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CNN Admits Harris Wants to Recreate ‘I’m Speaking’ Moment With Trump

CNN Admits Harris Wants to Recreate ‘I’m Speaking’ Moment With Trump

Trump claims ABC agreed to closed mics, no seats, and no notes. GOOD.

Kamala Harris’s campaign wanted open mics, seats, and notes for the September 10 debate with Donald Trump.

People immediately knew Harris wanted to recreate her “I’m speaking” moment during her debate with Mike Pence.

I admit I hate it when others speak over their opponent during debates. But come on.

Well, on Tuesday, Abby Phillips at CNN said what we all know: Harris wants an “I’m speaking” moment with Trump.

CNN’s Stephen Collinson also admitted it in his analysis:

Visuals of Trump talking over and openly disrespecting the woman who has a chance to be the first Black woman president would speak for themselves. Harris would also have a chance to demonstrate strength in standing up to Trump by reprising her famous riposte in the Pence debate. Histrionics by Trump that came across as sexist or had racial overtones could alienate female, minority and suburban voters who could be vital in swing states in November.

Imagery of Trump behaving obnoxiously would play into the wider conceit of the Harris campaign that she sharpened during the Democratic Convention last week — namely that Americans have a “fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past.”

Yeah, Harris wouldn’t be the only one who would love for Trump to interrupt her. It’d give the MSM and talking head heads material and excuses to skip over what will likely be an awful debate by Harris, who doesn’t even have a platform or policy statements.

Trump confirmed that ABC News agreed to the same rules as his CNN debate with Joe Biden: no hot mics, no seats, and no notes:

I have reached an agreement with the Radical Left Democrats for a Debate with Comrade Kamala Harris. It will be Broadcast Live on ABC FAKE NEWS, by far the nastiest and most unfair newscaster in the business, on Tuesday, September 10th, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Rules will be the same as the last CNN Debate, which seemed to work out well for everyone except, perhaps, Crooked Joe Biden. The Debate will be “stand up,” and Candidates cannot bring notes, or “cheat sheets.” We have also been given assurance by ABC that this will be a “fair and equitable” Debate, and that neither side will be given the questions in advance (No Donna Brazile!). Harris would not agree to the FoxNews Debate on September 4th, but that date will be held open in case she changes her mind or, Flip Flops, as she has done on every single one of her long held and cherished policy beliefs. A possible third Debate, which would go to NBC FAKE NEWS, has not been agreed to by the Radical Left. GOD BLESS AMERICA.


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If they could only come up with a “You’re no Jack Kennedy” moment.

destroycommunism | August 28, 2024 at 10:58 am

in our pretend bs world where woemn are allowed to be treated like children except they ALSO want to command the world/military




“I’m speaking”; when uttered by The People’s Choice, mean ‘my mouth is moving and sounds are coming out’ , although no actual information is being transmitted.
During his appearance with former ‘President’ Biden, Trump demonstrated that he has enough discipline to allow his opponent to blather on without interupting; she is overmatched, as usual.

    henrybowman in reply to Fred Idle. | August 28, 2024 at 1:25 pm

    “So you guys know it would be completely manufactured and you’re fine with that?”

    “Welcome to YouBetYourLife, say the secret woid and winahunnerdollars.”

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Fred Idle. | August 28, 2024 at 2:17 pm

    If he can stay that way with open mics, he ruins her chance for her precious “I’m speaking” moment.

    I predict that with open mics SHE will be the one doing the interrupting. And, as I commented in a thread last week: if she does that he needs to just keep speaking as if she is not there. No raised volume or change in tone.

I didn’t know the odious Al Franken was still sucking air …

She’s not Black. But I guess they’re calling her Black, which I thought wasn’t politically correct, because they can’t call her African American, because she isn’t.
Lying is so complicated.

    Tim1911 in reply to hrh40. | August 28, 2024 at 12:34 pm

    “Black” should not be capitalized unless it begins a sentence.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Tim1911. | August 28, 2024 at 2:18 pm

      Or, is a surname.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Tim1911. | August 28, 2024 at 2:37 pm

      That’s “BLACK” privilege.

      whites are not afforded that privilege. After all, to POC, every day is “WHITE DAY” but I can’t seem to find my executive white privilege card.

    Milhouse in reply to hrh40. | August 28, 2024 at 8:23 pm

    She is black. And she’s just as African American as any other black person. Just like most black Americans, she’s descended from African slaves who were brought to British North America, as well as from some of their owners.

    The fact that her slave ancestors were in the part of BNA that didn’t rebel in 1775, and therefore emancipation came a generation earlier, isn’t all that significant; plenty of black Americans are descended from slave ancestors in the North, where emancipation also came early.

Black women are not voting for Trump. There’s no need to even try to court that vote.

Trump does need to choose his words carefully on race though because the social media patrol and the MSM are always looking for those gotcha moments.

    destroycommunism in reply to healthguyfsu. | August 28, 2024 at 1:28 pm

    they change out what he says no matter what

    they lead the lies and then of course blame others like any baby would

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to healthguyfsu. | August 28, 2024 at 2:39 pm

    “because the social media patrol and the MSM are always looking for those gotcha moments”

    Don’t you mean “JR” is always looking for those gotcha moments?

CaliforniaJimbo | August 28, 2024 at 12:36 pm

If she said “I’m speaking now”, he should retort “Would you like some ranch to go with that word salad”?

Fat_Freddys_Cat | August 28, 2024 at 12:37 pm

I wonder what would happen if Harris interrupted Trump and he responded “I’m speaking”. I suspect the conniption fits at MSNBC would be epic.

E Howard Hunt | August 28, 2024 at 1:06 pm

Trump need only follow Regan’s example. Donald, shake your head side to side amusedly, with a slight grin, as she talks. When it’s your turn to speak, say, “There she goes again.”

Even if she can’t create the all too obvious “I’m Speaking” moment, she will do something else. It is all about theatrics and creating soundbites for ads. One thing we know about Harris is she seems to have an obsessive fear of making mistakes, and we know she is at her best when she is operating from a script. She rehearses every public appearance, even things like press dinners. She doesn’t speak off the cuff, hence her infamous “word salads” where she talks in circles to avoid saying anything that can be used against her. She is not a good liar, and must rehearse her lies before delivering them. This is why her interview will have Walz with her. He is a natural liar, sort of like Bill Clinton, and he will answer all the hard questions where she doesn’t have a rehearsed answer.

    I’d go as far as to say she has at least one “I’m speaking” line pre-scripted in her scripted/memorized talking point word salad mess she’s getting debate-prepped for now. It will be carefully dropped in the middle of an abject lie she wants repeated a million times by the happy media in the form of soundbites. Something like “You called (censored) ‘fine people’ in Charlotte– Wait a minute, I’m speaking here. You have a racist past etc…”

    Meanwhile, he hasn’t said a word, but the cameras will zoom in on him and a hundred media parrots will promptly squawk “That’s the face of a racist! Look at the way he reacts/doesn’t react to the statement!”

These are some serious leaders and journalists, after all.

No wonder why things are going down the tubes. This is waht matters!

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | August 28, 2024 at 6:05 pm

Nothing like having a rehearsed impromptu moment. It’s so “real,” so unscripted.

“I’m a crone and harlot; hear me whine.”

MoeHowardwasright | August 29, 2024 at 5:38 am

Trump should not engage her at all. Stick to his points. Stick to the economy, foreign wars, inflation, illegal immigration/invasion, stay away from any induced back and forth. Just deliver the words in a calm Presidential voice. Speak as if you are giving a speech at Arlington.