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IDF Recovers Bodies of Six More Israeli Hostages Murdered by Hamas in Gaza

IDF Recovers Bodies of Six More Israeli Hostages Murdered by Hamas in Gaza

Times of Israel: “It is now believed that 105 of the 251 hostages abducted by Hamas on October 7 remain in Gaza, including the bodies of 34 confirmed dead by the IDF.”

With Secretary of State Antony Blinken waiting for Hamas to accept the ceasefire deal, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday night recovered the bodies of six more Israeli hostages murdered by the Palestinian terrorists since October 7.

The bodies were discovered in Khan Yunis, an area until recently designated by Israel as a civilian safe zone, which Hamas has used to hide top terrorists and launch rockets at Israeli cities. Last week, the IDF evacuated parts of Khan Yunis in a bid to eliminate Hamas jihadists and destroy terrorist infrastructure.

In an overnight operation, the “bodies of the hostages Yagev Buchshtab, Alexander Dancyg, Avraham Munder, Yoram Metzger, Nadav Popplewell, and Haim Perry were rescued from the Khan Yunis area in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF said in a press statement Tuesday morning.

The recovery mission was carried out with the support of the intelligence service Israel Security Agency (ISA), also known as Shin Bet. “The IDF and ISA rescued the bodies of the hostages Yagev Buchshtab, Alexander Dancyg, Avraham Munder, Yoram Metzger, Nadav Popplewell, and Haim Perry from the Khan Yunis area in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF disclosed.

“Following an identification procedure carried out by the National Institute of Forensic Medicine and the Israel Police, the IDF Manpower Directorate’s Hostage team, which is responsible for accompanying the families of the hostages, notified their families and communities today,” the IDF said.


The recovery of the bodies lowers the number of hostages still believed to be alive in Hamas captivity to 105. “Munder, Dancyg, Peri and Metzger were all abducted by Hamas from Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7, while Buchshtav and Popplewell were taken hostage from Kibbutz Nirim,” the Times of Israel reported. “It is now believed that 105 of the 251 hostages abducted by Hamas on October 7 remain in Gaza, including the bodies of 34 confirmed dead by the IDF.”


The newspaper Israel Hayom reported the recovery of the hostages’ bodies:

The IDF successfully retrieved the remains of six hostages from a tunnel in Gaza during a covert night operation on Monday night. The mission, based on intelligence from Israel’s security agencies, marks a significant but heartbreaking milestone in the efforts to recover those taken captive.

The recovery mission, orchestrated using intelligence from the Shin Bet and Military Intelligence Directorate, led to the discovery of the remains inside a tunnel network in the Hamad neighborhood of central Khan Younis. While the approach to the tunnel involved firefights with nearby fighters, the forces encountered no resistance within the tunnel itself. Following the retrieval, the IDF completed the identification process before delivering the devastating news to the families of the deceased hostages.

The operation remains active, with forces continuing to scour the tunnel for any additional remains or intelligence that could prove valuable to the IDF. Military officials are hailing this as a significant achievement for the 98th Division, which is currently deployed in Gaza. The complex mission involved a coordinated effort from the 98th Division, 35th Brigade, engineering units, the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit, the Shin Bet, and Unit 504, the human intelligence arm of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate.

On Tuesday morning, Kibbutz Nirim confirmed that the bodies of Yagev Buchshtab and Nadav Popplewell had been recovered from a tunnel in Khan Yunis. Both were declared dead by the IDF in July, while their bodies were still in captivity. Kibbutz Nir Oz announced another hostage’s body, Yoram Metzger, as having been returned as well, as well as Avraham Munder, whose death was not previously known.

With the hopes of getting back the remaining hostages alive dwindling by the day, the Biden administration reportedly succeeded in getting Israel to accept its latest ceasefire deal.

Blinken, currently on a visit to Israel, announced that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has agreed to the ceasefire proposal floated jointly by the Biden administration, Egypt and Qatar — the leading backer of Hamas in the Arab world.

The New York Times reports:

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said on Monday that Israel had accepted a Biden administration proposal to bridge some remaining differences with Hamas on a cease-fire deal, as he pushed what he called “probably the best, maybe the last, opportunity” to secure a truce and free the remaining hostages in Gaza.

Mr. Blinken made the declaration after a nearly three-hour meeting with the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in Jerusalem. “In a very constructive meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu today, he confirmed to me that Israel accepts the bridging proposal — that he supports it,” Mr. Blinken told reporters. “It’s now incumbent on Hamas to do the same.”

The statement put new pressure on Hamas, whose officials have called the proposal fundamentally slanted toward Israel, although the details have not been publicized.

Israel destroys Hezbollah weapons depots deep inside terrorist-held Lebanon

The IDF on Monday nights struck Hezbollah weapons depot and missile sites deep inside Lebanon after the Iran-backed terrorist group carried out a deadly drone attack in northern Israel.

“Israel Air Force fighter jets struck several Hezbollah weapons storage facilities in Lebanon’s eastern Bekaa Valley,” the Jerusalem Post reported. “Secondary explosions were seen, indicating the presence of large quantities of weaponry in the facilities.”

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) also hit other nearby terrorist targets in the Hezbollah-controlled area. “At least three Israeli airstrikes hit towns in the Lebanon’s northeastern Baalbek District, Lebanese state media reported,” the Times of Israel reported Monday night. “Videos from the scene showed a large fire and multiple explosions following the initial strike.”

Israeli airstrikes came after an IDF soldier was killed and another injured in a Hezbollah drone strike in the north. “The IDF said on Monday that Chief Warrant Officer Mahmood Amaria, aged 45, from Ibtin was killed in a Hezbollah drone strike on the Western Galilee. Another person suffered serious injuries in the attack,” the Israeli news website YNET reported. “Hezbollah launched an attack in the early morning hours. At least at least five drones infiltrated across the Lebanon border, the military said, three were intercepted but two exploded inside Israel, one near Kibbutz Gesher Haziv and on in Ya’ara, killing Amaria.”

Reuters reported the details of the Israeli strike citing IDF sources:

An Israeli strike on Monday evening targeted a Hezbollah arms depot in Lebanon’s eastern Bekaa Valley, the Israeli military said. (…)

The Israeli military said its air force struck a number of Hezbollah weapons storage facilities in the area of Beqaa in Lebanon.

“Following the strikes, secondary explosions were identified, indicating the presence of large amounts of weapons in the facilities struck,” the military said in a statement.

It said earlier strikes in Deir Qanoun and Tayibe south of Lebanon targeted a senior militant in Hezbollah’s Rocket and Missile Unit and a cell operating from a Hezbollah military structure.

Overnight Monday, Hezbollah continued launching attack drone and rockets towards Israel. “Following the sirens that sounded a short while ago in the areas of the Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights, approximately 55 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanese territory,”the IDF said in a press release Tuesday morning. “Some of the projectiles were intercepted, and the rest fell in open areas. No injuries were reported.”


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mailman | August 20, 2024 at 8:05 am

Allow Hamas the privilege of continuing to die for their cult hatred of Jews.

2smartforlibs | August 20, 2024 at 8:13 am

Yet you still have the low IQ claiming Isreal is the agressor.

JackinSilverSpring | August 20, 2024 at 8:14 am

Slightly off topic: Lebanon has complained to the UN Security Council that Israeli jets are causing sonic booms over Beirut. My oh my. Maybe Lebanon should try to rein in Hezbollah which has been killing Israelis. But of course Lebanon can’t do that because it is a state that exists in name only. The parasite that Hezbollah is, has devoured the host state that Lebanon was.

    There is a reason neighboring Arab states have refused to offer resettlement of displaced Palestinians for generations – as opposed to Israel’s policy of resettlement of all the Jews forcibly evicted from those same states.

    Those who make a living off of victimhood are never a plus to their new host countries. Despite decades of Nancy Pelosi and other Dem spokepersons claiming fake asylum seekers entering the US are a boost to the US economy we now see them caterwauling about million to billion dollar holes in city and state budgets now that red states are exporting a leavening of their border jumpers to sanctuary blue states.

    Add the propensity of displaced Palestinians historically to bite the hand that feeds them – see Hirdan, Lebanon, heck, even Israel without whose aid Gazans would have starved long ago.

    It is said the Israelis like to turn desert into gardens.
    The Palis seem to like turning gardens into desert.

      BobM in reply to BobM. | August 21, 2024 at 10:50 am

      Addendum : even in the midst of a war vs Gaza – whose inhabitants gleefully danced at the news of 1,200 civilian Jewish adults and children massacred – Israel is going ahead with their usual gifts of free healthcare to folks who hate them – in this instance distributing the free polio shots to gazan children that the gazan authorities seemingly can’t afford in place of arms and infiltration tunnels.

      Given the usual propaganda lies about Jewish atrocities that never happened, it’s quite likely not a few Gazans will refuse to vaccinate their kids – who may then end up paralyzed – because they’ll believe the vax is some sort of poison.

    Hey, Lebanon, you gave up the sovereignty of your airspace when you let terrorists fire rockets and missiles through it. Maybe you should learn to enjoy what many Americans call “the sound of freedom” – jet noise.

gonzotx | August 20, 2024 at 8:36 am

This is not good for Israel

Nor America, Harris will claim victory

    mailman in reply to gonzotx. | August 20, 2024 at 9:04 am

    She can do what ever she wants…all that has to happen is Republicans win by a margin greater than the margin of fraud. Sorry, two things need to happen…the first is a given and the second is to find the will to FIGHT when Democrats attempt to steal the election like they did last time.

this will continue until Israel
stops playing around and just
utterly and completely levels
Gaza as an example. the Hostages are D E A D. or are sex slaves sold .
there are NO innocent people in GAZA. scorched earth totally destroy them.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to jqusnr. | August 20, 2024 at 11:07 am

    It’s going to take more than that — Israel needs to stop pretending that the enemy is Hizbollah and not Lebanon. Large parts of northern Israel have been devastated, evacuated or both. Why hasn’t Lebanon paid a devastating price for that?

guyjones | August 20, 2024 at 8:50 am

The vile, evil, European leftist dhimmis and American Dhimmi-crats have made their platform, policy preferences and political alliances glaringly clear. There is no going back.

These reprobates have gleefully and willfully aligned themselves with goose-stepping, genocidal, Jew-hating, Christian-hating, Hindu-hating, Buddhist-hating, secular democracy-hating, subversive and belligerent Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists.

gonzotx | August 20, 2024 at 9:47 am

So did I miss the article saying if these hostages were recently murdered or have they been dead a long time?

Step one BEFORE any deal should be proof of life of all remaining hostages. I do not recall seeing that. Absent that, why should Israel make any deal?

Dolce Far Niente | August 20, 2024 at 10:52 am

See how well the Biden peace deal is working, even before its agreed to?

6 more Jewish hostages reunited with their families!!


ahad haamoratsim | August 20, 2024 at 11:13 am

I forget how many convicted murderers Hamas is demanding for each kidnapped Israeli, living or dead but it was at least 10.

So the recovery of the bodies of these 6 murder victims HY”D means not only that their families can give them a proper burial and mourning period. It also means there are at least 60 fewer murderers that Israel will have to release.

    DaveGinOly in reply to ahad haamoratsim. | August 20, 2024 at 12:00 pm

    Good point. It informs us of how little regard Hamas has for its own fighters. They prefer to murder Israelis rather than secure the release of their own people. OTOH, Hamas knows their people are safe in Israeli prisons, and will still be there, alive, the next time they (Hamas) take hostages.

destroycommunism | August 20, 2024 at 12:05 pm



we brought the hostages home


destroycommunism | August 20, 2024 at 1:16 pm

for every dead hostage

2 days of bombing iran sounds good after the oil is secured by american forces

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