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‘You People Are Awful’: The ‘Open Letter to Kerry Kennedy’ That Has Everyone Talking

‘You People Are Awful’: The ‘Open Letter to Kerry Kennedy’ That Has Everyone Talking

“The condition of this country should shock everyone, even if their name is Kennedy. We know it at least shocks one of you who, like us, has had enough of the fear and hopelessness assigned to us for generations.”

Back in April and in one of the most predictable moments of this presidential election cycle, numerous members of the Kennedy family held a campaign event in which they announced their endorsement of the Biden-Harris ticket over that of their brother Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

During the speech she gave as well as interviews she did on the issue at the time, his sister Kerry Kennedy claimed her late father Robert F. Kennedy would have been “horrified” by Donald Trump. She also emphasized the Kennedy family “values” and how Biden was, in her view and that of several other siblings, the candidate above all others that most closely reflected those alleged values.

“He is an extraordinary leader,” she stated during a Good Morning America interview at the time. “He cares deeply. He shares my family’s values. We need every single person to go and vote for Joe Biden.”

Four months later, her brother announced the suspension of his campaign and his endorsement of Trump, citing, among other things, how the Democrat Party his family had been part of for generations had engaged in numerous tactics including lawfare to keep him off the ballot.

“In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to destroying it,” RFK Jr. said.

“These are the principled causes that persuaded me to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent, and now to throw my support to President Trump,” he went on to say. “The causes were: Free speech, the war in Ukraine, and the war on our children.”

In response and on behalf of the Kennedy family, Kerry Kennedy in turn released the following statement where Kennedy family values were again stressed:

The pushback was instant, with many pointing to the fact that “Kennedy values” were nothing to be proud of:

One tweet in particular that has gotten a lot of attention – nearly 24,000 RTs and close to 2 million views as of this writing – was the open letter from political commentator Tammy Bruce, who nailed what a lot of folks were thinking when they read Kerry Kennedy’s statement:

An open letter to Kerry Kennedy: You people are awful. Despite your family’s checkered past and horrible behavior of so many of the men, Americans have stood with you out of loyalty, sentimentality, and too often, grief. Despite the questionable establishment of your family’s wealth, the treatment of Marilyn Monroe, the general womanizing, the abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne to her death, allegations of rape, one could go on and on, but the point is your family has stayed loyal and protective of family members who have done the most appalling of things. But the moment one of your own acts on his conscience for this country you attempt to throw him to the wolves and publicly condemn him. Never a word for the trail of abused or abandoned women left behind by a Kennedy, but because one of your men supports Trump in an effort to make the lives of Americans better, that alone is beyond the pale. In your ugly treatment of your brother you reveal the rot that has broken the hearts of the American people so many times over the years.

Beyond that, the economic destruction of American families is something your family would never truly understand. You are not touched by the worry about having enough gas to get to work, or whether or not you can afford eggs this week, if you’ll be safe walking your own neighborhood, or if your child will be safe in their urban public school or even if they will know how to read and write while collecting their diploma. You keep doing civil rights work and public service virtue signaling. But in the meantime, make a pledge to not keep doing damage as Americans are simply looking for a way to reclaim their own futures, the safety of their families, and knowing that maybe, just maybe, they can leave their children a little better off w a future they can rely on. The condition of this country should shock everyone, even if their name is Kennedy. We know it at least shocks one of you who, like us, has had enough of the fear and hopelessness assigned to us for generations. Americans are happy to see Bobby on our side as we refuse to comply and will not go gentle into the catastrophes to which we are expected to succumb. Instead, with Trump and all who join us, we will fight, fight, fight!

That truly said it all. But then again, there is also something to be said about how a simple picture can convey so much without uttering a single word:

I think that about covers all the bases.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Conservative Beaner | August 25, 2024 at 12:07 pm

Joe Kennedy SR, Bootlegger and Nazi sympathizer.

Didn’t he have one of his own daughters lobotimized for just being different.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Conservative Beaner. | August 25, 2024 at 1:09 pm

    “Lobotomized for just being different.”

    That’s the ENTIRE Kennedy Klan.

    These people are no more than modern day Barons and Lords, ruling over the masses. Camelot! Psssh!

    Our Constitution forbids titles of royalty, but that doesn’t keep Kennedy’s, Bush’s, Obama’s, Romney’s, and corporate CEOs/Boards, bankers, and politicians from trying to be our masters.

    But this nation is so full of people who can’t survive without government intervention and support that they will not hesitate to forego freedom in trade for the scraps from the King’s table.

    These people would die if they weren’t given food, housing, clothing, cigarettes, tattoos, body piercings, and health care by their neighbors.

    Actually they had her lobotomized because the was the same… the same as the boys. Meaning that she enjoyed a little casual sex, and they couldn’t have their women doing that. It was fine for the boys to whore around, or pimp out their teenage interns like JFK did to one of his big campaign contributors. But if one of the girls enjoyed a little romp in the hay, she got the old brain scrape.

    Camelot, my ass.

    “Didn’t he have one of his own daughters lobotimized for just being different.”

    I only learned of Rosemary and her fate earlier this year.

    But then a few weeks ago, Maureen Callahan discussed her new book, Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed, with Andrew Klavan and Megyn Kelly.

    She thinks Rosemary was lobotomized because her papa — the lobotomizer — was boinking her.

    I think he had her lobotomized for not supporting the correct candidate.

“You people are awful.”

Bruce could have stopped right there and it would have been a fine letter to send.
Her second paragraph, though, seals the deal.

“Beyond that, the economic destruction of American families is something your family would never truly understand.”
And at last is revealed the great gulf between the globalist elites and the vast unwashed hordes.
I hold no particular brief for RFK, but unlike the rest of the Kennedys, he at least holds the courage of his own convictions, and is willing to stand by them. I respect him for that, and hope that his endorsement will help Trump win.

The Laird of Hilltucky | August 25, 2024 at 12:27 pm

Tammy Bruce: “Americans… will not go gentle into the catastrophes to which we are expected to succumb.”

There is a world of meaning in that sentence that the Democrat elites have not yet caught onto. Or maybe they have and just don’t care.

Now we know what real Profile in Courage truly means, most of the family should take that message and reflect upon that title, how far they have fallen.

The womanizing stuff is bogus – namely MeToo has never been argued out with, you know, arguments; it was decided by TV programs. even the egrgious cases are actually just women making deals.

The normal dynamics of relations of men and women. Wm Kerrigan:

“Men and women are aggressive. Their regard for each other is clouded by grudges, suspicions, fears, needs, desires, and narcissistic postures. There’s no scrubbing them out. The best you can hope for is domestication, as in football, rock, humor, happy marriage, and a good prose style.”

In the good, and common, case that it sets up, it ends in domestication.

Exception for abandoning a pick-up woman in danger, which is the opposite of morality, but not for picking up women.

Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd are famous for a waitress sandwich, which I’d defend as guys having a good time.

    Concise in reply to rhhardin. | August 25, 2024 at 1:15 pm

    Interesting. I’d call it fat slob sexual deviants pleasuring themselves.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to rhhardin. | August 25, 2024 at 1:15 pm

    Yeah. You would.

    I would unalive any two guys who decided it was OK to double penetrate my daughter, waitress or not.

    But this is typical of your recent commentary. Putting down the working class, especially women, who you believe are unworthy given the opportunity for guys “just having a good time.”

    If you have a daughter, she’s either a whore, or you are a hypocrite as long as your “princess” doesn’t get double dicked by two horrible politicians.

      Women have the power. A tactful retreat is an option. “I don’t think we want to do that, how about …?” Like Moses’s wife said to Yahweh when Y wanted to kill Moses, establishing the power in the Bible. There was a power imbalance for you! Yet look what happened.

      I think I can safely assume that your daughter is an adult. If not, you can discard my comment.

      So given the above assumption, and with no intention to be the devil’s advocate, I have to say if the referred act is consensual, “unaliving” the guys would make you a pos murderer.
      When I say “consensual” I mean an adult person in a sane state of mind making the choice to participate in an act out of desire, curiosity, lust or whatever move them.
      You have no business deciding what is right or wrong in your adult daughter’s sex life and you have no right to take anyone’s life for not sharing your moral code.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Exiliado. | August 25, 2024 at 10:20 pm

        My daughter would never be a participant in such an act, because my wife and I raised her not be be a cum dumpster for perverts.

        She is an adult, she is an Army JAG, and has self respect. My wife and I raised her and our other children not be common dogs rutting for enjoyment.

        So yes, she would inform me of an unwanted sexual attack, and if she hasn’t unalived the two of them herself, she knows her father would flay each of them one layer of skin at a time, with a period of salt and alcohol between each step.

        And I would have an iron clad alibi that puts me so far away that I wouldn’t be considered a murderer.

          First, I think you may have totally ignored the “if the act is consensual” part.

          Second, judging by your rant it is obvious that you disapprove, and you are disgusted by certain life choices. So assuming in good faith that your daughter is indeed a “good girl” I can only infer that she would never ever share details about her private sex life, out of fear for herself or her partner(s).
          And let me clarify, she should NOT share those details even if you were a tolerant person. That would be creepy. Creepy as in “taking showers with Daddy Joe” creepy.

          Third, having “an iron clad alibi that puts me so far away” after murdering somebody does not change the fact that the killing IS a murder and the person who committed it IS a murderer.
          And let me add: thinking that you can pull it off, that you are oh so clever and superior to everyone else: that makes you a fool. I pray that you never find yourself doing anything of the sort, but if you do, right here, a few lines above this comment, you are blowing your own “perfect alibi” and implicating those around you.
          Like a darn fool.

          And finally, before you start running you intolerant mind, and paint me as a target of your fury:
          I have never done the act referred here and I would never partake.
          Also, I do not condone or approve any lewd, lascivious or immoral behavior. I condemn any and all non-consensual sexual advances against any person, and especially against minors. For the latter case, I am 100% for the death penalty, after due process of course. However, it is not my place to judge.

          So don’t go around judging others, or judging or disparaging their daughters. Don’t go tooting your “perfect dad” horn. You may be just making a fool of yourself.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | August 25, 2024 at 3:18 pm

      I am not endorsing it, but there are women who seek out such sex acts.

      “I would unalive any two guys who decided it was OK to double penetrate my daughter, waitress or not.”
      I believe the “sandwich” was fully dressed and upright, in a restaurant aisle. More like a non-consensual group hug.

      I have 3 daughters,,,,,,,, I would do much much much worse than simply unalive’ing them

    Was Ted doing coke then too?

    CountMontyC in reply to rhhardin. | August 25, 2024 at 6:27 pm

    Except the waitress was an unwilling participant in the waitress sandwich. If Dodd and Teddy Kennedy hadn’t been rich and well connected they would have served jail time.

      rhhardin in reply to CountMontyC. | August 25, 2024 at 8:03 pm

      That would be bad behavior. The usual male/female interaction is negotiated consensus. The usual complaint is that it’s a power imbalance and so not consensus. I contest the latter.

The only Kennedy with any values left is RFK Jr.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Paula. | August 25, 2024 at 1:18 pm

    I agree to some extent. But RFK Jr has only recently grown a set of values when he was the victim of the very party he has supported for his entire life.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | August 25, 2024 at 5:36 pm

      Some, including me, might call that waking up. He still has many beliefs with which I disagree – vehemently in some cases – but he seems to have some brains, unlike, say, Kathleen “yah-know” Townsend.

    diver64 in reply to Paula. | August 25, 2024 at 6:07 pm

    Before or after the sandwich and drowning that poor woman?

We would run out of letters if we were to discuss the morality of the Kennedy clan, but the current crop of ne’re do wells are nothing but run of the mill scumbags:

Say what you will about Teddy (and there’s a lot to say) he was by far the most upstanding of the bunch.

    Crawford in reply to Peter Moss. | August 25, 2024 at 1:35 pm

    Turdy, er, Teddy, coordinated his anti-Reagan efforts with the Soviets. He deserved to hang.

    He funded terrorists. He deserved to hang.

    He murdered a woman and covered it up to protect his personal power. He deserved to hang.

Biden sharing the Kennedy family values means he’s pro-Nazi, pro-Soviet, anti-American, pro-terrorist, drug-abusing, woman-abusing sociopath.

Well, I guess she’s right!

The Kennedy Klan might want to try reading a few of President John F. Kennedy’s speeches. Were he running for any office today, regardless of the letter “D” or “R” after his name, he would be decried as, not just a right-winger, but as a a “far-right” politician.

The current RFK, Jr. has not left the “Democrat” party. It has quietly morphed back into the collectivist, statist, authoritarian pack of Nazis and Communists it always aspired to be, complete with the “exterminate the Jews” wing. It left him, and any other person who used to be a Democrat but has looked at this and decided to NOT be insane.

    henrybowman in reply to Blackwing1. | August 25, 2024 at 10:14 pm

    Today, we need a nation of Minutemen: citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.

I grew up in a big Catholic family. What is unfolding in the Kennedy family – in public – over politics is completely foreign to me. My mom & dad had four boys and a girl and if one of us wrote a public letter like this about one of our siblings, our parents would come out of their graves. I have dozens of 1st cousins and their experience wouldn’t be materially different than mine. Dynastic wealth must really ruin the fabric of what family really is.

    henrybowman in reply to TargaGTS. | August 25, 2024 at 10:17 pm

    In three generations, the Kennedy dynasty has gone from criminals, to celebrity philanderers, to political whores. Just sad.

Tammy Bruce really did nail it.

The Gentle Grizzly | August 25, 2024 at 5:42 pm

Strip away the money, and the Kennedy family would be the drunkards down the road with the old Ford sedan up on jack-stands for the past two years; a rusted motor home with the bright blue Home Despot tarp thrown over the roof to keep out the rain; two knocked-up daughters; three mangy and vicious dogs, and one running pickup truck with a bed littered with empty Old Crow 1-pint bottles.

    henrybowman in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | August 25, 2024 at 10:24 pm

    The old man was an Irish mobster who made his nut during Prohibition. If he hadn’t struck it rich, his sons and grandsons and their wives would all still have been working for Howie Winter, Whitey Bulger, and Kevin Weeks, instead of for Uncle Sam.

JFK would be a Republican, today, without question — as many other observers have fairly noted.

Heck, I think that even RFK, who was pretty left-leaning for his time, would be disgusted with and would staunchly reject what the vile, neo-communist, profligate, totalitarian, vindictive, incompetent, globalist, elitist and pro-Muslims supremacist/Islamofascist Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks have turned the former Democrat Party into.

    DaveGinOly in reply to guyjones. | August 25, 2024 at 8:20 pm

    “JFK would be a Republican, today, without question — as many other observers have fairly noted.”

    This would be so even if JFK threw out an anchor, sat dead in the water, and waited for the Republican ship to drift by in its ever-leftward passage. “Conservatives” aren’t what they were in the 1950s. As a group, they have moved to the Left. They only still seem archly conservative because the Dems have been hurtling Leftward at a far greater rate, making for a larger gap between Left and Right.

Ah, “The Enemy Within”. Truly, Junior is RFK’s son!

a lot of thing in this life turn on chance—but for her name, she could just as easily be working nights in Times Square giving blowjobs for crack

Without even getting into the family’s history, Kerry can be seen as a corrupt, anti-American POS for having, just a few weeks ago, continued to push the potato on the American public, when she was almost certainly aware of his condition (everyone reading this was aware, she certainly has no excuse for not knowing). There is nothing “pro-America” about promoting a potato for POTUS.

Ted Kennedy, sober 15 years as of yesterday. Must give credit where it is due…

“Mary Jo Kopechne would like a word regarding the Kennedy family values.”

Hell, Rosemary Kennedy would like a word …