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LA Times Columnist Blames Republicans for Democrat-Dominated California’s Failures

LA Times Columnist Blames Republicans for Democrat-Dominated California’s Failures

Meanwhile, longtime former California Democratic legislative leader Gloria Romero has just announced she is leaving the Democratic Party for the GOP.

There are signs that November is turning into a blow-out election for the Republicans and a blow-up election for the Democrats.

One sign is a hot take by Steve Lopez, a columnist for The Los Angeles Times. He had the audacity to blame the Republican Party for the state’s issues with drug abuse, crime, homelessness, poverty, and other issues.

While Lopez did note his state is run almost entirely by Democrats, he reasoned that the milquetoast Republicans in this state were too far right to get elected. Ergo, the epic failures are entirely the fault of the GOP.

So maybe you’re reading this and saying, “OK, but Reagan and Nixon and economic shifts are old stories. California’s Dems have been in the driver’s seat for years, and they’re soft on crime and the border, full of empty promises and way too woke.”

Fine, but if that’s your perspective, whose fault is it that in California, Democrats are in charge?

I have the answer for you.

It’s Republicans.

In a state that proudly celebrates inclusion and leads the resistance to the politics of race-based scapegoating, climate change denial and the stripping of women’s reproductive rights, the out-of-touch GOP has been hell-bent on shrinking its tent. Reagan, who signed an abortion rights bill as governor and an immigrant amnesty bill as president, would be booted out of today’s GOP.

….Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a moderate Republican, left Sacramento in 2011 and no GOP candidate has won statewide office since then. None of them has offered winning solutions to deep-seated problems, and it might be too late for a party resurgence because as the electorate has grown more diverse, GOP voter registration has dwindled to roughly 25%.

You can’t blame Democrats for that.

Here is the reality:

The reason for the Democrat domination is the jungle primary system, which California voters agreed to in 2010. Many warned that it would lead to a one-party state. However, voters were gullible and believed moderate policy-makers would ultimately be elected.

The system has its drawbacks, such as inviting mischievous tactics. For instance, operatives of one party sometimes clandestinely recruit multiple candidates in the other party to fragment the vote and help two candidates of the same party finish 1-2 in the primary. It’s happened a couple of times.

But change is afoot. Longtime former California Democratic legislative leader Gloria Romero has just announced she is leaving the Democratic Party for the GOP.

Gloria Romero, who served as the state Senate majority leader for three years of her more than 10-year stint in Sacramento, slammed the current state of her former party.

Romero said she had been a delegate to the Democratic National Convention for both Jesse Jackson and Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., adding that many Latinos and Latinas are leaving the party for similar reasons.

“Today, I say ‘Goodbye – adios’ — I’ve had enough,” the former San Gabriel Valley lawmaker said in her announcement.

“I am now another near-lifelong Democrat who is joining the growing number of people … who are leaving the Democratic Party.

“Today, I join the Republican Party to make America great again, and I am ready to do my part as America prepares to vote,” Romero said, adding she has received a warm reception from her onetime political opposition.

Romero is another addition to the “trades” that show a political realignment is occurring.


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Petrushka | September 11, 2024 at 9:10 am

I’ve been wondering if immigrants are ultimately going to reject the Democratic Party. I hadn’t expected it to happen this soon.

CommoChief | September 11, 2024 at 9:16 am

This newfound strategy of ‘blame the GOP b/c those sneaky bastards purposefully didn’t win legislative majorities in order to avoid blame for the Cray Cray policies the d/prog super majorities and a string of d/prog Gov imposed’ doesn’t seem viable…but I don’t live in CA.

A Dhimmi-crat Party that perennially enables and lauds a total absence of personal responsibility in its members, disclaims any scintilla of responsibility for its apparatchiks’ corrosive, destructive, impoverishing and callous socioeconomic and other policies.

This is not surprising. Blaming others for the innumerable and predictable failings of leftist governance and policies is part of the Dhimmi-crats’ wretched ethos.

johnny dollar | September 11, 2024 at 10:26 am

Once you read the headline, indicating a reference to an LA Times columnist, it is not necessary to read any further.
That paper is riddled with left wing lunacy. Its circulation is nil, compared to what it once was.
I used to read that paper every day. In fact, when I was a lot younger, I used to deliver it on the weekends to news stands.
I stopped subscribing, and reading it, about 20 years ago.
It needs to either change (not likely) or disappear.

Sailorcurt | September 11, 2024 at 11:27 am

So, basically, all the Republicans in California need to do is act like democrats so they can get elected. Then everything would be just fine.

destroycommunism | September 11, 2024 at 11:38 am

gop issss at fault for not fighting the communist nazi regimes agenda here in america

how could they have done so?

no compromise with that evil

but mccain and milkuski and collins gave into obamacare as one example

and by not stopping the flow of illegals into this country with stronger measures

and by signing off to the welfare state

instead the screamed abortion KNOWING that they couldnt change that BUT THEY 1000% COULD HAVE STOPPED THE FUNDING

npr? SCHOOLS?? yup
same thing

charter schools is STILL GOV RUN

THE GOP KNOWS GOV RUN= ANTI AMERICAN when it comes to these social “causes”


Blame is the balm of choice for those incapable of implementing workable solutions.

Ca can wear that dirty diaper as long as the want.

amatuerwrangler | September 11, 2024 at 12:42 pm

Speaking of party switches….. Last month CA state senator Marie Alvarado-Gil (then a Dem) announced that she has jumped to the Republicans. This makes no difference in the party balance of the state senate. She said she can no longer support the direction of the Dems (or words to that effect); not much has gone on lately to see how her voting might have changed; it would have made no difference in any of the end-of-session flurry of bad sent forward to the Gov.

So the real news is that just last week, her former Ch of Staff filed a sexual harassment suit against her for activities alleged to have go on in 2022-23. The time of the suit is suspect in my eyes. She apparently fired him in 2023, but facts in these things are elusive, from either side. Things that apparently were OK while she was a Dem became lawsuit fodder when she switched to Rep.

My advice to Ms Romero would be to keep her eyes open and have her attorney on speed-dial. Retaliation may be forthcoming.

I doubt either will vote for Trump in November.

Socratease | September 11, 2024 at 2:04 pm

It’s the old “it’s your fault because you didn’t stop me before I killed again” argument.

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