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Flashback: Dissembling Tim Walz Talks About “When I Was In Afghanistan, You Know What Our Troops Were Worried About?”

Flashback: Dissembling Tim Walz Talks About “When I Was In Afghanistan, You Know What Our Troops Were Worried About?”

Pathologically adept at misleading the listener

Is there anything Tim Walz won’t lie about? That’s a question that is being asked across these United States. His tendency to fabricate, outright lie, and otherwise mislead is becoming legend. And not in a good way.

The latest example of his dishonesty and fakery is from 2012. He’s giving some kind of speech to the American Legion, and he states, “when I was in Afghanistan” without noting that he was not there as a veteran of a foreign war but as a House rep.

A normal, honest person would have included in his prepared speech that he was there as a ‘distinguished’ visitor. Instead, he chose not to note this pertinent fact to his audience, preferring to let them believe that he served in Afghanistan rather than just visited as a member of Congress. Dissembling like this is very common among pathological and compulsive liars.

Here’s the video:

If you couldn’t stand to watch the whole thing, I’m with you. I quit in disgust when he began ranting, “don’t tell the American people things that are not true.” Yes, yes, we do deserve to be told the truth. And we do not hear it from stolen valor creep, Tim Walz.


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AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | September 1, 2024 at 5:42 pm

We can’t hate this ticket enough. I would rather vote for a cockroach than Harris and her Emotional Support Dog.

    I would love to see a poll that investigates the percentage of registered voters who think that Tim Walz served in Afghanistan, i.e. a poll to determine the efficiency of mainstream media propaganda.

Walz is an Equal Opportunity Liar.

He will lie to anyone, anywhere, anytime, about anything.

He doesn’t discriminate.

The Community Note is fair enough. I read the transcript and Walz is speaking about his trip to Afghanistan as part of the congressional delegation and references that trip shortly before making the statement in question. But, before that, he retells the ‘coaching story.’ He’s a gifted liar. While he never explicitly says he was the head coach, that is CLEARLY the implication, describing how the team was a perennial loser before he started coaching. Very Clintonesque.

Walz has lied about many things. This clip isn’t necessarily one of them. There is clear context within the speech noting that it was part of his congressional trip to Afghanistan.

Not to take away from the fact that Walz is a serial liar and fibber. However, biased media constantly take clips such as this from Republicans and twists them similarly. Let’s not perform the same dishonesty in kind.

    DeweyEyedMoonCalf in reply to RedWrangler. | September 1, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    You should read “The Art of War”.
    “If your enemy is willing to do anything to win and you are not, you lose.”

    Precisely. Instead of using clearly biased media clips as a way to try to score political points, why not just focus on the issues of inflation, the border, and national defense? Independents and Undecideds are not going to be persuaded to vote for Trump because of these clips, just like they are not going to be persuaded to vote for Trump because Trump and his supporters question whether or not Harris is Black, or whether or not she is a whore who got to where she is because of being on her knees giving blowjobs. This will never win an election. It will convince absolutely no Independents or Undecideds to vote for Trump. If anything, it is just a big distraction, and will turn these people away from voting for Trump.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JR. | September 1, 2024 at 9:16 pm

      Spoken like a card carrying member of a political cult. Republican or Democrat, thinking YOU know what Independents will do.

      I would never vote for a woman who got her start giving blow jobs to get “a head.” I would not vote for a pathological liar.

      And I certainly would not vote for someone they you suggest.

      ChrisPeters in reply to JR. | September 1, 2024 at 9:38 pm

      Actually, there IS something important being relayed here.

      While you are correct in noting the need to discuss issues like the border, inflation, national defense, energy production, anti-Semitism, etc., bringing the constant lies of Harris and Waltz to light reveals their untrustworthy nature and casts doubt on their claimed intentions to solve the problems the voters are facing.

      The key is to emphasize WHY voters should find these lies to be important and meaningful.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | September 1, 2024 at 9:46 pm

      Concern troll is, again, concerned.
      Weak sauce, lonejustice.
      Find another schtick, or another blog to pollute.

      diver64 in reply to JR. | September 2, 2024 at 5:52 am

      I agree with most of the post but the last about turning away is inaccurate. I don’t think anyone who is an Independent will not vote for Trump based on what you are saying. That block of Independents are smarter than those on the left or right and are busy bypassing the media wailing looking instead at the issues such as revisions downward of nearly a million to the jobs report or the real inflation rate pertaining to food. That is what will sway them.

      Paddy M in reply to JR. | September 2, 2024 at 7:36 am

      Would fake quotes persuade independents, JR?

He’s learned his lesson. When asked about the dead hostages, he now walks away. Sleazy dissembler.

I find his 31 trips to China suspect. Likewise his wedding on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre when hundreds, maybe thousands were killed by the PLA for protesting the CCP which Waltz is so fond of.

    Elizabeth Stauffer in reply to puhiawa. | September 1, 2024 at 9:05 pm

    Yeah, that’s a little crazy.

    diver64 in reply to puhiawa. | September 2, 2024 at 5:54 am

    I knew about the trips and kind words he has for the Chinese but not that his wedding was on the anniversary of Tiananmen. I don’t think that will sway anyone, though as most people have forgotten about the iconic picture of a man in front of a tank.

“I served in the Italy province of Afghanistan.”

In order to win in November, Harris needed someone REALLY skilled at deception. Walz was an obvious choice.

ABC news reports Walz went to the State Fair and was where he was mistaken for a porkchop on a stick.

Some say the dems expect to lose, otherwise they’d have put someone who might actually appeal to the country. We can only hope.

    Joe-dallas in reply to 4fun. | September 2, 2024 at 1:22 pm

    As 4Fun stated, ” some think the Dems expect to lose.

    4fun’s comment is similar to my thoughts.
    2008 was a year that the Dems were going to win no matter who was on either the Rep or Dem ticket.

    My thoughts are (were) that this is the year the Republicans win no matter who is on the ticket if for no other reason that the biden / harris admin has been so bad – pathetically bad.

Central casting has Walz on speed dial to play a union bag man.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 2, 2024 at 9:46 am

    He reminds me of the standard dumbass dad on most sitcoms in the late 90’s and beyond. The guy who can’t do anything right. The guy whose wife is smarter than him, and bails him out of trouble.

    Wait. Is Camilla his TV wife?

surfcitylawyer | September 2, 2024 at 1:29 pm

Jimmy Buffet had more bullets fired at him than Walz. Jimmy wrote a song about it, Jamaica Mistaica.