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Tennessee Shooter’s Manifesto Reveals Hatred Towards Whites, Christianity

Tennessee Shooter’s Manifesto Reveals Hatred Towards Whites, Christianity

The obvious motive didn’t fit the narrative so it’s no wonder this story has been swept under the rug.

The Tennessee Star published all 90-pages of Audrey Hale’s journal, which shows her motive for shooting up The Covenant School in Nashville, TN, on March 27, 2023.

Hale killed six people, including three children.

We’ve all speculated why the school shooting disappeared, and authorities never assigned a motive.

Hale’s journal proves it: She hated whites and Christianity.

On January 16, 2023, Hale wrote:

I can’t wait to see you again, Syd.
I’ll see you at the golden gates.

The date appears again in other entries.

On March 13, 3023, Hale wrote in her journal:

2 more weeks. Thank f*ck I planned to die, plan in mind
[And a plan to near perfection!]

Hale also expressed hope that her massacre would make Eric and Dylan, the boys who killed many at Columbine High School, proud.

She mentioned the school in February:

Covenant was closed yesterday.
I guess it was b/c of the weather.

Hale claimed to be transgender, writing the name Aiden on the front cover. She wrote over and over about the pain of being in the wrong body.

Hale yearned for an interracial relationship, claiming, “No brown girls, no love.” Two names appeared many times in the journal: Sydney and Paige.

Many pages include hearts with P.A.P inside of them. However, it seems everything collapsed for Hale when Sydney died.

On another page, Hale wrote: “Brown girls have the nicest skin, especially yours. Rather to touch it, I’d die…”

On another page, Hale addressed Paige:

I’m going to kill people tomorrow (Someday…)
Please don’t be mad…
I’m going to do something tomorrow… (sometime)
It’s too sad to even think you might feel…
I’m so sorry

On January 9, 2023, Hale said “Sydney is gone but my father is still alive. It should be the other way around.”

Hale bashes her parents and religion throughout the notebook, disgusted that they think “religion can change nature.” She blamed her mother’s conservative upbringing for rejecting her belief that she’s a boy.

The day of the shooting, Hale celebrated in her journal as she couldn’t believe the day of her death finally arrived:

Can’t believe I’m doing this,
but I’m ready…

I hope my victims aren’t.

My only fear is if anything goes wrong.
I’ll do my best to prevent of the sort.
(God let my wrath take over my anxiety)
It might be 10 minutes. It might be
3-7. I’s gunna be quick.
I hope I have a high death count.
Ready to die haha

Hale wrote on the last page:

Remember me for the good things…


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Surprise factor = 0

Once again, progressives are celebrating those with gender dysphoria as rational people making healthy and affirmative choices when the truth of the matter is that they are deeply mentally ill and deserve treatment and protection, not only for themselves but for society at large.

    DDsModernLife in reply to Peter Moss. | September 3, 2024 at 10:31 pm

    A couple of clarifying points: what’s now called “gender dysphoria” used to be known as “gender identity disorder.” People in this condition were previously recognized as having a disorder. But “dysphoria” is based on distress. That is: if your conviction is that you’re a female in a male’s body and you accept that–you’re not distressed by this perceived reality–then you don’t have a disorder at all. As is often the case, a subtle change in language feeds a massive change in the

      DDsModernLife in reply to DDsModernLife. | September 3, 2024 at 10:52 pm

      [continuing…connection problem]

      …a massive change in the discourse.

      Try searching for “gender identity disorder” and you’ll find that the search results are all “gender dysphoria”.

      We’re often presented with the false choice that, to deny “gender affirming surgery” (which I would call, “gender non-acceptance surgery”) will lead directly to suicide. Well, who wants to cause suicide? But what about the suicide rate among post-surgery individuals?

      “As the Obama Centers for Medicare and Medicaid pointed out, ‘mortality from this patient population did not become apparent until after 10 years’.”

      People who refuse to accept reality are mentally ill. It’s a fact Genetics determines if you’re male or female. Nothing can change that. Trans women are only pretending to be men.

        Genetics and some hormones. There ARE legitimate medical issues with transgender and other folks who need some actual medical treatment. But those folks are extremely rare and shouldn’t be the excuse for all the other folks to have their mental illness affirmed by society, to ours and their detriment.

    Sailorcurt in reply to Peter Moss. | September 4, 2024 at 7:39 am

    “Gender Dysphoria” is nothing more than someone being profoundly insecure and unhappy with who they are. Pretty much everyone goes through these feelings at some time or another. In my experience it’s very common during puberty.

    The problem is when someone is unhappy and insecure with who they are inside, changing what they look like on the outside isn’t going to fix that. It may mask it for a while because they don’t recognize themselves in the mirror for a time, but as they get used to the new look, they ultimately come to realize they are the same person, with the same perceived shortcomings and insecurities, regardless of whether they have long or short hair, makeup or a beard, wearing a dress or a flannel shirt.

    Painting rotten wood may make it look prettier, but doesn’t fix the rot and won’t keep the house from falling down.

    Until we start treating the disease rather then the symptoms, these types of things will keep on happening.

    “I’ve tried running away from my troubles but no matter how far I go, there I am.”

      It’s not “nothing more than.” But it certainly is that in most of the cases now, by far.
      One of the problems with the current vogue of “transgender” is the mentally ill folks are making the people with real problems invisible. You can’t deal with and treat those people properly because of all the sturm und drang from the crazy folk.

Hey, this reveals hatred toward whites and Christianity! What should we do?

Well, we can’t release it. It doesn’t fit the narrative. So we’ll have to keep it hidden as long as we can.

destroycommunism | September 3, 2024 at 5:26 pm

how about we stop allowing the government to control the information we receive!!!!!!!

from the bs..”teens” names cannot be released,,,while the criminal is released etc

if these people were not protected by the msm the teachers etc

we could have a head start in many cases BEFORE THEY START THEIR SHOOTUPS!

destroycommunism | September 3, 2024 at 5:30 pm

and what about having the ability to take YOUR CHILD FOR MENTAL HEALTH

screaming about mental health is allll the rage these days BUT ONLY AS A DEFENSE TO SOME OUTLANDISH ACT

the teacher unions are in support of leaving parents out of the mix

come on america

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | September 3, 2024 at 6:04 pm

Funny. Her comments don’t sound like a male. They sound like a female voice.

She’s not a male in a female body, she’s a lesbian. A dead one at that.

It’s remarkable – and untenable – that neither her writings nor her complete autopsy results have been revealed through official channels considering the clear public transparency interest in this case. How many prescription meds was she on over the last 5-years and what were their names?

Any material that undermines the vile Dhimmi-crats chosen and contrived Narratives(TM) — e.g., trannies are allegedly benevolent saints — must be suppressed.

We can’t have evidence of a mentally ill, racist, hate-filled and vengeful tranny — whose illness, hatreds and pathologies have been directly enabled and inflamed by Dhimmi-crats and the media (but, I repeat myself) consumed by the public, thus potentially altering opinions on the subject of trannies and the malignant “trans” phenomenon.

    henrybowman in reply to guyjones. | September 3, 2024 at 7:12 pm

    If the House Republicans were worth a bucket of warm spit, they’d hold immediate hearings, demanding that the FBI explain, chapter and verse, what parts of this manifesto already now in the public domain were so crucially important to keep under wraps, and exactly why.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 3, 2024 at 6:32 pm

The left wins again. They have been allowed to hide relevant information when it was needed and then have it finally dribble out long after most people have forgotten about it … and no one has been punished for this despicable act in any way, whatsoever. Quite the contrary, actually.

Until the leftist dirtbags who do stuff like this truly suffer for their despicable actions, it will not stop. Basically, these scumbags, in hiding this information from the public, were accomplices after the fact and should be held criminally liable for that.

And the paper did not “publish” the trannie rantings. The paper only offered downloads that required an email account to get the link, for some unknown reason. Everyone with a brain knows that, eventually, the DOJ is going to get the paper’s list of all those email addresses …

I’d like to know if she was being treated with SSRI’s like some of the other mass murderers were.

    henrybowman in reply to rungrandpa. | September 3, 2024 at 7:26 pm

    “[Retired Lt. Garet] Davidson also told Leahy that police have a “list of medications” prescribed to Hale but added that he did not know the prescribing physician. The medications themselves were likely “for conditions like anxiety, depression,” Davidson told Leahy.
    My Magic 8-Ball advises: Signs point to yes.

Sounds like a solid blue voter!

JR proving free legal counsel to trans mass murderers now?

The sniveling coward hunted down young kids and shot them. Too afraid to face even her own age group, she chose the weakest, most vulnerable to kill. What a piece of junk.

Cultural Marxists push this onto kids. I know no one went I went to school who wanted to change genders so what has changed in the last 50 years?

Did she provide a motive?

A very confused lesbian that didn’t want to admit it so tried to convince herself she was a boy then it would be ok. Strange to think that in todays world when no one would bat an eyelash at that she went off her rocker about it.

    Today’s world might not think it awful, but she had something nagging her – I think it was a conscience. And she couldn’t hide from it in the crowd of modern hedonists and transhumanists. Nihilism says “Ignore that little voice in your head” and sometimes manages to actually kill it. In the process it drove this young woman crazy.

Suburban Farm Guy | September 4, 2024 at 8:53 am

Progressives hate themselves and their fellow human beings. She hated whites? Uhh… got news for ya honey.

We must remove Progressives from Education. This is what they teach: illogical, senseless, irrational hatred of Life. She was just performing slightly late-term abortions and was Saving The Planet as the Progressives taught her to do.

Gee, had this deranged person lived, she likely would have been awarded a full scholarship to Columbia!

Her rantings do not serve to tell me she is a leftist. They do tell me she believed their lies, though. She believed the nihilism about not having a purpose. She was lost in the malarkey of transhumanism and hedonism.

If you are looking for why Progressivism should be cut from the American electorate and institutions, this girl is why. Not just because she killed 6 people, including children. But because she is the radical end result of this religion – some commit suicide; others commit murder to induce someone else to kill them.

This is what happens to kids indoctrinated into Progressivism – by schools, media, culture, and gov’t fiat. Save future Audrey Hales and their victims by stopping the evil horror that is Progressivism.

    tbonesays in reply to GWB. | September 4, 2024 at 2:11 pm

    “Progressivism” is the best word we have to call what Westerners currently believe. I wonder if the Church of the Middle Ages adopted “Catholic” for want of an agreed upon word.