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Harris Spokesman Won’t Walk Back Her 2019 Support to Slash ICE, Fund Sex Changes for Illegal Aliens

Harris Spokesman Won’t Walk Back Her 2019 Support to Slash ICE, Fund Sex Changes for Illegal Aliens

Spokesman Michael Tyler insisted that Harris is the stronger candidate for border security. I laughed.

Kamala Harris spokesman Michael Tyler brushed aside a question about an ACLU questionnaire Harris answered in 2019 where she expressed support to defund ICE, decriminalize fentanyl, and support paying for illegal aliens’ sex changes.

Tyler told ABC:

Listen, I think, you know, these old questionnaires are a complete distraction from the task at hand right now. I think the vice president — and frankly, what the American people are actually asking about, right? What the American people are concerned about and what they’re asking about is who’s going to solve for border security. And on that issue, there’s a very clear choice here. You have the vice president who will sign the bipartisan border security bill that was ready to go in the US Senate until one person and one person alone entered the chat and blew it up and said do not pass this because I think it would benefit me. That was Donald Trump. The vice president said if that bill ends up on her desk she will sign it into law. I think that should give the American people every thing they need to know about this issue.

That’s odd because Democrats joined the Republicans to block the bill, including Bernie Sanders:

A significant number of Democrats have also criticized the proposal, mostly because it does not include any broad relief for immigrants who have already established lives in the United States. On the left, four Democrats, as well as Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent of Maine, voted against advancing the bill.

“It fails to address the root causes of migration or to establish more lawful pathways,” said Sen. Alex Padilla, a California Democrat.

Let’s move to the questionnaire.

The ACLU gives presidential candidates questionnaires. Then-Sen. Kamala Harris said she wanted to slash ICE funding:

When asked about criminal justice reform on the questionnaire, she wrote she would end immigration detention facilities (along with private prisons). Harris also said she supported decreasing funding for ICE.

“Our immigrant detention system is out of control, and I believe we must end the unfair incarceration of thousands of individuals, families and children,” Harris wrote. “I was one of the first Senators after President Trump was elected to advocate for a decrease in funding to ICE.”

Harris appears to be citing her efforts in 2017 to oppose increased ICE funding under Trump.

Harris wrote that in 2018 she had introduced the Detention Oversight, Not Expansion (DONE) Act to, “increase oversight of Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities, slash detention by at least 50%, and halt funding for the construction or expansion of new facilities.”

Harris mentioned that, as California attorney general, she told local law enforcement not to comply with ICE detaining requests.

Gotta pay for illegal aliens’ sex changes:

Harris was asked if, as president, she would use “executive authority to ensure that transgender and non-binary people who rely on the state for medical care – including those in prison and immigration detention – will have access to comprehensive treatment associated with gender transition, including all necessary surgical care.”

Harris replied, “Yes.”

“It is important that transgender individuals who rely on the state for care receive the treatment they need, which includes access to treatment associated with gender transition,” Harris wrote in a reply expanding on her answer. “That’s why, as Attorney General, I pushed the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to provide gender transition surgery to state inmates,” she wrote.

Harris explained that she supported granting prisoners and detainees access to “surgical care” for gender transition.

“Transition treatment is a medical necessity, and I will direct all federal agencies responsible for providing essential medical care to deliver transition treatment,” she wrote.

Gotta decriminalize all personal use of drugs:

While Harris indicated she supported drug legalization, her answer focused solely on marijuana, citing her co-sponsorship of the Marijuana Justice Act, which sought to legalize federal marijuana.

She explained that drug use should be treated as a public health issue rather than a criminal one.

“Throughout my career, I have supported treating drug addiction as a public health issue, focusing on rehabilitation over incarceration for drug-related offenses,” she wrote.


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Whack a doodle with a poodle, this fake foodie is a phony.
So full of baloney is this moron-y persona that non gratia would be too kind of an ending to the cackling Jamaican Indian.
Be gone with ye, and take your ilk along with you.

destroycommunism | September 10, 2024 at 2:57 pm

“Spokesman Michael Tyler insisted that Harris is the stronger candidate for border security.”


for her job security

destroycommunism | September 10, 2024 at 3:10 pm

outgoing surprise az mayor has mom arrested for speaking out against council members claiming that the citizens have to abide by the rules to
not criticize council members

this connects directly to the lefty matter which party he would be from

(A mom, but not the mayor’s mom…)
Story here. FIRE is defending the mom.

In her controversial criticism, Massie had challenged the city’s decision to increase Wingo’s pay due to his work performance. Police cited “trespassing” as the basis of Massie’s arrest… “If the First Amendment protects anything, it protects criticizing government officials,” said [FIRE’s] Fitzpatrick. “Arresting government critics might be how the world’s repressive regimes operate, but it has no place in America.” … Hall’s replacement, Mayor-Elect Kevin Sartor, condemned his soon-to-be predecessor’s actions in a public statement in the days following the incident.

Too many voters won’t and don’ care about a fact such as this because … Kommie Harris supports ABORTIONS. (In any event, she will change what she says on this issue if and when she needs to do so to get more votes — ala Bernie Sanders’ comment.)