Jill Biden: Defense Dept. Spending $500 Million for Women’s Health Research
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Jill Biden: Defense Dept. Spending $500 Million for Women’s Health Research

Jill Biden: Defense Dept. Spending $500 Million for Women’s Health Research

I wonder how much of that research money will actually go towards abortions.

First Lady Jill Biden announced the Department of Defense would spend $500,000,000 on women’s health research at a Clinton Global Initiative event with Chelsea Clinton.

The video is at the bottom of the post. Listening to that Harris spokesperson burned my ears, so I don’t want to listen to Jill’s speech—or Chelsea’s, for that matter. I am currently cleansing my ears with some heavy metal/hard rock music.

The DOD stated in a press release:

As part of the Department’s broader efforts to support the health of women Service members, veterans, and beneficiaries (such as spouses and dependents) to enhance the medical readiness of the force—and consistent with the President’s Executive Order on Advancing Women’s Health Research and Innovation—DoD is publicly announcing a series of new actions and commitments to advance women’s health research by:

  • Spending half a billion dollars each year on women’s health research, primarily through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP);
  • Adopting a new research policy to ensure that women’s health is considered during every step of the research process that will apply to relevant research funded through the CDMRP beginning on October 1, 2024;
  • Standardizing CDMRP and Military Health System Research funding opportunity announcements to encourage applicants to consider research on health areas and conditions that affect women; and
  • Committing DoD’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program to increase its investments in supporting innovators and early-stage small businesses engaged in research and development on women’s health.

You know, not on our actual defense.

I wonder how much of that research money will actually go towards abortions.

President Joe Biden signed the executive order in March, which told the “National Institutes of Health to spend $200 million on women’s health research, and it directed the Office of Management and Budget and the Gender Policy Council to assess gaps in federal funding for women’s health and identify potential changes.”


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Why is DoD spending half a billion on health studies? What do the NIH, CDC, AMA, and all the rest of the medical establishment do if the DoD is doing their job? I have a novel idea. How about we let the DoD focus on defending this nation and let the medical experts handle national health issues.

    stevewhitemd in reply to ArmyStrong. | September 23, 2024 at 9:27 pm

    DoD spends a lot on health care research because active duty personnel and veterans have significant health care issues. The NIH and CDC (AMA doesn’t do research) have health care research agendas that don’t always match up with DoD concerns, so they fund what is a priority to them.

    The Dept. of Veterans Affairs also funds a fair bit of health care research, and for the same reasons.

      alaskabob in reply to stevewhitemd. | September 23, 2024 at 9:46 pm

      How many women in the military for that $500,000,000? How much slowly is recycled into the DNC and affiliate coffers?

      Downvoting THEM…not you. I agree with ChrisPeters.

      CommoChief in reply to stevewhitemd. | September 24, 2024 at 7:14 am

      DoD spending some funds on health care issues that are either unique to military service or prominent within the military is not objectionable.

      The objections arise when DoD exceeds those common sense limitations and war fighting funds are diverted for political pet causes. That seems to be the case here when we examine the very imprecise language describing the goals of this 1/2 billion dollars.

    destroycommunism in reply to ArmyStrong. | September 23, 2024 at 10:09 pm

    come on now

    do you know how many men now have to use thousands of $$$ for tampoons!!!!

    ChrisPeters in reply to ArmyStrong. | September 23, 2024 at 11:59 pm

    Exactly. My first thought was that our military should not be spending our taxpayer dollars or it’s time on ANY health studies, with the POSSIBLE exception of studies of wounded military personnel.

    Is there ANYTHING these nutjobs do to actually improve our country??

“Defense Dept. Spending $500 Million for Women’s Health Research”
In other news, the CIA is educating your children, and the Department of Education is repaving Interstate 40.

Active duty women, veterans, and the partners/spouses of those who serve all have needs that differ from the general population. Taking care of the people who fly the planes, the drones, the tanks, launch those NRO satellites, and so on, *is* actual defense.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to dwb. | September 24, 2024 at 10:46 am

    Tell me, EXACTLY, what military women’s “healthcare needs” are different from the genpop? Can you name even one?

    And to claim that dependents of military men also have these unique needs that requires $500K in research? Baloney. Its another leftist grift

destroycommunism | September 23, 2024 at 10:01 pm

put on some VH

somebody get me a doctor



after that

non stop zep

destroycommunism | September 23, 2024 at 10:02 pm

that would then include trans men to women

which by the way a indiana jugde says tax payes must pay for a trans males surgery otherwise its cruel and unusual punishment or some such nonsense

Are women that much of a threat? They already have all my money, what more can they do?

Women are healthier than men (on average). The death rate at every age is less. Lets look at the ratio of the male death rate to the female death rate, For the USA. Call the ratio “r.”

At 10 r= 1.1
At 20 r= 2.8
At 30 r= 2.1
At 40 r= 1.64
At 50 r= 1.6
At 60 r= 1.7
At 70 r= 1.49
At 80 r= 1.41
At 90 r= 1.29
At 100 r= 1.136
At 105 r= 1.08

All the data comes from http://www.mortality.org

Women live longer than men. Look at the cost of an annuity. For the same cash flow the annuity will cost more because on average women will collect the cash flow longer. The Social Security System cheats men by using so-called “blended” life tables.

So why the emphasis on “women’s health?”

    destroycommunism in reply to oden. | September 24, 2024 at 9:23 am

    b/c women are allowed to play both the child and the adult and men as we know are not afforded that luxury

    we all know it and even many conservative women go along with it

    not all,,not the brave ones,,,but most

Amount diverted to abortions= 500 million

Someone should file Articles of Impeachment against her.

We are currently spending more annually on Treasury bond interest than the DoD budget. This sounds to me like a budget cut without consequences.

End of Empire

“President Joe Biden signed the executive order in March,…”
EO? do we have a Congress or is the executive now the legislative branch?

    Peter Moss in reply to paracelsus. | September 24, 2024 at 4:57 am

    EXACTLY. We’ve reached a point at which people accept an EO as being the same thing as statute. This needs to stop, even if we remove the ability for a president to issue EO’s for their original purpose.

    destroycommunism in reply to paracelsus. | September 24, 2024 at 9:25 am

    been saying that for some time now

    the scotus made a huge mistake allowing it in the first place and congress LOVES IT

    they can blame the potus and still collect $/ power and live the life of luxury

Looting the Empire before it burns to the ground

1) Jill Biden can STFU. She is no more an elected official than she is a doctor.

2) Armed forces exist to accomplish two things: to kill people and to break things. Anything outside of those two things dilutes the ability to accomplish those two things.

3) Did I already say STFU Jill Biden? Because I don’t want to hear a damned thing she has to say on any topic.

I can save the DOD half a billion. Women do not belong in combat. Boys are stronger and tougher than girls.

    Peter Moss in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 24, 2024 at 8:10 am

    I couldn’t possibly agree more with your statement. It’s not that they cannot do what is necessary it’s that they should not. I believe it is a profound moral failing that we send women into direct combat. It’s horrible enough that war is an immutable part of being human, it’s unacceptable that we thrust that which makes humanity beautiful – women – into that which makes it ugly.

    Yup. I stopped hitting my brothers when it hurt when they hit back.

Gutfeld show: It’s tough doing women’s health research because they always want you to guess what’s wrong.

BigRosieGreenbaum | September 24, 2024 at 10:13 am

Most of the money will go to trans surgery. I wonder what happens when the enemy doesn’t use the correct pronouns.

Speaking of women’s health, this book is amazing!


I have also discovered a video which contains a discussion between Jordan Peterson and Sarah Hill (the author of the book) and covers the most important content of the book. It’s the most consequential video I have seen in many years. It’s long (2 hours, but it can be watched at 1.25 speed) but I strongly suggest watching it. It’s not about the pros and cons of sexual behavior. It’s about the human body and how it’s affected by hormones.


Clearly there is no money to support Ukraine the military is so obviously cash starved that…….how could someone claim there isn’t enough money to defend our allies when the pentagon spends 500 million dollars promoting abortion?