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Poll Finds Many Jewish Voters Sticking With Democrats Despite Anti-Israel Displays From the Left

Poll Finds Many Jewish Voters Sticking With Democrats Despite Anti-Israel Displays From the Left

“American Jews are voting against their own self-interest in order to stay in the progressive club. You don’t need a political scientist to explain it, you need a psychiatrist.”

Professor Jacobson is quoted in this article and he makes a great point.

From the Washington Times:

Jewish voters stick with Democrat Harris despite left’s growing hostility toward Israel: Poll

Jewish Americans have long represented a faithful Democratic voting bloc, and the progressive wing’s unabashed antagonism toward Israel hasn’t changed that.

A Pew Research poll on the preferences of U.S. religious voters released this week found that 65% of Jewish respondents plan to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris, while 34% back former President Donald Trump in the Nov. 5 presidential election.

The survey of 9,720 U.S. registered voters released this week found the candidates tied overall at 49% each…

Cornell Law School professor William Jacobson said that “you need a psychiatrist” to explain the ongoing Jewish support for Democratic candidates.

“There is a willing disregard by American Jews for the reality that the progressive left has teamed up with Islamists to create an intensely hostile environment in the U.S. and for Israel,” Mr. Jacobson told The Washington Times. “American Jews are voting against their own self-interest in order to stay in the progressive club. You don’t need a political scientist to explain it, you need a psychiatrist.”

He noted that the latest poll represents a decline in Jewish support for Democrats from 2020, when 77% of Jewish voters backed Democratic presidential candidate Joseph R. Biden over Mr. Trump, according to an exit poll by the left-wing group J Street.

“In 2020, Joe Biden received 77% of the Jewish vote, so the current Pew polling represents a 12% drop in support for Harris, which is significant,” said Mr. Jacobson, who runs the conservative Legal Insurrection blog. “Nonetheless, that almost 2 in 3 Jews support Democrats is a testament to the psychological grip Democrats have.”


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I think we’re seeing how it can indeed happen here. I believe German Jews were highly assimilated into German life. Perhaps many valued being German as highly as being Jews. Today, American Jews value being progressive more highly than anything else, and seem convinced that the hatred being expressed by the pro Palestine contingent couldn’t possibly apply to them. Not them!!!

The Gentle Grizzly | September 13, 2024 at 10:15 am

A very high percentage – easily the majority – of Jews are suicidal.

SeiteiSouther | September 13, 2024 at 10:25 am

Then they are stupid beyond belief and don’t deserve my sympathy.

Polling showed Trump gaining with American Jews and at 50% prior to Tucker Carlson’s Holocaust denial defense of Hitler episode.

There aren’t enough Jews for it to matter outside of PA but exactly as I said even if you don’t care for any other reason you should care because Jews in PA could easily be the difference between winning and losing.

A mainstream right wing figure with a mega fanbase denying the Holocaust and not only not being ostracized and losing his audience but continuing to get major right wing figures on his show is rightly alienating to Jews.

This could have been the election cycle that saw Jews defect. Instead Joe Biden correctly denounced Tucker and did so alone.

Churchill was a great hero, and if you want Jewish votes you are going to make sure to make it 100% clear you do not feel any other view of Churchill is acceptable.

Trump may unfortunately be right that if he denounces Tucker he will lose a lot more votes than he gets so silence is better than denouncing.

Just realize this poll shows the price.

Republicans still have Orthodox Jews as they always do and it still at around 95%.

For why a nationwide leftist anti-Semitic spike didn’t translate to Jewish votes thank Tucker and his supporters.

Wanting to hear all about what is like to be working class to the heir to the Swanson Corporation….hope it is worthwhile to you.

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