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Trump Assassination Attempt: Suspect’s Phone was Near Golf Course for Almost 12 Hours

Trump Assassination Attempt: Suspect’s Phone was Near Golf Course for Almost 12 Hours

“Those records indicated that ROUTH’s mobile phone was located in the vicinity of the area along the tree line described above from approximately 1:59 AM until approximately 1:31 PM, on September 15, 2024.”

The unsealed complaint of Ryan Routh, the man accused of trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump, shows his phone was in the vicinity of the golf course for almost 12 hours:

During their investigation, law enforcement also discovered a publicly viewable Facebook post from on or about July 10, 2024, in which ROUTH directed his followers to contact him on an instant messaging application (WhatsApp) at the following number: 1 ***-***- 8342. Database checks indicate that a mobile phone assigned call number 1-***-***-8342 is serviced by T-Mobile US, Inc. (“T Mobile”) and that ROUTH is the subscriber. Agents requested T-Mobile, on an emergency basis, to provide law enforcement with information pertaining to ROUTH’s mobile phone usage. Those records indicated that ROUTH’s mobile phone was located in the vicinity of the area along the tree line described above from approximately 1:59 AM until approximately 1:31 PM, on September 15, 2024.

The complaint also states:

According to the complaint, at 1:31 p.m. Sunday, a Secret Service agent protecting Trump and walking the perimeter of his golf course in West Palm Beach, Fla., “saw what appeared to be a rifle poking out of the tree line.” The agent then fired in that direction.

A man later identified by authorities as Routh was spotted by a witness who saw him flee in a Nissan that was stopped less than 45 minutes later traveling north on Interstate 95.

When Routh was stopped by the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, he “was asked if he knew why he was being stopped; he responded in the affirmative,” FBI Special Agent Mark A. Thomas wrote in an affidavit supporting the complaint.


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How long did he plan to wait? This was a “last minute” schedule change.

I expect we will see a mob of lawyers wanting to defend Routh pro bono. Half the law faculties of Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Stanford, NYU, Columbia etc.

Good Lord. So, it’s not SOP to have a K9- unit walk the perimeter of a venue in advance of a presidential visit particularly when the principal is engaged in an OUTDOOR activity? The USSS is a clown show.

This is a side-effect of allowing vagrants to lounge and loiter all over the place. Apparently this scumbag hanging around in the shrubs for 12 hours didn’t even spark anyone’s curiosity.

    TargaGTS in reply to Paul. | September 16, 2024 at 1:14 pm

    Not sure if you’re familiar with that area. But, what’s weird is the Palm Beach County jail is literally right next to the Trump International Golf Course. There are signs around that area about ‘No Loitering’ and ‘Don’t Pick-up Hitchikers.’ Even without Trump being there, it’s the kind of place where vagrancy is challenged and not generally tolerated.

      buck61 in reply to TargaGTS. | September 16, 2024 at 4:53 pm

      I used to live in Stuart and worked in Palm City, I have to wonder exactly where he was heading. If he wanted to go into some form of hiding ,cruising north up I 95 is probably not the best pick. He could have gone south and blended in much easier with the local traffic and had far more exits to choose. Once you get north of PGA Blvd.. the exits become much more spread out.

        TargaGTS in reply to buck61. | September 16, 2024 at 5:49 pm

        I just presumed he was headed back to his part-time home of North Carolina. But, who knows.

          He did have a stolen tag on the vehicle, haven’t heard any details on the vehicle he was driving, was it registered in NC but slapped a FL tag on the vehicle so it would be an in state tag and not stand out and draw attention? Don’t see too many NC tags in south Florida.

    buck61 in reply to Paul. | September 16, 2024 at 1:33 pm

    There is only proof right now that the phone was there, you are connecting the phone and him physically being there with no evidence to prove it. He could have staged the phone at the location along with the other items after midnight and returned at some later point. They may have to review traffic cameras in the area and try to pick up any movement by the vehicle he was driving.
    AS to no one seeing him, it would be pretty easy to hide yourself out of public view close to the tree line by staying low and between the tree line and the fence line.
    I could see a situation where he had multiple phones at his disposal.

      TargaGTS in reply to buck61. | September 16, 2024 at 1:48 pm

      I would add there’s a sizable solid hedge that surrounds the property which is at least six or seven feet tall. So, once you’re through that hedge, you would be impossible to see from the street. Even if you were walking on the sidewalk, you would never see anyone on the other side (the golf course side) of that hedge. I’ve played that golf course a couple dozen or more times. What is curious is for most of the course, there isn’t much distance (if any at all) between the hedge and much of the cart path. I’m surprised other golfers didn’t see the guy considering where he was reported to be. But, maybe the course was closed to other golfers. There are other areas of the course where the treed area is much deeper, thicker where a shooter would be tough to see from either side of the hedge.

        Evidently the course is closed to other people whenever he golfs, due to the security.

        where a shooter would be tough to see from either side of the hedge
        Well, it wasn’t the shooter they saw, but his rifle barrel and scope. So, thickness might not have mattered in the end. And maybe it even drove him to a less dense spot because he couldn’t see through the vegetation.

        Frogger42 in reply to TargaGTS. | September 17, 2024 at 12:08 pm

        Along with the phone’s location, call detail, text detail and other usage data is obtained. That often works toward establishing possession.

      healthguyfsu in reply to buck61. | September 16, 2024 at 2:49 pm

      He was probably there. Cell phones are used all of the time to identify whereabouts on suspects.

      Think38 in reply to buck61. | September 16, 2024 at 5:15 pm

      Proof? That seldom exists, and is more a legal conclusion than a standard of evidence.

      Evidence is a fact that supports an inference. There may be more than one inference for a given fact. An accumulation of these facts (and related inferences) is how we “prove” a point. Here, the evidence is the records of T-Mobile show the location of the phone. One inference is the phone was in his pocket, and therefore, he was there. A different inference is he left his phone in location, and left without it. But how common is that? Few people today go places without their phone.

      This sort of evidence gets stronger when supported by other pieces. For example, if the person also talked on the phone during those 12 hours, the supports the inference he was there with the phone . Same if the phone was used to surf the internet. Supports the inference that someone was using the phone.

        buck61 in reply to Think38. | September 16, 2024 at 11:40 pm

        from the information released so far there is no evidence the phone was in use at any point when it was at the location in question, Hopefully that information will come to light shortly. If the guy is capable of getting a firearm with the id destroyed, drive around with a stolen tag on the vehicle he is seems to have thought this out well in advance. We have no idea right now if he had another device on his body, he already publicized the number attached to the phone, this was how they were able to easily search for numbers in that specific area.
        I know that I am in the minority in todays world but I often leave my home without carrying a cell phone. If I have no need for it why carry it around. I don’t need some overlord knowing where I went and when I was there, what route I traveled, how long I was in a location. My privacy is more important to me than carrying around a device that isn’t required when I am away from home.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 16, 2024 at 1:12 pm

A man later identified by authorities as Routh was spotted by a witness who saw him flee in a Nissan that was stopped less than 45 minutes later traveling north on Interstate 95.

It always seems to be normal citizens doing the real police work that catches these people. If this guy hadn’t caught sight of this dirtbag and thought to get the license plate he could have well disappeared into the ether. How does that happen??

There only appear to be two people who really saved the day in this assassination attempt – the secret service agent who fired on the muzzle he saw and this guy who got the license plate. The rest of them seem to have been essentially useless.

How does a guy get away from having been seen while he was crouching in a bunch of bushes??

    “It always seems to be normal citizens doing the real police work that catches these people.”

    Yes, that’s how it happens 9 times out of 10.

      henrybowman in reply to Crawford. | September 16, 2024 at 5:09 pm

      From one of my favorite memes:

      Every cop show: damn, this serial killer is crafty, very smart and sneaky

      Every true crime podcast: despite dozens of complaints from neighbors, it took over a year for police to investigate the source of the foul odor

This again raises the question: how did this guy know to be there waiting for Trump on this particular day? Did he just get lucky? Or did someone tell him “this is your chance”?

    TargaGTS in reply to Sailorcurt. | September 16, 2024 at 1:50 pm

    They likely already know the answer to that question after scrubbing his cell-phone location history. Whether or not we ever learn the answer to that question is something else entirely.

    It’s not that hard. The days he has campaign events are known. The remainder as often in Floria. Trump tries to play daily when there. The only thing missing is the time.

    Routh may have been there before also, in a day that Trump didn’t end up golfing

    It’s no mystery how he knew to go there and wait for Trump. Apparently everyone but the Secret Service knows that when Trump is staying in that area, he goes to that golf course every day. The SS goes with him on each of those trips, but their DEI hires never learned!

MoeHowardwasright | September 16, 2024 at 4:04 pm

The tree/shrub line in question is very dense. A car on the side of Gun Club Rd next to the golf club and near the jail would draw the attention of any competent Secret Service/Deputy. It would have shown up on the drone video and recorded footage. Could a second person have dropped off the vehicle after it was determined through surveillance that President Trump was on his way? As said in a previous thread there are many areas to do surveillance of the intersection of Southern Blvd and Dixie Hwy. There is bar, gas station, A Big Daddy bar and store front with parking in the back. You see the entourage go by and send a message via encrypted app. The info you want from the phone is voice and data transmission received at the same time he was traveling by a specific area/route. It’s not that hard. That would be the “tell” that more than one person was involved. FKH

Subotai Bahadur | September 16, 2024 at 4:25 pm

Yeah, the lack of a perimeter check during those 12 hours is rather damning. This does not strike me as indicative of a “lone whacko” type scenario.

Subotai Bahadur

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 16, 2024 at 4:30 pm

They have to look at that phone’s movement for the past couple of months. Did this democrat dirtbag ever plant himself at that golf course before?

destroycommunism | September 16, 2024 at 5:54 pm

seems like hillarys slipping in her hiring practices