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France: Police Arrest Algerian Migrant After Terrorist Attack on Synagogue

France: Police Arrest Algerian Migrant After Terrorist Attack on Synagogue

Sky New: “Prosecutors said a male suspect who was spotted in surveillance videos fleeing the site was carrying a Palestinian flag and a weapon.”

French police on Saturday night arrested an Algerian immigrant for the attack on a synagogue in the southern French town of La Grande Motte.

The 33-year-old Algerian man is suspected to have set fire to several entry doors to the synagogue and nearby vehicles. The Rabbi and the congregation were inside the place of worship at the time of the attack.

A police officer was injured from the blast caused by an exploding vehicle.

The attacker, caught on surveillance tape, was wearing full Palestinian terrorist fan regalia while carrying out the attack. “French news group BFMTV claims the suspect is 33 years old and originally from Algeria,” UK’s Sky News TV reported. “Prosecutors said a male suspect who was spotted in surveillance videos fleeing the site was carrying a Palestinian flag and a weapon.”

The French authorities “are treating the attack as an attempted assassination linked to a terrorist group,” the broadcaster added.

The French newspaper Le Monde reported Sunday:

French police have arrested a suspect in the attack on a synagogue in southern France. Gérald Darmanin, the country’s interior minister, said on X late Saturday, August 24, that the ‘perpetrator of the criminal fires at the synagogue’ had been detained.

According to BFM TV, the suspect was arrested in Nîmes and was shot at by police officers before being taken into emergency care. His life is not thought to be in danger.

Earlier in the day, French authorities opened a terrorism investigation after an arson attack on a synagogue in a southern French town injured a police officer and security forces searched for a suspect.

Two cars parked at the Beth Yaacov synagogue complex in the seaside resort town of La Grande Motte near Montpellier were set ablaze just after 8 am on Saturday, the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement.

Firefighters discovered additional fires at two entrances to the synagogue. A police officer who walked up to the site was injured after a propane gas tank in one of the vehicles detonated, the statement said. Five people, including the rabbi, who were present in the synagogue complex at the time of the attack were unharmed, it added.

The arrest comes amid Saturday’s deadly stabbing in the German city of Solingen. The Islamic State took responsibility for the terrorist attack, declaring that German passersby were murdered by a 26-year-old Syrian man ‘to avenge Muslims in Palestine and everywhere.’

“[T]he so-called Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack,” France-based Euronews TV reported Sunday. “In a statement published on its Amaq news site earlier on Saturday, the group said the attack had been carried out ‘to avenge Muslims in Palestine and everywhere.’

These terror attacks in Europe coincide with largely Muslim demonstrations across the West calling for “globalizing the Intifada,” a reference to large-scale terrorist attacks on Jews and Israelis in late 1990s and in early 2000s.

Amid uncontrolled mass-migration from Muslim and Arab countries, attacks on French Jews nearly quadrupled last year, figures show. “Citing figures from the French interior ministry and a French-Jewish security watchdog, the Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) said there were 1,676 anti-Semitic acts last year compared to 436 the year prior, ” the France24 TV reported in January.


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French authorities should immediately release the Algerian terrorist to demonstrate how enlightened the French are. Macron knows that the woke Jewish community will understand, and take one for the team.

As Tiny Tim Walz might put it, ‘One man’s terrorism is another man’s neighborliness.’

France also arrested the founder of Telegram for alleged crimes committed by its users. In reality, he was arrested because he does not allow The Defenders of Democracy™️, aka communists, unfettered access to what users privately post.

I was about to add my own witty comment (well a comment anyway) but then I thought, Britain arrests and imprisons people for memes the state doesn’t like, France just arrested the Telegraph CEO because they don’t like the moderation of content on his company’s platform. If I ever find myself in Europe, I’d rather not spend some time in Chateau d’If or Wormwood Scrubs. So I won’t make a comment.

    gonzotx in reply to Concise. | August 25, 2024 at 12:41 pm

    So they win

    You think they will make the Professor give up your name?

      Concise in reply to gonzotx. | August 25, 2024 at 1:33 pm

      I think you may have misconstrued my comment. But let me be clearer. One goal of these totalitarian pukes is to have a chilling effect and cow any criticism. I was criticizing.

I understand these guys; their anger is perfectly valid
They lost Europe at Tours in 732 and they’ve been waiting what?
thirteen hundred years and now they’ve found an almost bloodless way to get it back
The only downside is, if they’re killed in the attempt, their 72 virgins will be withered old hags: each of them 1292 years old – that’s elder abuse

Let’s see, burning a synagogue, killing Jews, shouting Allahu Akbar…Yup, his motives will NEVER be known.

One more reason to allow Muslims into our country! Oh wait, that is a Dem view, not a MAGA view. As a group, have Muslims ever enhanced or made any country better? What happens to the crime rate when they enter a country in mass? What happens to politicians when they immigrate to a country? Can ANYONE name one single thing that Muslims do that makes ANYTHING better? Even other Muslim nations will NOT allow Palestinians to immigrate into their countries. Why? Because they have disrupted every country they have been allowed to enter legally. That truly says a lot when you consider how terrible ALL Muslim countries are to begin with.

Subotai Bahadur | August 25, 2024 at 3:41 pm

“Un moment, s’il vous plaît.” This is modern, Leftist France. Surely somewhere in the shadow of the penumbra of the emanations from the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen”, if not in an explicit statement, they bar arresting or interfering with Muslim invaders attacking Jewish citzens!

I’ll let the Gentle Readers decide how much reality and how much sarcasm is in the above, given modern times.

Subotai Bahadur

Re: arrests for speech in France & GB: Robert Barnes said a few days ago that we should get out of NATO and leave Europe to Europeans, as they no longer support American ideals. We should not be pledged to defend such countries that are no better (and in some ways worse because they are on the downward spiral) than Russia (or Ukraine, for that matter). Let them all deal with each other without our involvement. Not isolationism, but rather non-interventionism.

His life is not thought to be in danger.
Downright shame, that.