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Report: Biden-Harris Laying Groundwork to Blame Russia for Influencing 2024 Election

Report: Biden-Harris Laying Groundwork to Blame Russia for Influencing 2024 Election

But you know it’s only if Trump wins.

Russia, Russia, Russia!

Sources told CNN that the Biden-Harris administration has plans to accuse Russia of trying to sway the 2024 election:

It’s expected the US will make a series of moves on Wednesday aimed at addressing the Kremlin’s efforts including the White House publicly condemning the actions and the Justice Department announcing law enforcement action targeting the covert Russian campaign, the sources said.

RT, the Russian state media network, is a major focus of the US announcement, the sources said. US officials see the Russian outlet as a key piece of Kremlin propaganda efforts.

The Russian disinformation operation is being laundered through both Americans and non-American voices, four of the sources said.

Taken together, the actions would be the Biden administration’s most significant public response yet to alleged Russian influence operations targeting American voters. After the US accused Iran of trying to hack both the Trump and Biden-Harris campaigns last month, Wednesday’s expected actions are a reminder that US officials continue to see Russia as a prominent foreign influence threat to November’s election, the sources said.

The administration will supposedly slap more sanctions on the Social Design Agency. The Treasury Department already accused the company of “running fake news sites in Europe on behalf of the Russian government.”

If Trump wins, the Democrats can point to these actions and scream FRAUD! If Harris wins, the Democrats will boast they stopped Russia from returning Trump to the White House.

It’s all about misinformation instead of hacking, though. I’m guessing the Democrats will try to force social media platforms to suppress supposed fake news:

But any foreign or domestic attempts to sow discord during the US election and shape voters’ opinions don’t change the fact that the voting process is very difficult to tamper with and protected by layers of defenses. There is no evidence of successful efforts — foreign or domestic —to swing an American election by changing vote tallies.


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The only one under the influence is Kamala Harris.

Maybe but I think we already know their October surprise. And it’s going to be in September. They’ll try to jail President Trump in NY.

Virginia42 | September 4, 2024 at 1:07 pm

Of course they are. Scumbags.

Russia, China, Iran, NK, etc. are praying that Harris and Walz are elected.

JackinSilverSpring | September 4, 2024 at 1:31 pm

This accusation is growing very very stale. The DemoncRats should come up with a better excuse.

thad_the_man | September 4, 2024 at 1:32 pm

They would not do this if they thought we were winning.

It is not far fetched to believe that Democrats will actually destroy democracy to save it.

SeymourButz | September 4, 2024 at 1:36 pm

We literally just arrested a Chinese spy working under the governor of NY.

How many Russians have we arrested and charged?

Sit down.

scooterjay | September 4, 2024 at 1:41 pm

Racist Russians colonizers that refuse to divest from Israel and also hate LGBTQ they/them will be responsible as EVERYONE in America is cackles for Kamala.
She ain’t in no ways tarred, y’all.

And yet we all know that both Russia and the CCP prefer Harris, perhaps for different reasons, but most assuredly so. In fact we recently learned two CCP spies for hire were working on Democratic candidates campaigns.

DaveGinOly | September 4, 2024 at 1:45 pm

It’s really quite slick. They’re directing attention towards a non-existent threat (Russia, Russia, Russia) to election security and claiming that where election security is most vulnerable (internal processes & counting) is where it is most secure. A double dose of disinformation, each dose reinforcing the other.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 4, 2024 at 1:49 pm

Oh. I dunno… If Vlad wants to lend a hand to get us past the voting machines and the drop-off box stuffing, why not?

nordic prince | September 4, 2024 at 2:10 pm

Report: Biden-Harris Laying Groundwork to Blame Russia for Influencing Steal 2024 Election


Elizabeth Stauffer | September 4, 2024 at 2:18 pm

The whole world knows that Putin would prefer a Biden-Walz win in November. Then again, this is the same party that’s trying to convince voters that Kamala represents a new way forward even though she’s the sitting vice president in the current administration that’s presided over America’s decline. I’m growing to loathe Democrats.

Thing is, Russia (and the Soviet Union) have been trying to influence elections for DECADES. Under the Soviet Union, they did it by financing various front groups in America, including writers. The difference now is that much of it is done much more cheaply (and, after all, they’ve already implanted their crapola in our institutions – very securely) with bots on websites and things like Twitter and Facebook.

But we don’t normally do anything about mere information, because we have free speech and we fight back against with more speech, anyway.

But, it provides great cover for all of those progressive censorship pogroms. (And for stealing the vote.)

It’s a backup plan if their fraud falls through, something for the Democrats Propaganda Ministry to start hammering Trump on day 1.

Not entirely on topic but anyone else bothered by the fact that Tucker hasn’t been removed from the right following his platforming Holocaust denier and nodding along to how merciful the Holocaust by Germany was?

In a close election in PA some disgusted Jews staying home who otherwise could have switched from Democrat to Republican could make the difference, even if for no other reason shouldn’t Tucker’s being a pro-Nazi POS bother you?

    JR in reply to Danny. | September 4, 2024 at 6:03 pm

    It bothers me. I don’t pay any attention to Tucker anymore after he became an ap0logist and supporter of Russia.

    henrybowman in reply to Danny. | September 4, 2024 at 7:28 pm

    Exactly how do you “remove someone from the right?” Take away his Alex Jones Fan Club wallet card?

      Danny in reply to henrybowman. | September 5, 2024 at 9:36 am

      Unsubscribing from his show (Again I am a strong advocate for allowing nazis pos or pro-nazi pos like that in the public square to spew whatever they wish), no longer promoting him, no longer advocating that he should be brought to schools when the principal correctly believes he is a bad influence (Would you advocate a leftist who promotes holocaust denial being invited to schools against the will of the principal?) no longer giving him grace when he advocates that the U.S. Government is hiding aliens from outer space.

      There are a wide variety of things team Republican and team Democrat do for the people they identify as theirs, and it shows. It is the difference between why people perceive Tucker as Team Republican but don’t perceive the same for Alex Jones.

      There are other things to such as no longer shouting that Fox was wrong to fire him, which is shouting to a PA Jew (you know state that will be decided by a razor thin margin and has a Jewish population there?) “Don’t vote we hate you to”.

TargaGTS | September 4, 2024 at 2:59 pm

Their internal polling must not look good. I thought it was interesting that the latest CNN poll shows Harris only leading by 2-points. For some perspective, CNN last poll of the 2020 cycle had Biden winning by 12-points. In reality, Biden only ‘won’ by 4.5-points.

scooterjay | September 4, 2024 at 3:00 pm

How could the Russians influence American voters?
Democrats have had eight years to solve the problem that spans back to Hillary getting the pantsuit beaten off her, yet here we go again.

MoeHowardwasright | September 4, 2024 at 9:41 pm

It’s a tired stale way of crying wolf. Herr Gatland is doing his part with indictments of RT and the investigation of Tenent Media. Look for Herr Garland to try and tie it to other conservative media companies. Because heaven knows the Russians would never try and influence fellow communist/demonrat media companies. FKH

It’s a clear sign the Deep State knows its going to lose. They are prepping to undermine Trump 2.0.

Steven Brizel | September 5, 2024 at 3:32 pm

This is the same hogwash that the Democrats asserted after 2016 that was known as Russia collusion for which there was never a scintilla of admissible evidence ever found or introduced in a court of law

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