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Protest Disrupts Pomona College Convocation

Protest Disrupts Pomona College Convocation

“A Pomona College staff member who refused to identify himself told the Courier to leave campus shortly before the ceremony, under threat of arrest for misdemeanor trespassing on private property”

Is everyone as sick of this pro-Hamas crazy as I am?

The Claremont Courier reports:

About 25 masked demonstrators, many wearing head scarves and keffiyehs, blocked the entrances to Bridges Hall of Music Tuesday, disrupting Pomona College’s convocation ceremony. The protest, which prevented spectators from attending the 11 a.m. event, was organized by Pomona Divest from Apartheid, a pro-Palestinian group comprised of Claremont Colleges students.

The convocation ceremony began at 11 a.m. Demonstrators walked in a circle in front of the hall, and a television news helicopter hovered overhead. Minutes later, campus safety officers asked protesters to move from the entrances, remove their masks, and identify themselves with school ID. No one complied.

Faculty and students exited Bridges Hall of Music about 11:30 and proceeded unimpeded by protesters to the steps of Carnegie Hall for a photo.

A Pomona College staff member who refused to identify himself told the Courier to leave campus shortly before the ceremony, under threat of arrest for misdemeanor trespassing on private property. No one present at Tuesday’s demonstration, including Pomona College faculty, staff, and protesters, would speak to the Courier.

Don’t expect any outrage from the media over this (actual?) threat to Democracy.


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Why would the “typist” (media requires objectivity) be outraged?
They are wearing masks themselves & encouraging this nonsense..

destroycommunism | August 30, 2024 at 4:06 pm

todays new hoodie:


The cops need to get more physical with protesters who will not comply.

I am absolutely befuddled by California. How can they all be so dumb? Put out free lunches and the illegals will come. Raise the minimum wage and there will be fewer employed. Mandate EV’s and the grid will crash. Free housing to illegals but not taxpayers? Shut down petroleum and get $7.00 gas?

I would support any effort they make to secede!