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Jake Tapper Criticizes Kamala Harris for Dodging Debate Questions

Jake Tapper Criticizes Kamala Harris for Dodging Debate Questions

“Despite the economy being the number one issue facing the country, the sitting vice president generally reverted to talking points about a few of her policy proposals.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for dodging debate questions. She went to her usual talking points instead of explaining *how* she would approach the issues in the questions.

From the segment:

Tapper: Vice President Harris began the debate by punting the first question on the economy.

*jumps to debate clip*

David Muir: Do you think Americans are better off than they were four years ago?

Harris: So, I was raised as a middle-class kid. And I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America.

*back to Tapper*

Tapper: It went on from there. Despite the economy being the number one issue facing the country, the sitting vice president generally reverted to talking points about a few of her policy proposals. Even Harris allies today are saying that she needs to talk more about what she will do for Americans if elected.

Sen. Bernie Sanders will be here in a second to talk more about the need to fill in some of those blanks.

On the border, another vulnerable issue for Harris, she also dodged.

*jumps to debate*

Muir: Would you have done anything differently from President Joe Biden on this?

Harris: So I’m the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns, drugs, and human beings.

*back to Tapper*

Tapper: That wasn’t the question. When asked how she would breakthrough the Israel-Hamas war stalement, Harris said this.

*jump to debate*

Harris: We need a ceasefire deal and we need the hostages out. And so we will continue to work around the clock on that.

*back to Tapper*

Tapper: Okay…but again, how?

Tapper knew the left would attack him for saying anything negative about Harris.

So Tapper added: “While by no means are we equating the two performances last night, it is also true that at times both Trump and Harris fell short of giving straightforward answers to questions about how exactly they would run the country.”

I found some people, not necessarily Harris allies, who also said she hurt herself by not answering these questions.

CNN’s Sara Sidner said: “But, you know, for the Harris campaign, they’re really going to have to try to articulate, I think, more clearly to voters exactly what some of her policy points are as she gets out there on the campaign trail. And we know from the campaign that she’s going to be doing more interviews, something we haven’t seen her do a lot of in the past weeks, and that she’s going to be really trying to expand on her outreach to voters that have questions about who she is and what her policies are.”

Van Jones said the debate showed Harris needs to do more interviews: “Listen, if you‘re Kamala Harris right now and you‘re listening, talk to reporters now. Talk to everybody. If you can handle Donald Trump, a raging bull, if you can be the matador against this crazy person, you can talk to a reporter. Get out here, let people ask the tough questions. You can do it. And I think she can start closing the deal with the people who are Kamala-curious, but who still don’t know what she’s gonna do for them.”

CNN’s Jennifer Stefano: “Hands down he won this debate on policy and he was able to answer the question that — that Vice President Harris would not and that is whether or not people are better off than they were four years ago, and unfortunately they’re not.”

Big Data Poll Director Rich Baris: “They were looking for her to give them an excuse to vote for her. And I’m talking about voters who may not want to vote for Donald Trump, but they needed her to explain to them how exactly she’s going to be different than Joe Biden. And that is that is a theme today from the voters that we we set up to talk to about this, you know, this debate after, you know, a couple hours while it was still fresh in their mind. I think she put on a show, like you said, and that was not what voters were looking for.”


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When you’ve lost Jake Tapper…

Oh, who am I kidding? He’ll crawl over broken glass to vote for Harris.

It is nice to see Jake Tapper showing some integrity but it is also a horrible sign because it means Jake Tapper thinks the election is in the bag for Kamala.

He is wrong Trump still has a chance but lets be blunt.

He was going in likely a little bit behind but with an even chance of winning the election.

He showed up and lost the debate a matter of hours before the voting started.

He is now not only vetoing another debate with Democrat partisans from ABC, he is vetoing the debate with neutral people form Fox and is demanding Hannity someone he knows is a non-starter for Kamala.

He has decided to leave Kamala a monopoly on the internet (I see hundreds of Kamala adds per Trump and rarely see a thing from Trump).

His “lead” in swing state polls show him getting below what he got in 2020 and could easily mean he ends up getting exactly the same as he did in 2020.

I hope Trump manages to turn this around but whoever told him be angry at every second of the debate needs to be fired, and Trump needs to take the next debate seriously and not veto the next debate.

Donald Trump owes it to America to campaign like he has two brain cells unlike his ideas about debating.

    gonzotx in reply to Danny. | September 12, 2024 at 4:53 pm

    He’s the hardest working/campaigner in America

    Enough with the debate
    The independents, who were the votes both are going for are breaking heavily for President Trump

    All this negativity only causes people to be distraught and not vote

    It’s what they want

      Danny in reply to gonzotx. | September 12, 2024 at 5:05 pm

      Of course it isn’t, but at the same time don’t you want J.D. Vance to win against Walz by being prepared for when Walz and the moderators ask about his association with Tucker Carlson following Tucker’s choice to deny the Holocaust and defend Hitler?

      At this point what I have seen is such competence that I wouldn’t be surprised if J.D. Vance shows up without an answer.

      That is unlikely but I really wouldn’t be surprised if nobody told him “sir this is what you will be asked and have to provide a good answer to”.

    diver64 in reply to Danny. | September 13, 2024 at 5:45 am

    Being on a debate stage talking to people who will never go to one of his campaign rallies is far different than talking to the home crowd. Trump needs to get better at debates. More focused, more clear and able to point out facts instead of general statements. When Kamalaladingdong was asked about the border and gave a non answer Trump should have come right back with his numbers of illegal crossings, Biden/Harris opening the border and canceling the wall, the numbers of illegals now in this country, Biden/Harris going to the extent of flying people into our country in the dead of night and dropping them off in locations across the country, the crime they bring, the strain on services for citizens, the costs etc.. It was frustrating to not see him ring her up on this and that was just one example. Her crowing about how many jobs they “created” was a perfect opening to talk about letting people go back to work is not creating anything, the jobs numbers revised downward 800,000, most of the jobs that have been created are either government jobs or have been filled by non citizens etc.

Laura “The White House will smell of Curry” Loomer-NO MORE!!! No more helping the Democrats win by providing them with ammunition!!!

Need I remind everyone?

Georgia under 10k

Wisconsin 20k

That MGT is CORRECTLY calling this out just like me is a VERY stunning indictment of how badly we are doing at this campaign.

I never thought I was going to be seeing eye to eye with MTG because I thought everyone had better common sense.

Loomer is nuts, always has been

    Danny in reply to gonzotx. | September 12, 2024 at 5:15 pm

    I agree, and J.D. is probably preparing to cover all possible weaknesses now.

    My main fear is that nobody in the campaign tells Trump “Sir this is what Laura Loomer alienating most of the country 20 seconds ago, here is her 20 days ago, here she is even worst 30 days ago, here she is alienating voters 40 days ago, here she is…..”

    Trump is good at adjusting to new information (see for example how will he did at the second debate with Biden in 2020 vs the first 2020 debate with Biden) but for him to do that he needs new information.

    diver64 in reply to gonzotx. | September 13, 2024 at 8:38 am

    Yeah but she doesn’t hide it.

BY the way, JD will be very on spot

    diver64 in reply to gonzotx. | September 13, 2024 at 5:47 am

    There is no doubt that you will see a vastly different debate. I wonder how Walz is going to explain his non action while Minneapolis burned to the ground or that multi million dollar Feed America fraud happening under his watch not to mention claiming to be a retired CSM when he is not.

destroycommunism | September 12, 2024 at 5:46 pm

why should she answer when the msm covers up for her

get ready for the “unexplained” votes she will be getting to insure americas downfall into tribalism

This guy fed the entire transcript of the “debate” to ChatGPT, and this is what it found:

It looks like Jake Tapper is trying to get fired.

The number one issue facing the country are the illegal’s. They are a huge drain on the economy.

    diver64 in reply to Tsquared79. | September 13, 2024 at 5:49 am

    I saw a story yesterday where a guy was complaining that his son in grade school was the only English speaker there and when he called up the school they told him to get an interpreter. For English. In America.

“…both Trump and Harris fell short of giving straightforward answers to questions about how exactly they would run the country.”

Why do either of them need to give “answers to question about how exactly they would run the country” when both have already shown us exactly how they will run the country by their having run the country? Trump was president for four years. Harris has been veep for three and a half years and claims to have been a part of every major decision made by the administration. We have already experienced “how they would run the country” when they ran the country. No answers or explanations (or even debates) needed.