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MIT Condemns Anti-Israel Activists Who Map Out Jewish Organizations They Want to Dismantle

MIT Condemns Anti-Israel Activists Who Map Out Jewish Organizations They Want to Dismantle

“The map also includes local police departments, politicians’ homes, and U.S. military bases.”

This is madness and dangerous. Schools have to begin expelling these people.

Campus Reform reports:

MIT anti-Israel activists spread map of Jewish orgs they want to ‘dismantle,’ provoking condemnation from MIT

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) President Sally Kornbluth condemned the spread of materials on campus that targeted Jewish organizations and called to “dismantle” them.

At an Aug. 28 orientation event for MIT students, several anti-Israel activists handed out flyers with a link to the Mapping Project, which provides an interactive map locating organizations that supposedly support “the colonization of Palestine.”

The map includes the locations of several Jewish organizations, including the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts, the Hillel Council of New England, and the Jewish National Fund’s New England Regional Office.

The Mapping Project states that its “goal in pursuing this collective mapping was to reveal the local entities and networks that enact devastation, so we can dismantle them. Every entity has an address, every network can be disrupted.”

The map also includes local police departments, politicians’ homes, and U.S. military bases.

In response to the flyers being handed out, Kornbluth sent an email stating: “While I have repeatedly defended freedom of expression, I must tell you that I found some of the websites cited on the flyers deeply concerning.” Kornbluth specifically called out the Mapping Project for anti-Semitism.


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destroycommunism | September 4, 2024 at 11:37 am

map them back

Kornbluth is still there? At least she finds, “some of the websites cited on the flyers deeply concerning.” Strong language!

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