Speaker Johnson Delays Spending Bill Vote Due to Rising Opposition
At least eight Republicans signaled they would not vote for the bill.

Speaker Mike Johnson has delayed the stopgap vote due to many GOP representatives voicing opposition.
At least eight Republicans signaled they would not vote for the bill.
The House would have voted on the continuing resolution (CR) later today.
A) Johnson on pulling interim spending bill today: We’re going to continue to work on this. Whip is going to do the hard work to build consensus, we’re going to work through the weekend on that. And I want any member of Congress in either party to explain to the American people why we should not ensure that only US citizens are voting in US elections. We’re going to work on that issue around the clock, because we have an obligation to the people to do it, and that’s what the fight is. That’s what’s important. It’s the most pressing issue right now, and we’re going to get this job done.
B) Johnson: No vote today, because we’re in the consensus building business here in Congress with small majorities. That’s what you do. That’s what I’ve been doing since I became speaker. We’re having thoughtful conversations and family conversations within the Republican conference, and I believe we’ll get there. So people have concerns about all sorts of things. That’s how the process works, and sometimes it takes a little more time
A) Johnson on pulling interim spending bill today: We're going to continue to work on this. Whip is going to do the hard work to build consensus, we're going to work through the weekend on that. And I want any member of Congress in either party to explain to the American people…
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) September 11, 2024
B) Johnson: No vote today, because we’re in the consensus building business here in Congress with small majorities. That’s what you do. That’s what I’ve been doing since I became speaker. We’re having thoughtful conversations and family conversations within the Republican…
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) September 11, 2024
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has always been the only one since Justin Amash retired to remain vocal against government spending, especially CRs, which are a bandaid.
The video is six minutes long so I won’t write out the transcript but he provides captions. I encourage you to listen.
Massie had an excellent takedown of Democrats and Republicans the other day, slamming both for always passing CRs and not actual budgets or cutting spending.
Here’s a great part.
Massie asks, “Why do we always spend at least as much as we did last year, and why do we never cut spending?”
He answers: “It’s because Democrats want to grow the welfare state, and Republicans want to grow the military-industrial complex.”
I refuse to be a thespian in the Speaker’s failure theater.
The 6 month continuing resolution with the SAVE Act attached is an insult to Americans’ intelligence.
The CR doesn’t cut spending, and the shiny object attached to it will be dropped like a hot potato before passage. pic.twitter.com/0FdHRYTm1q
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) September 9, 2024

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I don’t like Massie, he’s done some really stupid stuff counter-productive to his alleged principles, but he’s completely correct here.
This was just Failure Theatre nonsense so Johnson could act like, ‘aw gosh gee SHUCKS guys, I totally TRIED to do vote security but aw gee willickers wouldn’t you know it, it just wouldn’t pass! Oh well, guess we should just move on and never mention it again.’
He waited until pretty much the last minute possible to insert it into a bill where it could be easily removed when the expected pushback happened, and there wouldn’t be time for any actual debate or public opinion to take hold.
Johnson performs his role for the uniparty almost flawlessly.
The Massie video was a breath of fresh air in a cloud of toxic gas in DC. He did what few will do today, not just call out the ilk of the opposing party but the enablers in your own party. He knows it is just a high stakes shell game, three card monte over trillions of dollars.
Why the Kabuki theater? We ALL know that Johnson will sign a continuing resolution like every other spineless R in the job have done. With the election two months away, he is not going to rock the boat.
Rep Massie hits it out of the park. He perfectly described the tactics of the DC establishment cabal. They campaign on ‘holding bureaucracy accountable’, cutting back on waste/fraud/abuse, putting the ‘American People first’. Oh sure they hold hearings and, to be fair, lately they’ve gotten more effective at exposing problems …but the accountability part never seems to happen.
It’s always something like we’ll get em next time…when we have bigger majorities…so you voters need to send our political campaigns more $ so we can do the things we’ve promised to do for a decade or more.
Putting US border security, the direct National Security interests and the Economic interests of the average US Citizen before those of other Nations and other groups is NOT controversial. Nor is holding the feet of the bureaucracy and the DC establishment to the fire to gain compliance with the will of the voters.
By all means add the SAVE act as an amendment but refuse to go along with any compromise from the Senate to strip the language. Stop the theater and inject some some much needed reality into the equation for once. Let the Senate and HoR d/prog explain why the CR failed b/c they don’t want the SAVE Act which they say wouldn’t do anything b/c no illegals are voting or registered and no one enables or assists it. If the SAVE act wasn’t gonna be disruptive to d/prog political campaigns the d/prog wouldn’t oppose it. Make them explain their opposition.
Massie is an imbecile. No spending is going to get ‘cut’ when there’s a Democrat Senate and Democrat president. So, what’s the best possible outcome? Getting something, anything substantive in return. What’s that? Potentially the Save Act. Here’s how AceofSpades described Massie’s comments yesterday:
Others are against the CR in general. But what is the alternative? It’s too late for Congress to do its job and go back to regular appropriations.
This (Massie’s comment) seems like grandstanding and preening. Obviously you cannot actually go through the proper procedures in time to fund the government. By withholding your vote, you’re forcing Mike Johnson to drop the SAVE Act provision to get Democrats to cross over to vote for it.
Are these people simply stupid? Are they incapable of distinguishing between real fights happening right now vs. more philosophical, big-picture fights happening all the time? Are they incapable of distinguishing between Something Good (returning to regular order) and Something Absolutely Vital (requiring voter ID)?
But, there are simpletons among us who will think that ‘finally, someone like Massie fighting the good fight,’ or something equally stupid.
Or, he could just find a pair and shut down the government, like it should be.
Democrats currently lead on the Congressional Generic Ballot. Massie, and apparently many here, think what they really need to get them over the top is a government shutdown?
Massie’s idea is that he doesn’t want the GOP-controlled House to pass anything and own the government shutdown entirely? That’s world class stupidity.
Massie is almost certainly correct about how the CR will proceed legislatively and how the SAVE act language will be stripped out in the reconciliation process and the HoR will be left to support the CR (-) the SAVE Act. IOW more theater.
Lets keep in mind some facts. The GoP holds a majority in the HoR. The Constitution requires spending bills to originate in the HoR. Taken together this means the GoP majority in the HoR acting collectively can absolutely block spending if they CHOOSE do so.
Massie pointing out that they will not choose to do so and that the SAVE Act language will be stripped out prior to final passage doesn’t seem simplistic at all. Seems 100% accurate. He isn’t claiming to be a hero by this. Massie is once again pointing out the emperor has no clothes and in doing so explaining why he won’t sit silent and ‘go along/get along and some folks don’t seem to like it.
He’s a preening jackass who’s indulging his own bizarre, idiotic political opinions. This moron doesn’t even want to send Israel ANY military aid and thinks we currently spend too much on our own defense even though defense spending is the lowest its been as a percentage of GDP since Eisenhower was in office. It’s shocking how obtuse people can be.
Apparently, he’s one of the few who have actually read and understand the U.S. Constitution.
Accurately pointing out the annual theatrical shenanigans of how things are run in DC by the establishment isn’t bizarre. Nor is demanding that the direct National Security and economic interests of the average US Citizen be put before all other considerations.
Obtuse is correct… not to describe Massie but for the blind allegiance of those who support the grifters of the DC establishment.
I suspect many of the lapdog lackeys of the establishment and credentialed class don’t realize that they are the ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ the rest of us have grown to despise.
Not for nothing but military spending is damn near $1 Trillion. We gonna spend more than that on interest costs this year. Out of a $6 +Trillion budget with revenue of less than $4.4 Trillion. It ain’t sustainable. GDP includes the govt spending.and if we subtract out finance, entertainment and agriculture we don’t actually produce or export anything anymore…. thanks to the DC .establishment and credentialed/laptop class who offshore US manufacturing.
The national debt is 120%+ of GDP. That’s a big flipping problem folks like you keep ignoring. We are effectively broke and we weren’t (for now) still the defacto reserve currency due to US dollar we would be facing severe consequences. All we’re doing now is slightly delaying the inevitable pain coming as a result of overspending on boondoggles and bad policy recommendations of the laptop class, credentialed fools aka the ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’.
If Dems get elected, we deserve what we get and they can own all the failures for their stupid ways.
The Dems are Teflon. Nothing they do wrong sticks. If it did, half of them would be in prison.
There is lots to dislike here, but I like the proper use of the phrase “spending bill”. There has not been an actual budget (where income and spending are matched) for a long, long time. Language matters.
Will there be a federal budget (not just a spending plan or spending bills) in my lifetime? Perhaps.
the uniparty KNOWS there is no thing as a budget
thats just talk for the “kids” to not riot
CR should be dead on arrival.
CR $$ should be approved for each specific expenditure.
There are times to stand up for what’s right. And then there are times when your presidential hopes seem like they might be crashing. At these times you do the pragmatic thing to win an election (ever heard of that concept, Republicans?) so you can actually effect change over the long term.
The idea that Republicans may not crush the Democrats across the board this election cycle spells serious trouble. The press WILL BLAME THE REPUBLICANS if a budget isn’t passed. Suicide is a bad strategy, Thomas Massey.
only the military
get funded by the federal government
everyyythinggg else is local
gop allowed government to take over healthcare
little by little and then bigger chunks at a time
not only fund abortions and peoples bad habits
we are graduating anti white racist loving addled brained tards
SICKENING – I type they almost as much as I type INSANE!! WHY should we even NEED a LAW that ONLY US CITIZENS can vote?? If I’m not mistaken – run this by my wife – we ALREADY have LAWS AGAINST NON-CITIZENS VOTING!! All these CR’s just kick the can down the road – it has to END! EITHER PRODUCE A BUDGET and get it approved or GET OUT!
Do we need a new speaker?
Or cab this one be reconed?