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Kamala Harris Claims She Stood Up for ‘Seniors Facing Elder Abuse’

Kamala Harris Claims She Stood Up for ‘Seniors Facing Elder Abuse’

We want to speak with you about Joe Biden.

The lack of self-awareness doesn’t surprise me but it still makes my jaw drop when they show it off.

Kamala Harris stood up for seniors facing elder abuse? We want to speak with you about Joe Biden.

Even WaPo admitted, or maybe it was a Freudian slip, that “[T]he 81-year-old had shown signs of slipping for a long time, but his inner circle worked to conceal his decline.”

Were you part of this inner circle, Harris? Even back in 2020, many of us screamed elder abuse.

This woman:

HARRIS: “I stood up for veterans and students being scammed by big for-profit colleges. For workers who were being cheated out of their wages, the wages they were due. For seniors facing elder abuse. I fought against the cartels who traffic in guns and drugs and human beings.”


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Dr. Biden was unavailable for comment.

    fscarn in reply to Deborahhh. | August 23, 2024 at 11:42 am

    Heels-Up is ready, willing and able to deliver elder abuse to those of us American citizens who are >65 years old.

    And she won’t be stingy with her abuse either. She’ll also be abusing every other citizen who supports him/her|self earning a paycheck.

    Ironclaw in reply to Deborahhh. | August 23, 2024 at 12:02 pm

    Fake doctor.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | August 23, 2024 at 10:13 am

Joe Biden aside, I’d have to hear some details before I even consider believing that.

JackinSilverSpring | August 23, 2024 at 10:14 am

One more lie next to a pile of lies.

Not to brag, but I’ve won just as many primaries as Kamala Harris.

destroycommunism | August 23, 2024 at 10:32 am

lefty is a cold blooded killla

its just a matter to what degree and methodology they use against their victims

Lied to get people to watch her speech. Deception is their middle name.

destroycommunism | August 23, 2024 at 11:24 am

when did she call out the dem governors who sent senior citizens to demvid19 “care centers”????

Did she mention her monumental, cosmic-level failure as border czar to stop the flow of illegal aliens coming into the US? You know the ones who were attacking our elderly citizens across the United States? She put out the “Welcome” mat for them!

    henrybowman in reply to drsamherman. | August 23, 2024 at 3:39 pm

    “I fought against the cartels who traffic in guns and drugs and human beings.”
    What — by holding the f*g doors WIDE OPEN?

Dolce Far Niente | August 23, 2024 at 11:31 am

I would really appreciate a bit more detail on her accomplishments.

Claiming you helped build the atomic bomb and were instrumental in developing the polio vaccine needs a bit of back-up with dates and places.

But then again, in Democrat World, making a speech or doing an interview count as “fighting for” causes, and saying “You go, grrl!” is the same as standing up to the oppressor.

The calliope music in this carnival is giving me a headache

I’d say her and Fake Doctor Jill are THE FACE of elder abuse.

Oh, crone-harlot, Harris, is so tough and courageous in tackling criminals and sociopaths!

Pure comedy gold.

Leftism is all lies, all the damn time.

Hey Steph,

She’s been the VP form4 years, don’t you think that would have happened if that was the agenda?
It’s all about color to you

BREAKING: #NBA superstar Steph Curry just endorsed Kamala Harris for President at the Democratic National Convention.

“I believe that Kamala as president could bring that unity back and continue to move us forward.”

The real abuse was the Biden/Bernie Sanders Agenda that was thrust upon the country.

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 23, 2024 at 2:20 pm

She doesn’t look black. In fact, it looks like they were trying to lighten her a little. I’m glad she was able to high karate those cartel thugs, greedy universities and greedy wage withholding corporations. I’m happy she is putting Joe in Shady Pines; he’ll be happy there. There’s so much greed and abuse out there, but don’t worry Shamala is on the case. Gag me!

Crone-harlot, Harris, tackles elder abuse with the same tenacity and dedication with which she bails out “Black Lives Matter” and “Anti-fa” thugs, terrorists, arsonists and insurrectionists.