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Did John McCain’s Son Forget His Dad Used Arlington in a Political Ad?

Did John McCain’s Son Forget His Dad Used Arlington in a Political Ad?

Sounds like someone just wants attention.

CNN chose to speak to John McCain’s youngest son instead of the Gold Star families who lost loved ones during Joe Biden’s awful Afghanistan withdrawal.

In the interview, Jimmy McCain accused Donald Trump of going to Arlington on the anniversary withdrawal to use as a campaign backdrop even though the families invited him.

Did Jimmy forget that his dad used Arlington in a political ad? Did he forget that Dad didn’t get permission or even request permission to film there?

The Associated Press article on the incident sounds like McCain went to Arlington for the ad. He didn’t use old footage. No one invited him to the cemetery.

McCain went to the cemetery to film footage for an ad.

The Army slammed McCain because those in charge would have denied permission “because partisan activity is banned at Army installations.”

Trump went because the families asked him to go with them.

Jimmy complained:

“It just blows me away,” Jimmy McCain, a first lieutenant in the Arizona National Guard, told CNN. “These men and women that are laying in the ground there have no choice” of whether to be a backdrop for a political campaign.

“I just think that for anyone who’s done a lot of time in their uniform, they just understand that inherently – that it’s not about you there. It’s about these people who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the name of their country.”

The Gold Star families have been pleading with the media to pay attention to them.

Of course, the media ignores them because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

I believe the families also invited Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Joe went to the beach. I think Kamala campaigned.

Gee, I wonder why the families have stuck by Trump. He’s the only one who gives a damn about them and their loved ones.

Some of the photos ended up in a Trump campaign ad.

But Biden and Obama used Arlington in ads, too.

Oh, wait. It’s okay that Biden did it because the ad’s disclaimer said “the use of Defense Department footage does not imply an endorsement of the Biden campaign.”

You mean Trump smiled and gave his trademark thumbs up? What about Obama?


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Peter Moss | September 4, 2024 at 10:52 am

Perhaps Mr. McCain should take a few minutes to reflect and pray for those 134 sailors that died on the U.S.S. Forrestal before he opens his fat mouth.

John McCain parlayed a tragic circumstance of being held as a POW into a career of pretending to be a virtuous republican. He was a craven piece of garbage that threw a presidential election to a traitor (and destroyed the political career of a promising conservative in the process) and knifed the republic in the back with his Obamacare vote.

Screw both of them.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Peter Moss. | September 4, 2024 at 1:17 pm

    Thumbs up for the second paragraph. Thumbs down for the first if you’re inferring that McCain was in any way responsible for the Forrestal fire. He was merely present and nearly became a victim himself. Neither he nor his aircraft caused the event. His aircraft was parked across the deck from the aircraft that had an unintentional rocket launch, the rocket flying across the deck (possibly being responsible for a seaman’s loss of an arm), striking an aircraft parked next to McCain’s (an aircraft that couldn’t have been struck by weapons on McCain’s aircraft). A discharge from McCain’s aircraft would have struck the opposite side of the deck (starboard) and forward of his aircraft’s location, a scenario which is completely at odds with all video, physical evidence, and testimony.

    Please also see the complete account in Sailors to the End: The Deadly Fire on the USS Forrestal and the Heroes Who Fought It.

    If McCain can be criticized for anything about the incident, is that he lied about it in his autobiography, claiming that it was his aircraft that was struck by the rocket.

    Also, if anyone needs convincing that McCain was a POS, just read An Enormous Crime: The Definitive Account of American POWs Abandoned in Southeast Asia. Two names come up again and again as persons responsible for misleading the American public on the subject of POWs in Vietnam and preventing a resolution of the problem – John Kerry and John McCain.

    So, please. No accusations that I’m standing up for McCain. I’m standing up for the truth and the facts, that’s all.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to DaveGinOly. | September 4, 2024 at 2:02 pm

      Thank you,

      diver64 in reply to DaveGinOly. | September 5, 2024 at 6:37 am

      Only a few things. McCain may have emergency bailed from his plane when the rocket was launched and fire started hitting the release buttons on his. In the confusion/panic he probably did think he was hit too and to the day he died thought that was what happened. He didn’t stay on deck to fight the fire, he wasn’t a fireman and most likely had no idea firemen were dying. What he did was immediately evacuate to a lower deck, help throw bombs off the ship then go to a safe room as directed to wait it out. McCain should be loathed for a lot of things but I don’t think his actions on that ship are some of them.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Peter Moss. | September 5, 2024 at 6:40 am

    Let’s not forget that Saint John also screwed his way through a number of female Navy enlisted personnel.

    The sexual abuse of enlisted women by officers is unacceptable, and in my book, worse than Walz’ failure to deploy at the end of his career

    Perhaps Lt Jimmy will have a long and illustrious career banging enlisted women… if he knows how to identify them.

    The McCain name has reached its shelf life, and is beginning to stink.

The nut does not fall far from the tree. But it does fall. And it lays on the ground like a piece of trash.

    MattMusson in reply to Paula. | September 4, 2024 at 1:40 pm

    Should I be more influenced that the son of a late Senator doesn’t like Trump? Or, that the brothers of the Current VP candidate Tim Walz are saying he is wildly more liberal than he is being portrayed.

Imagine getting this upset about a past President visiting to remember soldiers killed by the current regime.

Democrats really haven’t got a damn thing to run on have they.

destroycommunism | September 4, 2024 at 11:20 am

The Dems did an actual fundraiser at the funeral of a fallen comrade decades back

The dems do fundraising off of murdering babies and the elderly


destroycommunism | September 4, 2024 at 11:21 am

the dems use the military to crush their own people

the patriots ask of the military to crush those that would try and crush us

destroycommunism | September 4, 2024 at 11:22 am

wait until the blmplo start to desecrate arlington national

As always it is ok when they do it just not for you to do it.

Halcyon Daze | September 4, 2024 at 12:52 pm

He was certain everyone had forgotten.

LeftWingLock | September 4, 2024 at 1:07 pm

That was different because, like … reasons.

DaveGinOly | September 4, 2024 at 1:21 pm

I have to wonder if the Army’s ban on partisan activity on its installations applies generally (to the public and politicians/candidates) or if it applies only to service personnel (and possibly also to civilian contractors who work on the installations). The fact that such a ban exists may be being taken out of context, making it seem more generally applicable than it may be.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to DaveGinOly. | September 4, 2024 at 2:04 pm

    Decency alone says don’t do it. But, who is decent?

    diver64 in reply to DaveGinOly. | September 5, 2024 at 6:41 am

    It applies generally according to my daughter who is active duty. It also applies to all soldiers off base in uniform and is really frowned upon even if they are out. Attending a political rally out of uniform is certainly allowed. Working on a campaign or something like that is not something they like at all.

CommoChief | September 4, 2024 at 4:25 pm

I grew tired of listening to the McCain family trading on the POW status of John McCain a very long time ago. I suspect that I am not the only person tired of the constant slobbering over this family by the media. Almost as bad the Kennedy family in terms of cynical self promotion and demands for attention based on last names.

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