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NYC Middle School Teacher Fired Over Sexually Provocative Questions in Class Assignment

NYC Middle School Teacher Fired Over Sexually Provocative Questions in Class Assignment

“These questions are disturbing. They caused a lot of stress to students, especially to my child”

Parents were justifiably outraged upon hearing about this. It’s amazing that this teacher thought this was acceptable.

PJ Media reports:

Sick Writing Assignment Gets Teacher Fired In New York City

What do you think of these questions given to seventh-grade students at the Middle Village Prep Charter School in Queens County, New York? These are questions they were told to ask one another. And they were asked to write about them.

“5. On an airplane, you are talking pleasantly to a person of average appearance. Unexpectedly, the person offers you $10,000 for one night of sex. Knowing there is no danger and that payment is certain, would you accept the offer?

14. What are your feelings about killing a handicapped child at birth?

19. What has been the worst sexual experience of your life?”

“These questions are disturbing. They caused a lot of stress to students, especially to my child,” said one of the parents. Indeed!

There was no comment from the school except a letter to parents saying the unidentified teacher was fired. “Due to this negligence, the teacher was dismissed…The safety and well-being of our students are our top priorities.”

Negligence? What do you say, “Sorry I was negligent in not deleting my sexual fantasies and psychopathic tendencies from my writing assignments?” Or maybe, “I was negligent in not being more subtle in grooming my students.”

The parent who commented to the press was not happy, “Promoting violence, sexual content, to middle schoolers…they are so young 11,12,13 years old. Very impressionable. I’ve never seen something like this. I’m shocked. I’m disgusted. I feel that, ya know, students are not safe in schools now.”


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The Gentle Grizzly | September 14, 2024 at 12:39 pm

I’m reasonably sure the teacher involved will receive fully paid defense counsel by the AFT or whichever union is in control of that district.

This exercise is called a “values clarification” assignment. They were very popular a few years ago. The claim has always been that they force students to think critically about what they believe but they have also been used for grooming.

I assume that the teacher was only let go because the assignment was noticed THIS TIME. It is unrealistic to think that it’s a one off.

Reason number 1,486,537 to shut down the government indoctrination centers, euphemistically called “schools”.

Reason number 1,486,537 to shut down the government indoctrination centers, euphemistically called “schools”.

I worked for a while as a substitute teacher. At a magnet school student who was a bit of a smartass, shall we say. He told me that he wanted to become a teacher so that he could promote his (lefty) politics to his students. Some might call that indoctrination. He went on to get a degree in Math. No dummy in a magnet school, no dummy gets a math degree.

After an interesting post-college experience, which included teaching English in Latin America, he became a high school teacher. I wonder how much indoctrination he is attempting with his students?

(Raises hand): “Is this gonna be on the Purity Test?”

Not sure it needs to be pointed out , but for every American teacher who gets caught in an open-and-shut case like this, you really do have to figure there are probably about 10-100 others who fly under the radar — they are more subtle, they don’t include the entire class, they don’t put anything in writing, etc.

American schools really are not safe places for teens.