DHS Ignored FL Trump Assassination Attempt Suspect After He was Flagged When Returning From Ukraine
In 2022, a nurse who worked in Ukraine told the government Routh “was among the most dangerous Americans she met during her month-and-a-half-long stint in Ukraine.”

We know that the FBI had Ryan Routh, the man accused of wanting to assassinate former President Donald Trump, on its radar in 2019.
Just the News learned U.S. Customs and Border Protection (USCBP) officials flagged Routh when he returned from Ukraine in 2023.
The June 2023 encounter with Routh at the Honolulu airport is confirmed in U.S. border entry records reviewed by Just the News and is latest tale of missed law enforcement opportunities dating 2019 to stop or further investigation the alleged would-be assassin.
The records show that CBP officials knew that Routh had traveled to Warsaw, Poland, near the Ukraine border, and to Istanbul, Turkey, in 2022 and 2023 and had admitted in his interview that he had been recruiting as many as 100 foreign fighters from Taiwan, Afghanistan and Moldova to join Ukraine’s war against the Russian invasion.
Routh even gave U.S. agents who interviewed him a business card that portrayed him as the director of a group called the “International Volunteer Center” that also claimed to have contact in Syria, Pakistan and Israel. He also described who had underwritten his efforts to recruit foreigners to assist Kyiv.
“Subject is a USC who had traveled to Kiev, Ukraine for 3 months to help recruit Soldiers from Afghanistan, Moldova, and Taiwan, to fight in the Ukrainian war against Russia,” the CBP interview notes of Routh state.
“Subject stated that he does not get paid for his recruiting efforts and all his work for the Ukrainian government is strictly volunteer work Subject provided his recruiting business card (cards have been uploaded into the event) which list his recruiting partners that he speaks with to recruit soldiers from Afghanistan, Romanian, Pakistan, Syria, and Israel,” the note added. “Subject stated that he obtains money from his wife to help fund his trips to Ukraine.”
DHS officials sent the case to Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).
HSI refused the case.
In 2022, Chelsea Walsh, a nurse in Ukraine who met Routh in the country, alerted USCBP about him:
Walsh told the officer during the interview, which took place after she returned to the U.S., that Routh was among the most dangerous Americans she met during her month-and-a-half-long stint in Ukraine.
She showed the officer a notebook listing more than a dozen names of Americans and others whose actions had alarmed her, she recounted. Under the heading “Overall Predatory Behavior (or antisocial traits)” were four names. Routh’s was at the top.
When the officer noted that there were a lot of names, she replied, “‘Of all the people on there, Ryan Routh should be number one,’” Walsh told The Wall Street Journal, which reviewed her notebook.

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They were off chasing even more dangerous terrorists, white 80 year old grandmothers so didnt have the time to get this guy.
While simultaneously the Biden Admin and its allies were accusing anyone failed to fanboy Zelenskyy and Ukraine of being a ‘Russian stooge’.
I mean, in Butler we found out that the secret service can’t handle a slightly sloped roof. 80 year old grandmas must be terrifying to federal agents.
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that this guy looks like Roger Waters?
Exact same politics, too.
He wasn’t flagged because he was recruited. Seriously, do you really believe that you or I could go to Ukraine and get away with all the stuff that he did? He had a sponsor
Exactly. The question is who is running him?
they cant keep tabs on everyone
the problem is that they are biased against pro americans or face losing their jobs to the new green deal wokies
After a few phone calls they determined leave him alone, he is one of ours
So what they’re saying is that his foreign policy positions and assassination fantasies completely overlap with that of the Democrat Party.
Monday morning quarterbacking. It’s always governed by type I and type II error rates that are acceptable. The limit on the government is how many people you’re allowed to harass with insufficient evidence without getting into political trouble, and doing the best you can with that.
Type I error = false positive
Type II error = false negative
You set the false positive rate to your limit, and do the best you can to reduce false negatives given that rate.
You can do 100% well by arresting everybody (zero false negative rate) but you can’t do that. It’s a tradeoff.
“The records show that CBP officials knew that Routh had traveled to Warsaw, Poland, near the Ukraine border, and to Istanbul, Turkey, in 2022 and 2023 and had admitted in his interview that he had been recruiting as many as 100 foreign fighters from Taiwan, Afghanistan and Moldova to join Ukraine’s war against the Russian invasion.”
Doesn’t exactly sound to me like Grandma housewifing in Montana.
She showed the officer a notebook listing more than a dozen names of Americans and others whose actions had alarmed her, she recounted. Under the heading “Overall Predatory Behavior (or antisocial traits)” were four names. Routh’s was at the top.
I’m not defending the nutjob Routh, but Nurse Walsh sounds like she might be a Karen, snowflake, or AWFL.
No, what kind of person wants to runs off and join a foreign army? He’s a serious nut and she recognized that.
DHS was too busy flooding America with illegals. It’s all about priorities.
I’m still waiting to see what illegality he was up to? DHS didn’t follow up because he did nothing illegal. Do we really want to have the deep state survail citizens based on what they think is dodgy behavior? Careful of who is in charge because it won’t always be who you approve of
The nurse who reported him to DHS wouldn’t get into specifics on the Jesse Watters’ show. But, she seemed to be implying that he was trying to recruit people for assassination missions. She alleges he talked about assassinations ‘constantly.’ I have a pretty high bar for when the federal government should be able to poke around someone’s business. If that’s really what she reported to DHS, that gets over the bar, IMO.
She didn’t get into specific’s and didn’t give any evidence so, for me, it falls under the one person claims something category. I’m pretty sure I and most everyone on here would not like the brown shirts to knock on my door because one person claimed something. Besides, even if he was trying to recruit people for “assassination missions” that’s what you do in war. You try to kill the leadership of the opposing force. Nothing unusual about that.
He was in UKR on someones business… he had a sponsor ….
so…. CIA/NSA/DoD/or maybe state
but I believe that the first 2 are
the best ones ….
There is a whole file cabinet of entertaining nuttery available on Routh, which the MSM either can’t find or won’t discuss — perhaps because they were so enthusiastic about promoting this obvious lunatic on their own pages only two years ago. (I say obvious because even the Ukrainians quickly learned to cross the street when they saw Routh coming.)
But it’s so easy to access that a mere Justablogger in Germany can put the very best parts of it on display for your edification and amazement.
eugyppius: Idiotic regime media interview totally crazy man because his rants flatter their geopolitical preconceptions, have awkward moment as he turns out to be a convicted felon & would-be Trump assassin
I particularly enjoyed this part:
“Yesterday, a sheepish Lukyanova returned to print, asking “Why Did Journalists Like Me Take Ryan Routh Seriously?”
Should be a way to charge dhs officials who turned down an investigation.
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”
― Thomas Sowell
DHS was busy keeping track of Tulsi Gabbard. They didn’t have the time to bother with leftist nutso. For all they knew, this guy was Hunter’s best friend.