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Trump Attempted Assassination Suspect Charged With Federal Gun Crimes

Trump Attempted Assassination Suspect Charged With Federal Gun Crimes

Routh faces charges of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

Ryan Routh, the man accused of trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump, entered the federal courthouse in West Palm Beach, FL.

Authorities put Routh in shackles and a blue jumpsuit.

I will update this post as more information comes in.

Earlier on Fox, West Palm Beach State Attorney Dave Aronberg said Routh could face charges of “aggravated assault with a firearm against a federal law enforcement officer, which carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.”

The hearing lasted eight minutes:

During an eight-minute hearing, prosecutors levied two charges against him: possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

Officials said Routh could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted on the first charge, and a possible five-year sentence on the second charge.

A bond hearing has been scheduled for Sept. 23, and a probable cause hearing or arraignment has been set for Sept. 30, depending on whether the government secures an indictment on the charges.

Routh spoke in court:

During the hearing, Routh gave routine information to court officials as to his work status and income. Speaking in a soft voice, he said that he was working and making around $3,000 a month, but has zero savings.

Routh said that he has no real estate or assets, aside from two trucks worth about $1,000, both located in Hawaii.

Routh also said that he has a 25-year-old son, whom he sometimes supports.

Fox News said Routh “was seen laughing in the courtroom.”


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Jail time for committing a crime against a gun.

This gets even better. A black market firearm, , a planned attack….a major link to Ukrainian Azov forces…. Just another Dem doing his part.

    alaskabob in reply to alaskabob. | September 16, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    Thank goodness it wasn’t an “AK-47 type” rifle but an “SKS type” rifle… which fires the same round as an AKM variant and would be indistinguishable from an AK (or Winchester 1910/Remington 1908 for that matter) when fired in a totally dark room. But there’s more…James Hodgkinson used an SKS to shoot up the Republican baseball practice that wounded Scalise. This is getting monotonous, Can’t the government do better than this?

      There are only two functional differences between the SKS and AK-47: The SKS was manufactured with a fixed magazine and the AK-47 with a removable magazine, and the SKS was semi-auto and the AK-47 select-fire. But many owners modified their SKS’s to take a removable magazine, and almost any AK-47 that is legal for civilian ownership in America has been remade to fire only in semi-auto.

      So in reality, there’s no difference, aside from minor differences in the looks – and even the looks are close, they were designed by the same team with the same gas cylinder above the barrel.

That’s it? Something is rotten in the DOJ…

    NotCoach in reply to Fred Idle. | September 16, 2024 at 11:37 am

    Additional charges may come. These are the easy charges to keep him off the street in the mean time. I didn’t know he was a convicted felon. I missed that part somewhere along the line. I am interested in the firearm.

    And clearly more gun control laws would have prevented this ex-con from illegally obtaining and possessing a firearm because…shut up!

      henrybowman in reply to NotCoach. | September 16, 2024 at 2:00 pm

      This claim was in another comment section:

      It was an SKS w/extended mag and after mkt stock. The shooter was arrested w/a machine gun about 30 years ago, apparently he sees himself as a serious revolutionary

      If true, then that would have been his previous felony.,

        henrybowman in reply to henrybowman. | September 16, 2024 at 2:06 pm


        When asked if his father owned a gun, Oran Routh said, “Not that I know of,” and expressed disbelief, stating, “I’ve never known him to own a gun”

        Both things can’t be true.

        I’m a retired gunsmith. Took a good look at the grainy pic of the rifle and I agree that it’s an SKS with a detachable extended magazine instead of the rifle’s stock stripper-clip fed 10 shot mag. The stock is an aftermarket synthetic Monte Carlo style sporter stock. Caliber would be 7.62×39. It’s most definitely not an AK-47 as reported or a Dragunov as has been speculated.

        It wouldn’t be my first choice, but the SKS is a solid reliable gun. Accuracy is nothing spectacular but with a scope it’s capable of engaging a human sized target out to around 300 yards give or take.

        Their relative low price, reliability, and plethora of aftermarket accessories available makes them a fairly popular rifle.

          alaskabob in reply to SField. | September 16, 2024 at 6:03 pm

          Agreed. The only difference now days is that an SKS has gone from dirt cheap to semi-chic expensive. Consider it a lower powered deer class rifle. Deer are still tough critters.

          alaskabob in reply to SField. | September 16, 2024 at 7:02 pm

          SField….. thought you would like these “comments”

          Chad Robichaux, former Force Recon Marine and Department of Defense (DoD) contractor, told Fox News Digital that the weapon the suspect used could have been effective at about 1,000 yards.

          “Assuming it was a rifle with a caliber between 5.56 and 7.62, a skilled shooter can effectively hit a target at 1,000 yards,” Robichaux said. “So, if the shooter had any decent skills, he was certainly within range to kill President Trump.”

          Go to “9 Hole Review” on YouTube to see that anything over 500 yards is unrealistic with an AKM or SKS. Where do they get these “experts”?

 got to 11;00

          henrybowman in reply to SField. | September 17, 2024 at 4:19 am

          He didn’t say what SIZE target.

It gets worse- he self published a book that is available on Amazon. In it, he calls for assassination of Putin and others; later he fantasizes about killing Trump.

Son of Would-Be Trump Assassin Says Father ‘Hates Trump Like Every Reasonable Person Does’

What America is up against.

    If SS possessed a shred of integrity or competence, they’d be paying the son a visit, but, one can fairly assume that they’ll let the son’s venomous comment slide.

destroycommunism | September 16, 2024 at 12:00 pm

in the”inner cities” they almost always drop the gun crime charges

so their warriors can always stay armed

they probably wont with this guy

There oughta be a law against felons getting guns… oh, wait.

The fact he never took a shot might play havoc with the charges. I don’t know what the elements of the aggravated assault charge are, but if the first ss agent engaged at 400-500 yards seems like that might be reaching

    First agent engaged at about 100 yds. Trump was much further away at that point.
    The charges will be “attempted” in the long run, as he made positive steps to actually commit the crime.

MoeHowardwasright | September 16, 2024 at 12:16 pm

I grew up in the West Palm Beach area. Mar-A-Lago is right next to Southern Blvd. over the bridge to Congress Ave. Turn left and Gun Club is a right turn. The golf course is right at the corner of Gun Club and Congress Ave. The PBC jail is just to the west of the golf club. Extensive shrubbery along Gun Club Rd. Easy to hide. Also easy to hide near Dixie and Southern Blvd in wait. Now here is the interesting observation. This was a last minute decision to play golf. In order to get set up in time the assassin would need to time to set up in waiting. Who tipped him off? How did the Secret Service, Sheriff Dept miss an unoccupied vehicle next to the golf club? Who told the agents, deputies to not bother with the shrub line? If this guy has no money how did he pay for a plane ticket from Hawaii to WPB? Tickets are around $900-1500 depending on routing. Where did he get the gun? Why was he fleeing up I-95 northbound? Plenty more places to get lost in traffic other than 95. FKH

Follow the money. For a guy who doesn’t seem to have a real job beyond some vague building of tiny homes for the underprivileged, he seems to get around. No assets of any substance, yet he gets from Hawaii to Florida. He gets from Hawaii to Ukraine. He obtains a vehicle (rental?) and a weapon in the mainland US. I’d certainly like to see where that money is coming from.

DeSantis offering comments on what the state of Florida is going to do moving forward. He makes the point that it’s probably ‘not the best thing’ to have the same agencies who are prosecuting Trump also investigating his attempted assassination.

    guyjones in reply to TargaGTS. | September 16, 2024 at 12:52 pm

    Stephen Miller (I think) posted a tweet echoing a similar observation of the vile and evil Dhimmi-crats’ hypocrisy.

    I paraphrase, but, it was something to the effect of: “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are immensely relieved that the greatest threat to the U.S. since the Civil War is survived a shooting and is safe.”

I am pretty certain FL will charge him when the feds are done (or maybe before – I know there’s a legal morass concerning timing on charging him in multiple jurisdictions). He made the effort to commit aggravated murder in Florida, and has every right to be legally upset about that.

I doubt they will drop ANY charges.

    TargaGTS in reply to GWB. | September 16, 2024 at 4:37 pm

    The Feds almost always go first. One of the very rare notable exceptions was John Allen Muhammad & John Lee Malvo, the so-called Beltway Sniper(s). They were arrested in MD, surrendered to federal authorities and then Bush ordered them remanded to the state of Virginia knowing that VA had a death penalty and wasn’t afraid to use it. Muhammad was put to death in 2009, likely decades before he would have even been considered for execution by the Federal government, which hadn’t executed ANYONE from 2003 to 2020.

    Whoever goes first here, maybe they can convince the federal judge to stack the charges, allowing the federal charges to only be served consecutively with whatever state charges he convicted of.

“alaskabob in reply to SField. | September 16, 2024 at 7:02 pm
SField….. thought you would like these “comments”

Chad Robichaux, former Force Recon Marine and Department of Defense (DoD) contractor, told Fox News Digital that the weapon the suspect used could have been effective at about 1,000 yards.

-snipped for brevity-

Go to “9 Hole Review” on YouTube to see that anything over 500 yards is unrealistic with an AKM or SKS. Where do they get these “experts”? got to 11;00″


Yeah, that so-called “expert” is definitely lacking in expertise.

In contrast, the YouTube vid you linked to is well done and realistic in its conclusions. I’ve shot my SKS off a rest with iron sights at 400 yds at a 55 gal drum and was able to hit it center mass reliably. 500 yds is the realistic outer practical limit for an SKS, and that’s pushing it.

And yeah, I remember the good old days of the $89.00 SKS and dirt cheap 7.62×39 ammo.

    Semper Why in reply to SField. | September 17, 2024 at 8:02 pm

    There’s a significant difference between “The round will hit hard enough to kill” and “You will probably hit what you aim at”. Shane on that “expert” for not making that difference abundantly clear.