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CNN Shockingly Calls Out Kamala Harris Hypocrisy Over Trump Border Wall

CNN Shockingly Calls Out Kamala Harris Hypocrisy Over Trump Border Wall

“found 50 instances of Harris slamming Trump’s border wall, but now her campaign is featuring the border wall in ads”

Kamala Harris recently used an image of border wall built under Trump a few years ago in a campaign ad. Her campaign also recently suggested that she has changed her position on the idea of a border wall.

While all of that is surprising, it is even more shocking that CNN called her out over this.

FOX News reports:

CNN calls out Harris for using Trump’s border wall in campaign ad after condemning it for years

A CNN segment reported Wednesday on how Vice President Kamala Harris is using imagery of former President Trump’s border wall after condemning it for years as “useless” and un-American.

During CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront,” host Erin Burnett spoke to CNN’s KFile senior editor Andrew Kaczynski about how Harris’ past comments about Trump’s border wall are coming back to “haunt” her.

Kaczynski found 50 instances of Harris slamming Trump’s border wall, but now her campaign is featuring the border wall in ads.

After playing Harris’ campaign ad featuring a portion of the wall, Burnett recalled how Harris had criticized that same wall in her 2019 book, “The Truths We Hold,” writing that the wall was not only “useless” but that it would be “monument standing in opposition to not just everything I value, but to the fundamental values upon which this country was built.” Harris also argued the wall symbolically tells the world, “’KEEP OUT.’”

In addition, Harris condemned the wall as a “misuse of taxpayer money.” In a clip at a public event in 2019, Harris called the border wall a “vanity project” and claimed Trump “contrived a national crisis around his big distraction.”

Watch the clip below:

Kamala Harris and the Democrats in general are particularly vulnerable on the issue of the border and illegal immigration.

The Daily Wire notes:

Since taking over the campaign in late July, after the Democratic Party summarily axed President Joe Biden from the 2024 ticket, Harris has had her media surrogates working overtime to distance her from the open-border policies that have marked the Biden-Harris administration’s approach to illegal immigration.

That move comes in the wake of a number of highly publicized violent crimes tied to illegal aliens who entered the United States on Harris’ watch — in addition to polling that indicates a majority of Americans are in favor of much stronger enforcement of immigration laws.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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The key voting population can best be described as a mob suffering from mid Alzheimer’s. It can gain an impression from current messaging, cannot retain past information, and is totally incapable of the mentation involved in logical reasoning. Hence, just hug em to death.

    henrybowman in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 6, 2024 at 6:54 pm

    This doesn’t deserve downvotes. If the US were replete with rational voters, The Democratic Party would have evaporated two decades ago. In a rational America, it shouldn’t even be POSSIBLE to wage a campaign on 100% hope and joy and 0% policy, much less win one.

Amazing that CNN pointed out anything negative about the Democrat nominee, whoever it is.
No one watches CNN, not even leftists, so the impact is minimal

That was before we were here, as when we were before, and will be tomorrow

If even CNN is noticing the seismic shifts in her core positions over the last two months it’s no wonder she refuses to answer questions.

Ms. Harris is…confused. She speaks about: “the fundamental values upon which this country was built.” But those fundamental values are laws applicable to all. And when you violate the laws, you become a criminal.

Her very statements on this invalidate her as worthy of the Office of President.

I can only hope that enough legal citizens exercise their brain before casting a vote. But logical thinking escapes too many in this age of “feelings”.

Elections have consequences. This one, perhaps, much more than any other.

destroycommunism | September 6, 2024 at 11:31 am

cnn is rotten to the core

Her internal polling must be worse than what the corporate press is telling us

JackinSilverSpring | September 6, 2024 at 1:22 pm

Well, all these flips and all these flops, how is a body to know where she stands? Actually, as I have said before, this leopard cannot change its spots. Should she be elected, heaven forfend, I bet that on the next day she reverts back to the policies she advocated before becoming the DemoncRat nominee for President.

“A CNN segment reported Wednesday on how Vice President Kamala Harris is using imagery of former President Trump’s border wall after condemning it for years as “useless” and un-American.”
She can’t help it. It’s what whores do.