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What’s Up With the Media’s Creepy Obsession With Making Democrats Your Dad?

What’s Up With the Media’s Creepy Obsession With Making Democrats Your Dad?

“Tim Walz exudes Midwestern dad energy in the best way”

The media really wants you to think of Kamala Harris’s running mate, Tim Walz, as your dad. They also want you to think of Kamala’s husband, Doug Emhoff, as your dad. It more than a little creepy, but they just keep pushing this.

Why do they feel a need to put this in people’s minds?

This is from a writer named Lyz Lenz at MSNBC:

Tim Walz exudes Midwestern dad energy in the best way

I like to joke that I’ve only ever lived in the colon of the country. From Texas to South Dakota to Minnesota, now Iowa — the states where people say they are from but rarely ever move to.

When I tell people where I live, after getting Iowa confused with Ohio, they ask me why I don’t just move. Why don’t I leave? Why don’t I get the hell out where I could maybe get some reproductive rights? What about my kids?

People used to be able to say that Iowa was a good place to raise kids. But with my state’s disinvestment from public schools, the book bans and attacks on trans kids, you can’t say that anymore. The people who love it here tell me to leave, too, because I’ve made a career of writing about the problems with this state.

In picking Tim Walz as her running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris seems to be sending a message to flyover places: that we aren’t forgotten.

Walz is a man who exudes an authentic Midwestern ethos. His rounded vowels and softened consonants are not a put on. Unlike the thousands of politicians who come to the Midwest to talk agriculture policy, roll up flannel sleeves, stand in front of a hay bale for a picture and then get the hell out, Walz is from places people write off. Having grown up in Nebraska, Walz moved to rural Minnesota and worked as a teacher at Mankato West High School. His wife, Gwen, and I attended the same small rural college that no one outside the twin cities or Lutheran Church culture has ever heard of.

This one is from Politico, which has become indistinguishable from MSNBC:

Meet Doug Emhoff: Dad-in-Chief

The White House might be getting a wife guy as the country’s first-ever “first gentleman.”

Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, took the stage Tuesday night and gave America their first taste of what a first gentleman Emhoff would be like.

Speakers throughout the night gave their pitch for Harris with a more serious tone, describing her as someone who will fight against threats to democracy, the increasing costs of living and limited abortion access across the country.

Emhoff painted a different picture on the Chicago stage Tuesday night: A dorky dad obsessed with his wife, who just happens to be the vice president. His words aimed to humanize Harris as not just a policymaker, but a successful woman who balances her career and family.

Those are just two examples, but there are others. People have noticed.

People have also noticed a flaw in the narrative.

The simple explanation for this, which you may have noticed, is that Democrats and the media are going into overdrive to make Tim Walz look like a football-loving, beer drinking, regular guy from the Midwest, not the far left governor who allowed radicals to burn down the biggest city in his state during a riot.

With Doug Emhoff, they’re hoping that he can ‘humanize’ his wife.

There may be some deeper, psychological issues for people in our media as well, but I don’t think anyone really cares to know.


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“The media really wants you to think of Kamala Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, as your dad.”


Easy. Traditional family to them is BS. Authority from the government is awesome. Offshoot of nanny state. Blah, blah, blah.

What’s more interesting is that this clearly demonstrates they know what a woman is. They just prefer to lie that they can’t pin it down. Dismantling society one brick at a time…..

The left is such a F-ing joke. But half this country has been brainwashed to want more of it.

When in the USSR, one of the posters for sale had Lenin seated on a bench asking for the little children to join him. Stalin was Papa Joe to his people, a smiling family member who assured his people of benevolence. The we have kindly Scranton Joe at 1600. Uncle Tim is looking out for you against those terrible people. Nothing new… same scam.

    Evil Otto in reply to alaskabob. | August 23, 2024 at 6:45 am

    I was tempted to use AI to create some fake Soviet-style propaganda posters of smiling Uncle Walz holding up children, but let’s face it, the Democrats will probably make those soon enough themselves.

Democrats are Big Brother and are seeking the power to force you to accept Freedom is Slavery, 2+2=5, and that men can be women. The 2024 DNC has been an assault on common sense, reason, history and normalcy.

Maybe it’s because so few of them ever actually met their fathers.

Stalin was a father of the nation in Soviet propaganda, it is an authoritarian thing.

Walz’s son Gus has some serious challenges and was seen excitedly sobbing at the sight of his dad on stage accepting the nomination for Vice President. I think most of us know a kid who has similar challenges in our circle and can certainly understand/sympathize with him and his family. They clearly love and cherish him which is wonderful.

Now, let’s turn to the sewer that is social media. Those on the left were cheering this touching moment; and I didn’t see any belittling coming from the right. Not that there wasn’t but I certainly didn’t see any.

But what I did see was leftists scolding anyone who would dare to say anything derogatory towards Gus, as if there was outrage (that doesn’t exist).

It’s that gaslighting that is so utterly toxic. And disgusting.

Their entire party has Daddy issues. I guess that’s a consequence of not knowing who your father is

    henrybowman in reply to Ironclaw. | August 23, 2024 at 12:02 am

    Nah, it’s an economic thing.
    Kids don’t have to work to pay their own way. Their parents fund them, in the expectation that when they get to 18-20 or so, they have the skills to work and fund themselves.
    Then there are “adults” who don’t have the skills — or the will — to work and fund themselves, and think that the government should continue to fund them, just like their parents did. And in their ideal world (socialism), there would be no expectation of an end date to that.
    As always, it’s the Party of Productivity vs. the Party of Parasitism.
    Ante up, mommy and daddy.

      BLSinSC in reply to henrybowman. | August 23, 2024 at 9:13 am

      I often use the term “US TAXPAYER BABY DADDY”! The DEMOcrats have LONG held people dependent on US TAXPAYERS’ FUNDING their careless, care free, non-working, non-productive lives! Why WORK when the DEMOcrats will vote for more and more for you to simply sit home (in a USTPBD supplied abode), watch “quality” programming (the Spew and the Oprah), and have NO RESPONSIBILITIES for your existence?? Long, long ago the DEMOcrats had people like that but they DID make them WORK. Now many people are fed up with their lives being essentially meaningless and have seen the largesse piled upon the DEMOCRAT ILLEGALS! Most don’t care for MORE criminals in their neighborhoods – especially US TAXPAYER FUNDED criminals!!

I agree with those who relate the Dad-ification to the way that Russians were programmed to think of Stalin as their father. Not only do you listen to your biological father, but those who were born before spanking went out of style knew they would get the tar beaten out of them if they didn’t do what their father told them to do the moment he ordered them to.

The “dad energy” thing is just creepy. I think normal, thinking and not emoting people would agree.

    henrybowman in reply to D38999. | August 23, 2024 at 12:04 am

    How much “dad energy” can a guy have whose wife had to go through IUF?

    BLSinSC in reply to D38999. | August 23, 2024 at 9:18 am

    I guess the DEMOcrats would prefer to be the DADDY like Joe Biden has been!! Corrupt, useless, dangerous to sane people, taking “inappropriate showers” with his evidently old enough Daughter who realized it was “inappropriate” and would wait till DADDY had gone to bed so she could take an unmolested shower, raising a crackhead son, engaging in influence peddling or outright BLACKMAIL, and just being a gigantic fool!! Yeah, the DEMOcrats are all about those types of “Daddies”!! Most of the time we call those “DADDIES” — INMATES!!

Now I know whom is responsible for the wretched Call Dad A/C And Heating commercials that ruin my morning AM radio experience.

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 22, 2024 at 7:24 pm

It sucks that there are people that want to be taken care of by the government. I hate to be infantilized. That’s what they’re doing and they’re also trying to make Kami likeable by showing that big daddy Walz and husband/dad Emhoff like her, so you should too. I mean your dad would not lie to you, child.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to BigRosieGreenbaum. | August 22, 2024 at 11:30 pm

    Kamala has more masculine features than Walz and Emhoff. Both are soft featured beta males who exude toxic femininity.

    “Who’s your DADDY?”

    Not them.

My dad was a working man and he hated liars.

“Midwestern Dad Energy” sounds like the new “Black Girl Magic” — another nonsensical, idiotic and infantile meme contrived by the vile Dhimmi-crats to drum up excitement, where none organically exists.

irishgladiator63 | August 22, 2024 at 9:59 pm

My dad wasn’t a sissy, didn’t lie about his military service and isn’t a communist.

thalesofmiletus | August 22, 2024 at 10:00 pm

It’s the party of fatherless harridans, simple as.

    henrybowman in reply to thalesofmiletus. | August 23, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    Interesting thought experiment: If the 19th Amendment evaporated tomorrow, how fast would the Democratic Party disintegrate? Or would it get its s#it together?

Probably emulating biden and showering with their young children past the age of one.
My motto is – If they’re a democrat they’re a pervert.

Q.E.D. Most Democrats have abandonment issues with their dad.

Apparently it’s a choice between heels up Harris and Sauron

Fat_Freddys_Cat | August 23, 2024 at 7:42 am

I got a big case of the ick when Drew Barrymore told Kamala that she wanted her to be our “Mamala”. I realized then what we’re dealing with: not the Democratic Party of old, but the Peter Pan Party for everybody who doesn’t want to ever grow up.

    destroycommunism in reply to Fat_Freddys_Cat. | August 23, 2024 at 10:57 am

    the dems of old were the SAME DEMS OF TODAY


    the schools did the teachings that the dems were loving and caring …same thing they teach today

    NOTHING HAS CHANGED from their agenda

Wait … Walz and Dougie are the new “America’s Dads”? What’s happened to South-Bent Pete and his lovely mate Chasten?

destroycommunism | August 23, 2024 at 10:47 am

b/c 70+% of them dont have dads so walz is their way of making it up to them

along with a side order of lactatn pete

Tim “NoBalz” AWalz is no “dad” of anyone I know or ever have known. He would not last five minutes in Texas.

Dolce Far Niente | August 23, 2024 at 12:25 pm

Not sure this is a good strategy for the masses of parent-hating youth who are so busy rebelling against their dads they haven’t got time for anything but Kill The Jews protests.

Maybe it will work with the man-less moms who bravely attempt to substitute government and casual hookups for loving marriage.

So Lyz Lenz thinks that nobody moves to Texas or the Dakotas – news to U-Haul and the Census Bureau. And after denigrating the midwest (she “jokes”) she says it produces a stalwart like Timmy. I also grew up in the midwest (Detroit and NE Ohio) and I know one set of values my parents, teachers, peers, etc., instilled in me. When you sign on the dotted line, your word/signature is your bond. Don’t welch on your commitments.
Timmy’s last enlistment contract was supposed to run out in 2007, as I understand. But he took advantage of his retirement eligibility to bail on an entire battalion of MN NG Soldiers, where he was the senior enlisted man — responsible to the commander for advising on the individual training, welfare, and morale of the battalion. Good job, Timmy.
One more thing — he brags that of his 24 students (that’s all in a teaching career he can remember?) none went to Yale. So where did they end up? Did he encourage any of his students to aspire to the Ivy League? Did he help/mentor any of his students to pursue higher education or any of a multitude of honorable post-high school endeavors? Not much to show for a career in teaching.