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Afghanistan Exit Gold Star Families Release Videos Ripping Kamala Over Her Attack On Trump Visiting Gravesites

Afghanistan Exit Gold Star Families Release Videos Ripping Kamala Over Her Attack On Trump Visiting Gravesites

“President Trump has called. President Trump shows up. President Trump takes the time to hear our loved ones’ stories, why won’t you do the same?”

Donald Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery for a memorial to the 13 service members killed during the Biden-Harris botched Afghanistan withdrawal. He laid a wreath and then accompanied some of the families to the gravesites.

The media contrived a days-long controversy over it.

Kamala Harris posted on X today condemning Trump for what she described as a “political stunt” at Arlington National Cemetery.

She stated that Trump “is a man who is unable to comprehend anything other than service to himself.” She said it was her “belief that someone who cannot meet this simple, sacred duty should never again stand behind the seal of the President of the United States of America.”

The families of the 13 American heroes killed at Abbey Gate during the Harris-Biden Afghanistan withdrawal have posted videos ripping Kamala for her attacks.


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Sending this around. Extremely powerful. The difference between the pretenders and the genuine is stark. If only the American public was privy to the genuine.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 31, 2024 at 10:04 pm

Kamala and Traitor Joe and all the democrat scum are nothing but soulless ghouls. They are truly despicable wastes of flesh … to be overly charitable.

It is a shame that these gold star parents have to be direct casualties in the dems’ insane war against America – and that is on top of the ultimate harm in having their children been murdered by this administration in its criminally negligent handling of the pullout.

Amazing that the emotive AWFLs & SUV Moms don’t get emotional over this suffering and will still vote for the evil sociopaths just to preserve their most holy sacrament.

    Paddy M in reply to D38999. | August 31, 2024 at 10:15 pm

    AWFULs are mentally ill harpies. Truly the worst of us.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to D38999. | August 31, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    As long as their sacrament prevents the next generation of harpies and liberal retards, I guess I’m OK with it.

    If it means the genocide of certain peoples, then it’s concerning.

    CKYoung in reply to D38999. | August 31, 2024 at 11:37 pm

    joe biden couldn’t help but make it about himself at the ramp cermemony by bringing up his son. Anyone else feel as if kamala pulled the same thing in her cnn debutante coming-out ball when asked about joe’s phone call? Not only did she make it all about herself, but she got into extreme, weird detail trying to humanize herself. “Aunti, bacon, jigsaw puzzles” etc. It sounded like the script a lizard-person would make up to try and blend in with real humans. “Hello fellow real people, I like bacon!”

These Gold Star parents say all that needs to be said about this artificial controversy.
Trump showed up then, and showed up now. Biden was too busy checking his watch the first time around, and couldn’t be bothered to get his ass out of a beach chair this time.
Harris, as is her wont as an empty suit, failed to show at all.

I just watched these videos at Twitchy. Very sad.

And our woke military came out and condemned President Trump

The cowards and traitors that caused the deaths of these 13 heros

I want live in a country where people are outraged that Biden/Harris killed 13 service men rather than outraged a president honored their memory at their families’ request.

    Dimsdale in reply to LB1901. | September 1, 2024 at 11:15 am

    The only political thing about the services at Arlington was the failure of Biden-Harris-Walz to show up.

    Especially “General Nuisance” Walz.

    It also demonstrates the infiltration/infection of “wokeness” in the media and military.

LOL, so, the vile Dhimmi-crats now slander any conservative/GOP politician who visits Arlington National Cemetery as allegedly engaging in political stunts?

These reprobates are pure evil.

Will the media show honesty and air this black mark for Kamala? Don’t hold your breath.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 31, 2024 at 11:54 pm

The thing about Komrade Kamala’s tweet was this:

12:14 PM · Aug 31, 2024

She tweeted this LONG after it was already known that Trump had been invited by the Gold Star families and that they had asked him to photograph and record the day for THEM. That story was well known days ago, already, and yet Kamala comes out with this tweet TODAY!! This is just as when snopes finally comes out after years and admits that the “fine people on both sides” claims by the dems were a lie, and right after that admission Traitor Joe heads into the debate with Trump and trumpets the “fine people on both sides claim” that snopes had just conceded. And Traitor Joe goes on to keep saying that same BS every time he speaks to anyone and at all speeches, as if he doesn’t know that even his dirtbag leftist allies had finally conceded that the claims about it weren’t true.

Leftists not only lie as a matter of course, but they get some sort of sick thrill out of telling lies – apart from any advantage they might think the lies will bring. They lie because they love lying, as an act in and of itself. They are truly twisted and demented.

    During the Obamacare deception, MIT professor Jonathan Gruber put how the Dems think about the American people:

    “Today, new video surfaced in which Gruber said that “the stupidity of the American voter” made it important for him and Democrats to hide Obamacare’s true costs from the public. “That was really, really critical for the thing to pass,” said Gruber. “But I’d rather have this law than not.” In other words, the ends—imposing Obamacare upon the public—justified the means.”

    The sad fact is that the Dems know their base doesn’t care about facts and truth. Joe’s and Kamala’s statements are meant for the consumption of that base, they know what they say will go over well with them. They pander to them with lies, their base demands it.

    The Left has intentionally cultivated “an unaware and compliant citizenry” ( as their voting base. The truth jeopardizes the work they put into cultivating such an electorate.

This is going to be remembered as the night Kamala’s presidential campaign imploded.

“why won’t you do the same?”
Because they are ASHAMED.
It’s a red-letter day when you can make a Democrat feel that.

It’s all political theatrics on both sides. It started with Trump and the gold star families, but the pretended outrage on the left is no better. The correct response would have been I’m sorry for your loss but we don’t do political events there.

    diver64 in reply to rhhardin. | September 1, 2024 at 7:05 am

    You never disappoint in showing everyone what a garbage human being you are.

    Dimsdale in reply to rhhardin. | September 1, 2024 at 11:20 am

    It is sad when you are so jaded that you believe that nobody can be genuine.

    DaveGinOly in reply to rhhardin. | September 1, 2024 at 12:22 pm

    Trump was invited. And as I’ve mentioned about you and your ilk before, for you, Trump can do no good. Had he rebuffed the invitation you’d be criticizing him for that too.

      diver64 in reply to DaveGinOly. | September 2, 2024 at 6:17 am

      Actually, not only Trump. The Gold Star Families also invited Biden and Harris. Biden was too busy on vacation and Harris was sitting in the Naval Observatory 4 miles away and could not be bothered. Not only that, it was the Gold Star Families that asked Trump to take pictures, he didn’t insist on it. Tom Cotton on Meet The Press laid it out yesterday and drove a final stake through that “controversy” as has the Families themselves. The OP obviously doesn’t care enough about the facts, he is just a bitter garbage person firmly in the grips of Ultra Partisan TDS. Facts mean little.

All Harris (and the media) needed to do was simply ignore Trump’s visit to Arlington and the story wouldn’t have lasted through the next news cycle. No one was smart enough to understand that…or they’re just blinded by Trump rage. Now, they get to deal with eight or more straight-to-camera videos from Gold Star moms & dads effectively endorsing Trump and stripping the bark from Harris. This proves once again that Trump’s superpower is the hubris of his enemies.

    rhhardin in reply to TargaGTS. | September 1, 2024 at 7:52 am

    They’re getting something out of it, is why they complain about Trump’s being there. Trump is in fact in the wrong here, so that’s a Trump mistake. The left is being idiotic in going the low road though with fake outrage. They should instead show their own better understanding of military culture “Sorry for your loss but we don’t do political events there.”

    If you do political events there then it destroys the attractiveness of being buried there. Hence the rule.

      Groty in reply to rhhardin. | September 1, 2024 at 9:28 am

      On one hand, there is the incompetence of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in consenting to a withdrawal plan from Afghanistan that directly caused the deaths of the thirteen Gold Star family service members. Biden and Harris ignore the sacrifice those service members made due to their incompetence.

      On the other hand, Trump remembers and honors them on the anniversary of their deaths, and allegedly violated some law in doing so.

      You’re trying to sell a moral equivalence between the two. Incompetent leadership that leads to deaths vs allegedly breaking a law to honor and remember the sacrifice they made.

      Good luck with that.

        rhhardin in reply to Groty. | September 1, 2024 at 11:44 am

        Biden also saved lives by pulling out. There’s that much less action. You’d have to add them up to see if blaming for that is justified.

        It’s all a dead soldier play by the right. That’s using dead soldiers as props even if you’re not here in person.

          DaveGinOly in reply to rhhardin. | September 1, 2024 at 12:26 pm

          What about the dead during Obama’s two administrations? He could have easily withdrawn the troops to a similar disaster (including the collapse of the Afghan government), but by your lights he’d have been a hero for having saved lives overall. So we should overlook the disaster because it has a silver lining? No thought that a better planned and executed withdrawal could have resulted in even less loss of life?

          ConradCA in reply to rhhardin. | September 1, 2024 at 8:43 pm

          The withdrawal was a disaster because Quisling Joe refused to send the additional troops required for a safe withdrawal my. It’s likely the he accepted bribes from Iran to betray our forces in Afghanistan.

          diver64 in reply to rhhardin. | September 2, 2024 at 6:19 am

          Liar. No he didn’t save any lives. None. Your version of reality is as warped as your soul.

          joejoejoe in reply to rhhardin. | September 3, 2024 at 10:15 pm

          Is there an ignore button for these commie trolls?

      steves59 in reply to rhhardin. | September 1, 2024 at 9:40 am

      “They should instead show their own better understanding of military culture “Sorry for your loss but we don’t do political events there.”

      Since when does the Left know anything about military culture? And why the silence from you on Biden’s photo op in May 2020?

        rhhardin in reply to steves59. | September 1, 2024 at 11:42 am

        I’m giving the left the correct response. Live and learn. It also defuses their current response.

        Nobody should do political events there. Who would want to be buried to be a politician’s photo-op?

        Pols should show up only in their capacity as commander in chief, which is in the military line.

          diver64 in reply to rhhardin. | September 2, 2024 at 6:28 am

          It was not a political event. Stop spewing that lie or would you like to correct the Gold Star families that invited him and asked his photographers to take pictures? Harris and Biden were also invited. Where were they? How about Tulsi Gabbard who was also there, care to attack a Lt. Col?

      ConradCA in reply to rhhardin. | September 1, 2024 at 9:30 pm

      When Kamala the Chameleon and Quisling Joe visit they have cameras recording their visits and it is a political activity.

      Trump was invited by B the victims of their treason. There is no valid reason for these progressive fascists to object.

      diver64 in reply to rhhardin. | September 2, 2024 at 12:05 pm

      Ok, now your just being ignorant. My above comment pretty much explained why your completely wrong but just to make sure I called my wife’s dad who was in the Old Guard after Vietnam to ask him. What I said was completely correct. The families had every right to invite whoever they want and also to ask that person to film or take pictures for them. You are wrong and now are just trolling,
      Please shut your ignorant mouth on this subject.

Why don’t they pay any attention? Easy, because the pedophile in chief and the vice prostitute hate America and Americans.

Here in Florida I was helping out my local Republican Party registering voters during the deadly withdrawal in Afghanistan by the Biden-Harris Administration. What we noticed were more veterans and military families register to vote and to volunteer. It was nothing we had ever seen. Soon after Florida flipped to being a Republican state.

Saying this, these Gold Star families will do more to bring veterans, soldiers and military families like ours into the fold then anything any candidate can accomplish. Harris and Tampon Timmy are the biggest In Kind contribution to any campaign could ever imagine. More importantly, the Cackling Kamala is a gift that keeps on giving. Fuck Her, the Democrat Party, the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, the media, the Deep State, the Globalists and the dumb ass Americans who stand with her because she is a woman of color!

This was powerful stuff – heartfelt, articulate, and frankly shocking.

Quisling Joe sol the country out to China, and Iran. For that resin he denied the additional forces required to make a safe withdrawal from Afghanistan and our soldiers paid the rice for his betrayal of our country.

Trump was invited by the families to Arlington because he care and showed empathy for the families as opposed to either Biden or Harris, whose only reaction was to claim that the families were being somehow “used” by Trump.