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California Reparations Supporters Threaten Newsom: Sign the Bill or We Won’t Vote for Kamala

California Reparations Supporters Threaten Newsom: Sign the Bill or We Won’t Vote for Kamala

“This is going to have a direct impact on your friend, Kamala Harris, who is running for president.”

Last May, a California reparations task force approved a package that, if passed by the legislature, would cost taxpayers an estimated $800 billion, or roughly 2 ½ times the state’s annual budget. In addition to cash compensation, the panel demanded a formal apology from the state and policy changes to “address various forms of racism.”

In order to qualify for a payout, recipients “must be a descendant of enslaved or free Black people who were in the country by the end of the 19th century,” according to the New York Post.

Although the proposal did not state the size of the payments, an earlier version called for eligible blacks in the state to receive cash (or its equivalent) reparation payments of a minimum of $360,000 each to make up for “health harms, housing discrimination, mass incarceration and over-policing, unjust property takings, and devaluation of African-American businesses.” 

You may recall that potential recipients, carried away by the moment, argued that the amounts being discussed were far too small. One attendee, Rev. Tony Pierce, raised the famous Reconstruction-era promise to former slaves of “40 acres and a mule.” 

“You know that the numbers should be equivocal to what an acre was back then. We were given 40, OK? We were given 40 acres. You know what that number is. You keep trying to talk about now, yet you research back to slavery and you say nothing about slavery, nothing. So, the equivocal number from the 1860s for 40 acres to today is $200 million for each and every African American,” he said.

Others threatened to withhold their votes for President Joe Biden unless reparations become a reality. One man demanded: “Reparations is [sic] now. Pay the debt. Cut the check. Or, no reparations, no vote in 2024.”

One woman said, “If you are running for office, do not think you are going to win your election if you do not have a concrete plan for reparations.”

She called out, “Biden. Do not seek a second term unless it’s accompanied by an executive order for reparations for descendants of American [inaudible] slavery.”

As to why California, which joined the country as a free state in 1850, should fork over billions in reparations, the draft recommendation noted that the state  “did not pass laws at the time to guarantee freedom. The recommendation pointed out that for a decade after emancipation, California continued to allow the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act, which called for the capture and return of runaway slaves.”

But where would Americans who never owned slaves find the cash to pay reparations to Americans who never were slaves? Well, Denver Democratic councilwoman Cande Cdebaca, had an idea. Why not impose a reparations tax on white businesses? 

Speaking before the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance, Cdebaca said: “Capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labor and stolen resources. … You could be collecting those taxes from white-led businesses all over the city, and redistributing them to black- and brown-owned businesses.”

It was, of course, an outrageous proposal. One wonders if any members of the group bothered to tell her that such an act would be unconstitutional or that the land was originally stolen from Native Americans. 

As crazy as these recommendations were and remain, The Sacramento Bee reported that California lawmakers fully expected Senate Bills 1331 and 1403, that would have “create[d] a new agency and also a fund to help implement policies recommended last year” by the task force, to pass before the state’s legislative session ended at midnight on Saturday. 

Unfortunately for them, California Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed changes to the bill that would fund the reparations. According to the Bee, “the suggested amendments would have scrapped the creation of that agency, but would, instead, set aside $6 million for the California State University system to lead a study of reparations and recommend a process for determining someone’s eligibility for them.” 

Needless to say, Newsom’s amendments “were rejected by its [the bill’s] author.”

A state senator told Politico that the governor’s office “cited cost pressures during a year in which the state had to trim billions from its budget.” 

Another state senator said, “Newsom’s aides pushed to dramatically narrow a proposal for a new state reparations agency. The changes mean the state would instead simply authorize the further study of the issue.”

According to the draft amendments obtained by Politico, the suggested changes included: “Sending $6 million to California State University to study how to implement recommendations from the state’s task force on reparations, including how to confirm the status of a person seeking reparations. The draft changes remove the bill’s core purpose: creating a new Freedmen Affairs Agency.”

As you might expect, supporters of the bills were not too happy. Speaking to reporters in the video below, one young woman warned, “The governor needs to understand that the world is watching California. And this is gonna have a direct impact on your friend, Kamala Harris, who is running for president. This is going to have a direct impact. So, pull up the bills now, vote on them, and sign them.”

“We’ve been waiting for over 400 years.” she added.


One X user, who goes by the handle @ImMeme0, cut right to the chase. He wrote: “Someone needs to tell them that they are being replaced with illegals who are getting $150,000 for home down payments.”

Yes, they really thought they would receive reparations. And why wouldn’t they? In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in May 2020, cries of America’s systemic racism replaced sanity among the woke. Riddled with shame over their “white privilege,” liberal white Americans were searching for ways to atone for their racist pasts. Mainstream institutions, from media outlets to the military, wanted the public to believe that white supremacy in the U.S. was an existential threat. And calls for reparations became all the rage.

But that was then. Over time, liberals’ racist fever subsided. And in 2024, even the Gavin Newsoms of the world are forced to admit that reparations, on a grand scale, are a non-starter.

Besides, @ImMeme0 is correct. Democrats have already moved on to their next reckless mission: Importing a huge new bloc of illegal immigrants whose ability to eventually vote in U.S. elections will keep them in power for generations to come.

Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.


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Be sure to compare blacks’ income here with what they would be earning in Africa, and let them write whites a check for the difference.

    They won’t vote for Kamala? Hmmm, . . . if Kamala doesn’t win in November, then Dems will need new candidates for the Dem primary in 2028. I wonder if Gov. Newsom has given that any thought . . .

    JohnSmith100 in reply to rhhardin. | September 1, 2024 at 5:52 pm

    Any black who demands reparation’s should receive mandatory free one way transportation to Africa, then they can seek reparations from ancestors of those who enslaved them. Their citizenship should be terminated.

    Or we could offer them an all expenses one way ride on the USS Reparations to the African nation from whence their ancestors originally came.
    It’d be a shame if they were enslaved upon debarkation but I’d laugh anyway.

Talk about meaningless gestures! (1) there was never any money to pay so-called reparations in any significant amount, and attempting to do so will create more of a race war than what we’ve already got. And (2), this is California. Do they think their withholding of votes is going to cause California to go to Trump in the electoral college? Yeah, right!

Democrats are playing with fire, the longer they entertain commissions, studies and reports about reparations, the bigger the backlash will be when they don’t deliver. And more importantly and more damaging, the more blacks will be indoctrinated into the destructive victim mentality that ensures their continued misery.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 1, 2024 at 12:17 pm

Free blacks owned slaves … and they owned them at a rate even higher than whites did (because owning black slaves was considered a status symbol among most free blacks).

The fact is that the luckiest blacks in the world are those whose ancestors were brought to America. To have been born in America and have an American passport is, itself, worth a million dollars (if citizenships could be traded on the open market). Well … that was until the left started treating denigrating American citizenship, destroying our nation by obliterating our borders, and printing up citizenships the same way they print up money. Before that, though, there was nothing more valuable in this world than having been born an American – and everyone who was lucky in that needs to acknowledge their luck, no matter how it came about. Personally, I am very glad that my great-grandparents were driven out of Russia by pogroms so that I could be lucky to be an American.

According special benefits to a group solely based on race. What about that Constitution thing that I think also applies to California?

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Concise. | September 1, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    What about that Constitution thing that applies to our military, the hiring parameters of government agencies, the race quotas pushed by the Dept. of Ed, the EEOC, and other bits of government nonsense?

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to Concise. | September 1, 2024 at 7:00 pm

    Void in any Leftist controlled polity.

    Subotai Bahadur

They just saw him say they’re going to give illegals $150,000 for committing the crime of jumping the border.

So it actually DOES make sense that they want their cut.

Democrats don’t care what they say, though, because they know they have the black racist vote locked up.

What are you gonna do, vote Republican?

“Sign the Bill or We Won’t Vote for Kamala”

Biden won CA by more than 29%, in a state where blacks amount to 5.9% of the pop.

irrelevant. utterly

These uppity blacks have a thing coming for them

Venezuelan replacements!

I’ll show you uppity

    diver64 in reply to gonzotx. | September 2, 2024 at 10:47 am

    Blacks in California and elsewhere in in for a rude awakening.
    1st was importing millions of illegals to the point they are now double the black population.
    2cd is keeping them in states losing population for the next census count. That will stop states like California from losing too many seats in Congress
    3rd is citizenship and voting. When that happens the blacks running around demanding stuff are going to find they are dropped like hot potatoes by Dems and are now in the back of the bus again.

This is the ultimate manifestation of “Gibsmedat” culture.

It’s sad. We can thank Barkey for leading the nation down this path.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to D38999. | September 1, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    Barack Obama was three years old when Lyndon B. Johnson launched The Great Society, which led to today’s gibs-me-dat.

      True, but Obama put it into high gear by fueling racial resentment as policy, being the diabolical sh_t-stirrer that he is.

      The freebies given out under the Great Society and related subsequent programs should be subtracted from the reparations desired. Then we can talk. IMO the Native Americans who were all born here and basically owned the place is the only group (much) worse off thanks to the “white colonialists”.

        Elizabeth Stauffer in reply to jb4. | September 1, 2024 at 8:20 pm

        Great point!

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to jb4. | September 2, 2024 at 9:55 am

        And I am sure that “Native Americans” took the land from another group, tribe, or clan.

        The earth has been one continual land grab since humans knew that a rock could harm their “enemy.”

        Whites didn’t invent land grabs. All peoples have been on a land grab.

        I can’t even keep my neighbor from moving the property line markers between our houses.

    Elizabeth Stauffer in reply to D38999. | September 1, 2024 at 8:19 pm

    I had to look that up. It’s been a long day!

I’m sure people are getting tired of this being pointed out but:

1) People who were never slaves are demanding,
2) Reparations from people who never kept slaves,
3) From a state that never permitted slavery, or else,
4) They will refuse to vote for a black candidate who,
5) Not only is not black but,
6) Whose ancestors were slave holders.

Conclusion: I think I might have to revisit the original premise as to who in society was allowed to vote because this kind of *stupid* is going to destroy our Republic.

    It has been claimed that Kamala’s father has never admitted to having African heritage, instead being half Hindu and half Irish.

      Olinser in reply to Neo. | September 1, 2024 at 1:22 pm

      Literally every story about her until 2016 had them gushing about ‘the first Indian American to do X’. NOBODY called her black until they started screaming that Trump was racist.

        henrybowman in reply to Olinser. | September 1, 2024 at 4:53 pm

        The mental photo colorimeters these people carry don’t care where you actually came from.
        Azores Portuguese? You’re black.

        Milhouse in reply to Olinser. | September 3, 2024 at 10:33 am

        Not a single story ever denied that she was black, or implied that she wasn’t. It’s never been in dispute that she is black, or that she is Indian. Some people seem to be having trouble understanding that a person can be more than one thing.

        Nor is there anything dishonest in emphasizing the side of one’s family that is more advantageous in a particular context. La Guardia was both Jewish and Italian. He never made any secret of that, but to Italian audiences he correctly presented himself as one of them, and to Jewish audiences he did the same.

      Milhouse in reply to Neo. | September 3, 2024 at 10:17 am

      “It has been claimed” by whom? Only by you and your fellow ratbags. Donald Harris was the descendant of African slaves, and of some of their owners, exactly like most black Americans.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 1, 2024 at 12:43 pm

Who you gonna vote for
Bad boy bad boy…

The state goes to Mrs. Emhoff regardless so the very few blacks in California will not make one bit of difference.

Of course, any payments would require the signing of a waiver that said person would no longer claim to have been unjustly treated by the US government and all subordinate governments. Failure to uphold this agreement would void the entire agreement thus requiring repayment.

Governments don’t have the money for reparations. They are having a tough time as it is. NYC, for example, is putting in $10 billion for illegal aliens and Oregon needs $30 grand to pass around to non-US citizens so they can buy a house.

Since when did Dems need the black vote to carry California? 88 Bush?

Free State Paul | September 1, 2024 at 1:18 pm

According to 23 & Me, I am 4% Sub-Saharan African. California can send me my $14,400 by Zelle so I don’t have to bother with cashing a check

Tribalism is coming home to roost for the grievance grifters and race hustlers. Can’t very well stoke up expectations for ‘free $’ to one tribe then say ‘…well…let’s form another study group..’ while simultaneously offering ‘free $’ to another tribal group then be surprised folks get angered at the shenanigans. At some point folks gonna either stop listening to the lies and/or decide to take more immediate action to secure what they feel was owed. This whole thing is not gonna end well, IMO.

That’s a bluff if I ever heard one

McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | September 1, 2024 at 1:21 pm

Decisions, decisions. Sign the bill and maybe have to wait until 2032 to run for president, or veto the bill and DEFINITELY be able to run in 2028?

What to do, what to do?

Repayment for something they never experienced, paid by people who were never involved. They can pound sand.

Just more proof California needs to revert to a territory.

CA deep blue super majority.

Even all the blacks flip to trump, the state and all its electors would go to kamala.

But its good to see CA gov newscum called on the carpet for his insincere pandering to the black vote.

Thomas Sowell noted that from 1940 to 1960 blacks went from 87% poverty to 47% and another 18% reduction in the 60’s which could be attributed to the continuation of the previous 20 years. That said, starting in the late 60’s the number of gunshots heard in black areas went from about zero to Chicago… all after War on Poverty, Civil Rights Act, Aid to Dependent Children. Having gotten what they wanted just imagine what reparations would do?

I doubt Newsom would cry all that hard if Harris loses. I mean he’s on Team Blue just like her, but he also wants to be President. If Harris loses this year then Newsom’s odds of being the nominee in 2028 are a lot higher, versus having to primary an incumbent Harris.

    txvet2 in reply to ARLDN. | September 1, 2024 at 3:25 pm

    The Dems don’t do primaries anymore. The party bosses pick the candidate by acclamation and Obama gets half the votes plus one.

      Well, Trump doesn’t do primaries anymore either. He is just like the Democrats. What a coward. Maybe if he actually debated his Republican primary opponents, instead of hiding in a basement like Biden, he wouldn’t be tied with Harris.

        McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 in reply to JR. | September 1, 2024 at 6:08 pm

        What color is the sky in your hallucinations?

        Gremlin1974 in reply to JR. | September 1, 2024 at 6:14 pm

        Uhh, what do debates have to do with Primaries? Trump received enough primary votes to secure the nomination.

        He attempted to debate Biden and showed monumental restraint for the poor old guy.

        “tied with Harris” LMAO, seriously, you actually believe polls at this point. Are those the same polls that had Hillary well ahead of Trump in 2016 on election day?

        CommoChief in reply to JR. | September 1, 2024 at 8:20 pm

        That’s BS. Trump was the selection of the majority of GoP primary voters. Not my first choice but we gotta get over it and support the GoP nominee …..and that is DJT.

        The d/prog are running lightweight avatars that the bureaucracy/lefty oligarchy can lead by the nose who are nonetheless the most openly radically leftist ticket ever nominated. Carp about the foibles of Trump after we defeat the d/prog.

        steves59 in reply to JR. | September 1, 2024 at 9:50 pm

        Garbage post from a garbage poster.

        Paddy M in reply to JR. | September 2, 2024 at 7:45 am

        WTF are you talking about? Trump won the primaries twice. Stop being a dumbass.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JR. | September 2, 2024 at 10:02 am

        You again!


Is the Irish included in the reoperations?

    I’m looking for my Slovak reparations. We was oppressed at the late 19th / early 20th century here in the US.

    Since CA was never slave state, the “victim class” could be potentially expanded to include any non-whites who can claim they faced discrimination, religious minorities, females before the right to vote, gays before same sex marriage.

    But straight white males would have to be excluded from reparations, or else that would be mean everybody is “victim”, and that would explode the underlying premise of the claim for the reparations.

To a large extent this is purely Gavin Newsom’s making. In stacking the reparations task force with beneficiaries (with one possible exception), he ensured an unbalanced outcome that encouraged a set of unrealistic expectations. He went along the path of least resistance hoping that something, anything, would intervene to stop it. But here we are. The only way out for these politicians is pass the buck to the people and to put this up as a referendum vote. If so, let us hope that the resident Asian Americans will have the good sense to nix this as they did with Affirmative Action (Prop 16) and rescue California from self immolation.

“So, the equivocal number from the 1860s for 40 acres to today is $200 million for each and every African American,”
$5M per acre? Eat my shorts, you swindler.
It was undeveloped land, not 40 acres in the Financial District.
You’re only off by about a factor of 500.

Those extortionists have no bargaining chip. Kamala wouldn’t lose the state of CA because all of their ballots will be counted for her whether they fill them out or not.

Besides, they aren’t even needed to win.

In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in May 2020, cries of America’s systemic racism replaced sanity among the woke.

I question whether the woke were ever sane.

I wonder when some hard hitting “journalist” is going to ask Kamala whether she supports the recommendation of the California Reparations Task Force to pay about $1 million of reparations to each black in California. If not, is the amount too high? Too low? She needs to go on the record.

    Elizabeth Stauffer in reply to Disgusted. | September 1, 2024 at 8:35 pm

    That was be a great question. She might get asked that at a Fox debate, but she would rather stick needles in her eyes than put herself through that.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Disgusted. | September 2, 2024 at 10:06 am

    Her word salad response would be unintelligible.

    diver64 in reply to Disgusted. | September 2, 2024 at 10:52 am

    Good question because she keeps telling us her background as a DA then Senator from California. She must have some type of view on the subject but don’t expect to hear it unless her emotional support governor tells her to go ahead

Subotai Bahadur | September 1, 2024 at 7:38 pm

Speaking sarcastically:

1) Under the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the Page Act of 1875, and the Extraterritoriality Doctrine [invented by US diplomat Caleb Cushing and imposed on China by all Western powers in the 1840’s]; Chinese in the United States had no status as humans and no protections under either the law or the Constitution.

2) This was ended in 1943 as a consequence of WW-II. The anti-Chinese Acts and Extraterritoriality were repealed and we became legally people. Incidentally, when we became people, my dad immediately enlisted in the Army, fought across Europe in the 3rd Army, and got his citizenship for it.

3) If we are going to be playing reparations for historical grievances; I and my kids better get in line.

Subotai Bahadur

    The interred Japanese also want a chunk. I bet Indians won’t be far behind nor Irish. Heck, Carny’s were discriminated against, what about them? I was personally told by a government agency when I graduated college that they couldn’t hire me because I was a white male and they could only hire women and minorities. Where is my cut?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 1, 2024 at 9:22 pm

It all goes back to the classic Mohammed Ali quote, after the Rumble in the Jungle, when Ali got back from Zaire some reporter asked him what he thought of Africa. Ali replied, “Thank G-d my grandaddy got on that boat.”

The luckiest people to ever walk the face of the Earth are those who have been born American.

The lefty, black American thinks he’s the most put-upon person in human history. Even Oprah was whining at the DNC about her victim status. We should all feel sorry for one of the wealthiest women in human history, y’all!

All the while the Chinese sit back, observe, and plot their strategy to take over…

destroycommunism | September 2, 2024 at 11:18 am

riot you must riot!!!!!!!!

destroycommunism | September 2, 2024 at 11:19 am

40 acres etc

said by someone as way to placate the masses

and with no authority

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | September 2, 2024 at 12:07 pm

So, if 40 acres and a mule is the price for freedom of slaves, then let’s use that as a starting point.

Great grand daddy slave was promised 40 acres and a mule, but without a bill passing Congress and signed by a president. But that aside.

1. Great grand daddy slave gets his 40 acres and a mule.
2. The equivalent reparations in 1860 is the set value.
3. Today’s average acre price is $4,000. That’s $160,000 for 40 acres.
4. Add in $5,000 for a good mule.
5. That $165,000 is what great grand daddy slave gets.
6. All of his descendants can then share in the $165,000. No more.
7. The descendants would have to prove they are descendants of said slave. Once all descendants are identified, the $165,000 would then be paid out equally.
8. All future claims would be null and void.
9. Only the slave owner’s descendants would pay the reparations. Once paid, all future claims against the slave owners descendants would be null and void.
10. Any descendant of a slave who owned a slave would be exempt from reparations, and would in fact have to pay the reparations themselves.
11. My GGGF fought for the Union Army to free slaves, and was killed. Since we never owned slaves, we would be exempt from any claims of payments, and recipients of reparations would have to give families of soldiers who were killed 25% of the payments.

Do these fools not realize why all those ILLEGAL ALIENS have been encouraged to infest our country–especially California? Black community: thanks to your ignorance and greed, you’ve voted yourselves out of not mattering anymore. You’re outnumbered by ILLEGALS, so the lying bastards you were fooled into voting for no longer need your vote. Wanna guess who the commies are going to cater to from now on? Too bad I can’t say you should learn from this. It’s too late.

Reparations should never be paid. No one lives in the USA that was a slave under the USA laws that allowed them to be slaves. There were approximately 600k dead people to free the slaves and massive destruction of property in the north and south.

California was never a slave state. In California the only slaves were held by native tribes of captured various people over time and it ended when the USA took over.

Voters, don’t threaten me with a good time.