastructure along the country’s northern border with Lebanon. “A short while ago, with the direction of IDF intelligence, the IAF struck terror targets belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization in the Beqaa and several areas in southern Lebanon,” the IDF disclosed in a separate statement Tuesday. “Among the targets struck were buildings in which weapons were stored, command centers, and additional terrorist infrastructure sites.”

While the IDF dismantled Hezbollah launchers and weapons depots along the border, the Iran-backed terrorist group continued to fire rockets at northern Israeli towns and cities.

“Hezbollah continued to launch rockets Tuesday morning toward the Upper Galilee and the Jezreel Valley, after overnight and early on Tuesday it launched rockets toward Afula, Nazareth, the Haifa Bay area and many other populated areas,” the Israeli news website YNET reported. “During the barrage toward Krayot-Haifa Bay Tuesday morning, a rocket exploded on Route 70, near the northern Israeli city of Tamra. In footage from a vehicle’s dashcam taken during the rocket warning siren, the moment of impact can be seen a very short distance away.”


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destroycommunism | September 24, 2024 at 11:48 am

team israel

Think about it:

the “never again” mantra that the j ews talked about after ww2


AS its nothing short of another attempted holocaust against them

so I say again

team Israel

Great work, but, it’s like playing Whack-a-Mole, with these Muslim terrorists/Islamofascists.

If the west had fairly demonstrated a zero-tolerance for Muslim supremacism and terrorism, post-9/11, with appropriate diplomatic and military actions taken against Iran, Qatar, and their sundry proxies, the middle east would be a better place, today.

Muslim terrorism exists, today, because an emasculated, feckless and stupid western leadership refuses to confront it with the vicious and robust response that it deserves.

    gonzotx in reply to guyjones. | September 24, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Amen, and that started with Bush…

    Religion of peace

    And opened the doors to the millions of Muslims we so love today

      Virginia42 in reply to gonzotx. | September 24, 2024 at 1:34 pm

      I was almost sickened by how quickly Bush 2 and Co started temporizing before the 9/11 bodies were cold. “War on Terror.” WTF does that mean? It’s like calling WW2 the “war on Tiger Tanks” or something equally silly.

I do enjoy all these feel-good stories y’all have been posting lately. 🙂

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 24, 2024 at 12:18 pm

Video of a Hezbollah spokesturd being blown up as he is going on air.

Too funny.

ekimremmit | September 24, 2024 at 12:34 pm

I’d take great satisfaction if IDF targeting could be employed at institutions like Penn which has made the decision to radically sanction Amy Wax today. Institutions like this are no better than having Hamas or Hezbollah nests.

Whitewall | September 24, 2024 at 12:37 pm

IDF must be getting some top notch real time intelligence..

Virginia42 | September 24, 2024 at 1:37 pm

I was almost sickened by how quickly Bush 2 and Co started temporizing before the 9/11 bodies were cold. “War on Terror.” WTF does that mean? It’s like calling WW2 the “war on Tiger Tanks” or something equally silly.

CommoChief | September 24, 2024 at 2:26 pm

If nothing else the recent decisions by the Israeli Gov’t, fairly unified across the political parties, to engage targets where they exist by both asymmetric attacks and more traditional methods at high frequency demonstrates by contrast how restrained Israel has been in prior years. Israel is in a different place post 7 Oct with a new outlook on counter terrorism and national security. The patient, passive policies of the past didn’t deliver. The more aggressive policies, whatever else they achieve, are definitely disrupting the previous notions of how/whether the means and the duration of Israeli response to attacks as they eliminate key personnel, equipment and facilities that support terrorism.

henrybowman | September 24, 2024 at 4:33 pm

“Israel Eliminates Hezbollah Rocket Chief in Beirut Airstrike”
Rocket surgery jokes in 5… 4…

    Paula in reply to henrybowman. | September 24, 2024 at 5:34 pm

    There have been so many Hezbollahs eliminated the past few day they have run out of virgins.

    Finally, Abdul am a-Faqir, a former rocket scientist, came up with this solution: they would bury him at the sea with 72 sturgeons.

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