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PA Trump Assassination Attempt: ‘Complacency’ Caused a ‘Breach of Security Protocols’

PA Trump Assassination Attempt: ‘Complacency’ Caused a ‘Breach of Security Protocols’

“The Secret Service did not give clear guidance or direction—There were communication deficiencies between law enforcement personnel at the site.”

Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe admitted to communication breakdown with local law enforcement and “complacency” of some agents leading up to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in Butler, PA.

I cannot believe this happened:

“[T]he Secret Service has the main responsibility of building the site plan. We cannot abdicate, or defer are responsibilities to others. Advanced team personnel have an obligation to ensure that each site meets the protective requirements and principles of Secret Service methodologies. The Secret Service did not give clear guidance or direction to our local law enforcement partners there were communication deficiencies between law enforcement personnel at the site. For example, the Secret Service did not co-locate its security room with local law enforcement. There was an over-reliance on mobile devices resulting in information being siloed.”

Local law enforcement has told everyone that they tried for days to coordinate with the Secret Service regarding security.

The police stressed to the agents that they needed to secure the roof where the man shot Trump.

As police hunted the shooter, one policeman’s body camera caught him saying, “I f—ing told them that they needed to post guys f—ing over here…I told them that f—ing Tuesday,” said a Butler Township officer in audio captured on his body-worn camera. “I talked to the Secret Service guys. They’re like, ‘Yeah, no problem. We’re going to post guys over here.’”

Pennsylvania SWAT said the USSS never held a briefing with them or others before the rally. The members never spoke to them until after the shooting.

Law enforcement provided radios for the Secret Service:

Butler County runs the radio communications tower out of their 911 Call Center. That is pretty much the way radio communications work across America in every County, in every State. If their radios are “interoperable,” a visiting law enforcement agency is assigned a frequency, a “channel” for their operation while in that County. If their radios are not “interoperable” with the County Communications tower, then the visiting agency is assigned/offered actual radios to use while they are running their operation in the County.

Well, the Secret Service never picked up the radios set aside for the agents:

The radio comms were properly and perfectly arranged during the extensive pre-mission planning. On J12, the Butler County ESU Commander personally reminded the USSS counter-sniper teams to pick up their assigned radios at the ESU Command Post RV, which was positioned according to planning at the Butler Fairgrounds, the following morning before 1100 hrs. It didn’t happen.

Rowe admitted this need to change, especially since another man planned to assassinate Trump in Florida last weekend:

Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe on the first Trump assassination attempt: “The findings of the mission assurance review have prompted the Secret Service to move into the accountability phase…[A]s a result of these failures, what has become clear to me is we need a shift in paradigm in how we conduct our protective operations. As was demonstrated on Sunday in West Palm Beach, the threat level is evolving and requires this paradigm shift.”

Rowe promised to hold employees accountable. The USSS placed five agents on leave last month.

All of them were involved in security planning for the rally.


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destroycommunism | September 20, 2024 at 3:31 pm


kamala was just caught bragging about her shooting people

2smartforlibs | September 20, 2024 at 3:35 pm

To paraphrase Rowe: It wasn’t us it was other kids.

    Paula in reply to 2smartforlibs. | September 20, 2024 at 5:01 pm

    That was the condensed version. The full version was:

    “We are moving pretty fast. The first phase was deniabilty and stalling where we refused to answer any questions. After two months we find ourselves at the accountability phase where no one is held accountable. Then comes the punishment phase, but since there will be no punishment we will move on to the all over phase.”

      henrybowman in reply to Paula. | September 21, 2024 at 12:39 am

      Yeah, I was getting tired of hearing the bullshit “answer” about “The Secret Service holds itself to the highest standards blah blah blah” and waiting to get to the part where they actually fire the clowns who didn’t.

“We cannot abdicate, or defer are responsibilities to others”

Are responsibilities?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 20, 2024 at 3:58 pm

I watched as much of this pathetic press conference that I could stomach. After the idiot chick from the Wall Street Journal was called on and couldn’t think of a question (REALLY??!!!?!) I had had enough.

The Rowe worm gave another of his Janet Napolitano impressions of “The system worked!!” because the CIA asset didn’t get a shot off at Trump. Rowe should have been struck down by lightning right then and there. This is Rowe’s idea of a Secret Service success:

What if the shooter had not poked his rifle barrel through the fence?

What if the shooter had set himself up in more cover and had brought some basic camoflage, like a gilly suit or some shrubbery to wear?

It was only because of a lady civilian, who was more prepared than the Secret Service, deciding for no particular reason to grab the license plate of the shooter that the Sheriff was able to arrest the guy some 45 minutes later, I believe it was. If it weren’t for this lady the shooter might well have gotten away.

That is a “Secret Service Success Story!!!!”

Rowe should be sh*tcanned right now and held for charges. Congress must be able to do something to him. Congress should impeach Mayorkas right now.

This is all so pathetic. And the way these treasonous morons are not even too embarrassed to try and sell this obvious crap to the public … People need major prison time. Lots and lots and lots of people infesting the higher echelons of the Executive branch and its agencies.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 20, 2024 at 3:58 pm

And Rowe also tried to lay a lot of blame on the local cops in Butler.

What a friggijn worm …

Subotai Bahadur | September 20, 2024 at 4:29 pm

1) I am given to understand that before Butler, PA; Democrat auxiliary CNN had not covered any Trump rallies. Why did they choose suddenly to cover that one?

2) Trump’s golf schedule is not released publicly. Yet somehow Trump hating MSNBC had a crew near the golf course. Why?

3) There are reports that a “Whistleblower” has revealed to Rep. Matt Gaetz that it is known that there are 5 teams [3 foreign, 2 domestic based] hunting Trump. see-

I may dispute the claims of who is behind them, but it does seem that the SS is doing their best to stay out of their way.

Regardless of sponsorship, one wonders at the consequences if the SS does in fact stay out of their way.

Sometimes one can learn from the historical examples of other countries. I would commend examination of the Second Spanish Republic, the fate of Jose Calvo Sotelo, and what happened after his death. Our ruling elites seem to be dancing real close to a very fine line.

Subotai Bahadur

It wasn’t complacency or that caused the SS to enable the assassination attempt in either of the two attempts. It was a desire by these DEI warriors to defeat the “evil” Republicans by allowing Trump to be murdered.

They didn’t anticipate that there would be such a stink about it.

(Vicki) Hearne’s Law: whenever there’s a stink about something in the press, it’s because some politician or charity wants a stink about it in the press.

CommoChief | September 20, 2024 at 4:58 pm

Complacency seems too mild especially for the Secret Service mission where they have to get it correct every time. More like apathy and indifference at best and purposefully under staffing/withholding resources at worst.

The FBI is acknowledging five known plots, 3 of which are backed by Nation States. I suspect those didn’t suddenly materialize. How is that the Secret Service didn’t assign more resources, more agents, more site review, more advance preparation and more experienced agents? How is it that they didn’t coordinate with local/State LEO to the point of refusing an offer of drone coverage and didn’t bother to pick up radios to allow cross communication with local LEO?

That’s not complacency. That’s the Federal bureaucracy at work when they don’t want to perform their assigned mission. Delay, slow walk, gum up the works and stiff arm anyone who questions them until it is too late.

E Howard Hunt | September 20, 2024 at 5:16 pm

Were the agents also insouciant, self satisfied, smug and suffering the pangs of ennui? They definitely deserve a 2 week suspension (paid) and a promotion, if female.

Nothing regarding this assassination attempt and murder of Corey Comperatore passes the sniff test.

All that the SS can do to cover up this act of malicious and willful sabotage, denial of resources and dereliction of duty, is unfairly blame local law enforcement. But, that excuse/rationalization simply isn’t credible.

JackinSilverSpring | September 20, 2024 at 5:32 pm

It was not complacency, it was willful negligence. The deep state wants Trump dead or disabled.

So, if they were just “complacent” the first time, how do we explain the second?

Is he at least being protected by actual agents now, or is it still temp hires who watched a two hour training video (of which 90 minutes were on the importance of correct pronouns)?

    mrtomsr in reply to clintack. | September 20, 2024 at 6:59 pm

    I have read today that the agent that found the guy at the golf course came upon him suddenly and was within yards of him when he began shooting. If this is true, and he actually tried to hit him with lead, what was the cause of missing? Because we never hear from the agents themselves, I guess we will never know if he did try to take him down or why he missed from such a ridiculously close range.

Peter Moss | September 20, 2024 at 6:00 pm

What was is that Chuck Schumer said in relation to Donald Trump, something akin to the intel agencies having many ways of getting to you?

That’s what we’re seeing here in both assassination attempts. They’re both inside jobs.

“Oh, that’s just a conspiracy theory…”

Perhaps, but if back on 1/1/24 if I asked you which was more likely, the Mossad going into the pager business or two failed assassination attempts on Trump where would you have put your money?

It takes two months for the SS and FBI to break down the script/rewrite and plug the plot holes in the original Cheatle narrative.

Kinda like an episode of the TV show LOST; Locke in a ⚰️.

How can every SS agent on site that day not question why there is a table full of radios for us to use yet not one agent had one. Were they under orders not to get a radio from the local authorities.
Why is the SS working away from the local authorities, were they trying to cover up something.
Were any of that days activities different from traditional, established protocol, was the lead agent in charges first event like this?

joejoejoe | September 20, 2024 at 10:51 pm

The ‘complacency’ was planned and deliberate. But gosh, we all have still have smart phones and the nfl teams to root for ….hurrah… (sarcasm)

Trump needs to hire his own security firm, reporting to him only, NOW.

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