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George Clooney Compares Joe Biden to George Washington for Dropping Out of 2024 Race

George Clooney Compares Joe Biden to George Washington for Dropping Out of 2024 Race

“What should be remembered is the selfless act of someone who — you know, it’s very hard to let go of power. We know that. We’ve seen it all around the world”

Actor and Democrat activist George Clooney recently compared Joe Biden to George Washington for being ‘selfless’ and stepping aside from the 2024 presidential election. Bill Clinton made the same comparison at the Democratic National Convention. It’s all so tiresome.

Joe Biden did not step down due to some sense of higher purpose or integrity. He was forced out of the race by Democrat party power-brokers, including George Clooney himself, who wrote a column for the New York Times calling on Biden to drop out.

Do Democrats keep saying this to make themselves feel better about what they did?

FOX News reports:

George Clooney praises Biden stepping aside as ‘most selfless thing’ since George Washington

Actor George Clooney praised President Biden’s decision to leave the 2024 race as “the most selfless thing that anyone’s done since George Washington” on Sunday.

In July, Clooney famously penned a New York Times guest essay headlined, “I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee,” which admitted Biden had declined and insisting the Democratic Party needed a new candidate to defeat former President Trump. Biden eventually obliged, and Clooney couldn’t be happier.

“The person who should be applauded is the president who did the most selfless thing that anyone’s done since George Washington,” Clooney told reporters when asked about the easy, according to the Washington Post.

“What should be remembered is the selfless act of someone who — you know, it’s very hard to let go of power. We know that. We’ve seen it all around the world,” Clooney continued. “And for someone to say, ‘I think there’s a better way forward.’ All the credit goes to him … And all the rest of it will be long gone and forgotten.”

Clooney, who spoke to the press at the Venice Film Festival where his new film “Wolfs” premiered on Sunday night, did not mention Vice President Kamala Harris during his remarks, according to the Post.

Watch the video below:

Nick Arama of RedState commented on this:

George Clooney, who wrote a pivotal op-ed about Biden being in bad condition and urging Biden to step aside from the election, is speaking out. What he has to say shows just how much they think they can put one over on the American voters.

According to him, we should all just forget about the “machinations” behind the move…

No, sorry, we won’t forget and neither will history. Clooney admitted Biden was in bad condition at the fundraiser, but then didn’t write the op-ed until after Biden flamed out at the debate and his condition couldn’t be argued away anymore. So that tells you right there everything you need to know about him and anything he has to say.

Comparing him to George Washington takes some nerve. George Washington stepped aside voluntarily. He wasn’t threatened by Democratic Party bigwigs in an apparent coup to shove him out. This is just straight-up propaganda, to make it all sound and look better.

If Democrats get away with this switcheroo, what are the odds that they’ll do something like this again? Will Democrat primary elections become obsolete?

Featured image via Twitter video.


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Yep Joe Biden is exactly the same as George Washington if by that you mean completely different in every possible way.

Thanks for letting me know. Wake me up when Alec Baldwin weighs in.

Dolce Far Niente | September 3, 2024 at 11:08 am

Since the common Democrat voter is an NPC who obediently believes whatever The Current Thing™ is being dispensed by the MSM and her social media circle, it is hardly surprising that the Democrat candidate is chosen by the Party, and not through silly “primary” votes.

Not that, prior to the Trump era, the R party was any different.

destroycommunism | September 3, 2024 at 11:14 am

thats ok

george also thinks that amal really is for peace and not having israel wiped off the face of the earth

Washington ran for reelection the first time unopposed. He almost certainly would have been unopposed had he sought a 3rd-term. There was a coup d’état against Biden – led in part by George Clooney – because not only was he going to lose, but he was going to take many down ballot Dems with him. He did NOT give up power voluntarily.

    Martin in reply to TargaGTS. | September 3, 2024 at 12:15 pm

    Not only that, he could almost certainly have been King of the America’s if he had so chosen.

      wagnert in atlanta in reply to Martin. | September 4, 2024 at 9:18 am

      In an environment where monarchy was common and democracy rare to the vanishing point (only Switzerland at the time, if I recall correctly) the electorate could have been forgiven for wanting a king — and Washington would have made a magnificent king. But that was not what he fought for, and he saw that a third term might cement his position as the only man who could lead the nation. So he stepped down, all honor to him and to his principles.

I don’t always watch/listen to entertainment produced by snivelling leftist meat puppets, but when I do, I bootleg it. Not. One. Feffing. Dime. To. Support. Them.

Stay dissedent, my friends.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but when Washington was offered a kingship there was no Nancy Pelosi threatening him with the 25th Amendment.

There is another big difference between George Washington and Joe Biden.

George Washington’s party wanted him run again but HE chose to step aside.

Joe Biden wanted to run again but Joe’s party chose for him to step aside.

The dude never graduated from college. Why is anything he says or thinks at all relevant?


    CapeBuffalo in reply to tiger66. | September 3, 2024 at 3:06 pm

    Tiger, I don’t write this in a negative tone BUT please don’t ascribe knowledge and wisdom to be a result of a college education. The university can be a source of enlightenment but no more than life experience and self education
    Unfortunately, university education has evolved into a center for the incubation and dissemination of radical thought

      tiger66 in reply to CapeBuffalo. | September 3, 2024 at 3:50 pm

      Don’t patronize me. I simply meant that Clooney is not exactly an intellectual giant. Quod erat demonstrandum

        WindyHill in reply to tiger66. | September 4, 2024 at 8:17 am

        I upvoted you by mistake. His point was valid.

        AOC has a college degree, and nobody listens to what she has to say. Anyway, would Clooney have more credibility with you if he had a degree in Theater Arts?

      DaveGinOly in reply to CapeBuffalo. | September 3, 2024 at 5:36 pm

      My ex has a PhD, and she was very skeptical of the face value of an advanced degree, having seen how the mill works.

Biden has wood teeth, too?

Actually, unlike Biden, Washington did not have to serve in order to acquire his wealth.

Welcome to the Anti-era, where shunning needs to be a daily practice.
Unfortunately, society is segregating itself much like a dying animal that slinks off from the pack to pass away.

George Clowney has been drinking too much of his own tequila.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to DaddyO. | September 3, 2024 at 2:17 pm

    He doesn’t own his tequila any longer. He sold out to Diageo for a reported $1 billion USD. Wonder if he paid his “fair share” of taxes on that deal. Probably not.

It would be ironic justice if Clooney were cancelled tomorrow because he praised a slave owner.

Klooney compares Biden with G. Washington

And I compare Klooney with Looney Tooney

No one in Hollywood understands why we think they are imbeciles and assholes.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 3, 2024 at 12:40 pm

George Clooney Compares Joe Biden to George Washington for Dropping Out of 2024 Race


The only thing Traitor Joe shared in common with George Washington is bad false teeth.

The better comparison for Traitor Joe dropping out of the race would be Jimmy Hoffa. It’s a shame that Traitor Joe didn’t disappear without a trace. As opposed to Hoffa, no one would bother looking for Traitor Joe, or even care to talk about his disappearance.

And Clooney is a real lowlife, treasonous retard who would be the first snitching on his friends and family once the Jacobins/Bolsheviks complete the revolution. A true waste of flesh.

Remember Clooney is an actor, a bad one at that, and is only reading from a script. He and his Hamas-loving wife are to be ignored by anyone with a brain.

thalesofmiletus | September 3, 2024 at 12:57 pm

Yes, we all recall how Washington was forced out by a staffer posting on social media.

Says the guy who was helping to perpetrate the fraud of a “sharp Biden” on the citizenry of the United States.

George Washington loved his country.

Joe Biden loves his country.

Of course, Washington’s country was the United States, and Biden’s is China.

Biden let go of power like Menelaus let go of Helen.

Washington — I cannot tell a lie.
Biden — I cannot tell the truth.

Exactly the same.

destroycommunism | September 3, 2024 at 2:24 pm

like what?

they are both dead?

Clooney is looney tunes and married to a
Muslim bytch

The Gentle Grizzly | September 3, 2024 at 4:16 pm

Someone, anyone, please remind me: why do I care what some movie actor thinks about politics?

The inspiring part to me is that Clooney was the one who pushed the first domino with his “op-ed”, and now he comes out to tell us how noble the gesture was from Brain-Freeze Brandon. Kind of like the arsonist who comes back around to tell the firefighters that they did a noble job trying to put out the fire that he started.

I think George Clooney confused LBJ with George Washington, George Washington would have easily won reelection again. LBJ realized he would not win reelection in April on his own. Biden took longer to be convinced.
Has Clooney caught COVID as many times as Biden? Does that lead to decreased mental faculties?