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Lowlights of Kamala and Tim’s first CNN “Interview”

Lowlights of Kamala and Tim’s first CNN “Interview”

As bad as you’d expect

Kamala Harris’s first interview as the official Democratic nominee was pre-taped, only 18 minutes long, and was supervised by the while male patriarchy. You can’t write jokes better than real life sometimes.

The highlights are as follows:

Did she take whatever Biden is taking because she sounds drunk

“On Day 1!” she says, acting like she’s not the current Vice President…

Like a reed in the wind…

“My grammar is not always correct” should be the new “depends on how you define ‘is'”

Tell that to our bank accounts

This serving of word salad is another rip off of Trump but the difference is what Trump accomplished in office and the state of our economy when he was in office was verifiably true.

In a just world, this would be a really big deal


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The tweet links aren’t working. They speak for themselves, except the last one.

it is the challenge of a lifetime to the MSM to get Kamala over the finish line

and it’s free, for the MSM, so far, has not suffered any consequences for lying to the public

the NYC/DC media complex is a cancer on the country

    In a just world, all of the MSM’s pro-Democrat coverage would be considered contribution-in-kind donations for the purposes of tax and election contribution laws.

    You and I and most corporations have limits on how much we can donate.

    What’s the fair market value of all this free advertising for the Harris campaign? And what’s the fair market value of all the free advertising against the Trump campaign? Probably MANY, MANY TIMES more than would be allowed if it were a cash donation to a PAC or campaign office.

There were no highlights!

Well, a 15 watt brain doesn’t produce much light. So lowlights are the order of the day.

Harris worked at McDonalds to pay for her gymnastics lessons which all serious democrats are required to take. She is now able to do double back flips on all the issues. And with proper editing, her song and dance routine is palatable enough to keep you from gagging.

    henrybowman in reply to Paula. | August 30, 2024 at 2:23 pm

    Harris couldn’t hold down the McDonald’s job (she kept giving the customers unordered word salad), so got contortionist OJT for free from Willie.

destroycommunism | August 30, 2024 at 10:54 am

she is a know nothing who is doing something>>ruin america

as nancy p said

just pass (elect) the bill( harris) and we will worry about the details later

Dolce Far Niente | August 30, 2024 at 10:56 am

If a job applicant showed up to an interview and spoke like that, my next question would be “Have you been drinking?”

E Howard Hunt | August 30, 2024 at 10:57 am

When she’s not cackling, she looks like an overfed junkie jonesing to get her sick off.

destroycommunism | August 30, 2024 at 11:04 am

have they nominated her yet for nobel peace price??

Interesting that the chyron in all those clips says “live.” I dinna think that means what they think it means.

After that performance, I will double down on my prediction of four days ago that Wonder Woman will test positive for Covid the night before the debate and, out of an abundance of caution, refuse to participate.

Question: did CNN allow anyone from the Harris-Walz campaign to participate in the editing of the raw interview footage? Did CNN allow anyone at the campaign a veto over what could be used?

destroycommunism | August 30, 2024 at 12:34 pm

How long until any criticism of this and other dnc dribble is called out as

“ILLEGAL” by the lefty

She said she was for fracking. But she wasn’t talking about oil

She was talking about Illegals: “The flow seems to be drying up. I would give the border fence a good jolt so that we could get the flow of illegals moving again.”

So, speaking of flip-flopping, how about Trump now becoming pro-choice and calling for government funding of IVF?

She wants to be President but couldn’t run a Primary campaign and can’t do an interview with an emotional support male governor.
As for Walz. Is “my grammar is not always correct” the new way to say “I totally lied about not only my military rank but whether I went to war or not”? Asshat even had that CSM fiction repeated at the DNC Convention and didn’t correct it.

The ultimate Not Ready For Prime Time Player and the only man dumber that her as a sidekick.

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 30, 2024 at 11:58 pm

“Holding ourselves to deadlines around time.” Our phrophit Kamala is so wise, like totally smart. She uses her smarts as wisdom and that’s the ultimate smartness.
You know, I don’t think it’s a good idea that a vice president (Tim) wears his emotions on his sleeve (wears his heart on his sleeve) and sometimes has bouts of incorrect grammar. How would he react in an emergency, like a tyrant?These people are so low rent.