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Males Sue New Hampshire Over Law Banning Them From Joining Female Teams

Males Sue New Hampshire Over Law Banning Them From Joining Female Teams

One of the boys complained the law will keep him from obtaining a female athletic scholarship.

The madness of politics has kept me away from the issue deep in my heart: males invading females’ sports, bathrooms, locker rooms, etc.

I saw two males who identified as females file a lawsuit against New Hampshire over the law banning them from participating in female sports.

One even complained the law would keep him from obtaining a female athletic scholarship.

Parker Tirrell, 15, and Iris Turmelle, 14, have challenged the law HB 1205, which bans males in 5th to 12th grades from joining female sports, with help from GLAD, the ACLU of New Hampshire, and Goodwin Law Firm.

The memorandum warns the court the boys “face the imminent and unlawful denial of a critical aspect of their education” because the law prevents them from female sports.

The complaint claims the boys have received a gender dysphoria diagnosis. Both have started “puberty-blocking medication and hormone therapy to align their bodies with their female identities and to alleviate the distress of physical characteristics that conflict with their gender identity.”

“They will not go through testosterone-driven puberty, nor will they experience physical changes caused by testosterone, including the muscular development characteristic of males,” the plaintiffs state in the complaint.

They insist they knew from an early age they were girls. Parker has, from a young age, “expressed a preference for feminine clothing” while also painting his nails and watching My Little Pony.

A doctor diagnosed him with gender dysphoria in 7th grade. He started puberty blockers at the end of 8th grade and hormone therapy midway through 9th grade.

At a young age, Iris said that he asked Santa Claus to make him a girl and preferred girl toys and clothing.

Iris got her diagnosis the summer after first grade. A gender clinic confirmed the diagnosis a year later.

He started the puberty blockers at the end of fifth grade and hormone therapy in seventh grade.

For the love of everything holy. From a young age through mid-high school, I swore I was a male in a female body.

Thank God my parents drilled common sense into me: You cannot ever change your sex. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

The boys want the U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampshire to allow them to compete in female sports “during the initial phase of this litigation.”

The plaintiffs claim HB 1205 violates the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause and Title IX.

“Plaintiff Parker Tirrell, who identifies and lives as a girl and has not and will not undergo male puberty, is similarly situated to other girls with respect to her participation in sports teams at school,” according to the complaint. “HB 1205 as it applies to Plaintiff Parker Tirrell cannot survive rational basis review either, because it lacks any rational basis, rests on stereotypes and misconceptions, and undermines rather than advances any alleged purpose.”

The complaint states the same for Turmelle.

The boys claim Title IX violation since it protects against discrimination “on the basis of sex.”

Unfortunately, the Biden-Harris administration rewrote Title IX to include males in the law. SCOTUS recently put a pause on it, thank God.

HB 1205 takes effect today. The boys want a temporary restraining order since sports practices also begin today. The first games are on August 30.

“Playing soccer with my teammates is where I feel the most free and happy,” said Tirrell. “We’re there for each other, win or lose. Not being allowed to play on my team with the other girls would disconnect me from so many of my friends and make school so much harder. I just want to be myself and to learn, play, and support my teammates like I did last year.”

Tirell wants a female athletic scholarship:

Tirrell said she has entertained hopes of one day winning an athletic scholarship, but the notion that she has an unfair advantage or poses a physical risk to her teammates doesn’t match the reality: She stands 5 feet 6 inches tall and has less muscle mass than some of her female peers — not exactly the imposing presence that policy makers seem to have in mind.

“They imagine a trans girl as a big, buff, beefy, bodybuilder man,” she said. “I feel like that’s how they picture it.”

Turmelle starts high school this year.

“Starting high school is exciting and new,” stated Turmelle. “I played intramural tennis in middle school. I’ve been looking forward to trying out for the tennis and track teams because it will be a way to make more friends in my new school, and I know I’ll learn a lot from it. I’m a transgender girl, I’ve known that my whole life and everyone knows I’m a girl. I don’t understand why I shouldn’t get to have the same opportunities as other girls at school.”


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destroycommunism | August 19, 2024 at 11:05 am

thats what it takes to destroy communism

beat them at their own damnnn game!

“I don’t understand why I shouldn’t get to have the same opportunities as other girls at school.”

‘Cause you’re a girl. Like it or not. Play the cards as delt.

“One even complained the law would keep him from obtaining a female athletic scholarship.”

How about the REAL women who will be deprived of obtaining a FEMALE athletic scholarship by bully wannabe “girls?”

How about we think about them, not deluded mental patients.

Pure insanity

Since these boys don’t want (or are not competitive enough) to play on the boys teams, I can’t help but recall the old nursery rhyme:

Georgie Porgie, Puddin’ and Pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry,
When the boys came out to play
Georgie Porgie ran away

The boys, particularly those into puberty, need to start demanding to join the girl’s teams. I know they want to shower with the girls and dress out (do they still use that term?) in the girl’s locker room. If that happened to any great degree this crap would end quickly.

Their defn of being a girl is literally: clothing, make up, long hair, and demenor…. oh and competing with girls, using the bathroom with girls, and using the locker room with girls. A vast majority of these trannies are self proclaimed lesbians, so attraction to a male is out the door.

Childbirth: Nope. Even with extreme butchery.
Internal piping and organs: Nope.

    Edward in reply to Andy. | August 19, 2024 at 12:38 pm

    ” A vast majority of these trannies are self proclaimed lesbians, so attraction to a male is out the door.”

    So males who pretend, or are mentally ill and really think, they are girls are really lesbians who are not attracted to males. Or is it girls who pretend, or are mentally ill and think, they are boys are really lesbians who are not attracted to boys.

    I guess I’m confused, but neither one of those make sense to me. I guess I could sort of see boys pretending to be lesbian girls so they can make out with the girls, but girls who are lesbians and pretend to be boys so they can run around with the boys?

      Andy in reply to Edward. | August 19, 2024 at 5:14 pm

      “Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.” Kindergartner circa 1994.

        JackinSilverSpring in reply to Andy. | August 20, 2024 at 9:34 am

        Actually not exactly. Very, very infrequently an XY person is born with a vagina. I would depend on the chromosome test, not exterior physical manifestations of sex.

      ttucker99 in reply to Edward. | August 19, 2024 at 6:57 pm

      Like Howard Stern back when he was funny “I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.” LOL lots of guys I knew in high school would have loved to shower in the girls locker room, “just ignore the wood girls, I’m female just like you”

        Edward in reply to ttucker99. | August 20, 2024 at 9:24 am

        “…guys I knew in high school would have loved to shower in the girls locker room…”

        That was true circa the 1950s, we just didn’t say it where parents, or the girls, could hear.

The standard used to be that women could compete on men’s teams and men could compete on female teams if there is no sport offered or available for that gender.

In other words, women could compete on baseball teams as there are no women’s baseball teams. Men could compete on women’s field hockey teams as (generally speaking) there are no male field hockey teams.

If a specific sport doesn’t exist for one’s gender, then that sport is open to all, If a specific sport does exist for both genders, then people are restricted to the corresponding team that matches the gender.

That standard is ultimately fair and should be maintained,

    I obviously don’t know how old you might be or where you went to school. In my school days (late 40s – 50s) there were no boys on girls teams or girls on boys teams at school. Rarely “tomboys” would play baseball with the boys, but not at school and usually not by the time puberty was current for the girls.

    But then boys were boys and girls were girls and lawyers/SCOTUS nominees could define what a woman was.

      In the late 40’s – 50’s there were much less opportunities for women sports, In addition, a woman’s “place” in society was much different than it is today.

      I happen to have had the privilege of officiating and coaching a young lady who was very good at “round stick, round ball” sports such as baseball and fast pitch softball.

      At the time, the county did not have fast pitch softball teams (only slow pitch) but scholarship to college were only offered for fast pitch.

      She played baseball in rec ball and then for her first two years of high school. When the county made fast pitch softball teams, she went and played fast pitch softball. She was so good at it, she won a four year scholarship to a major college where she is now in the college’s “Hall of Fame.”

      (She also had offers for basketball scholarships but the seasons collided in college.)

      In her last year of college, she tried out for and won a spot on the US Women’s National Softball team, She won many World Series in softball (a true world series with teams from around the world) and also won 3 gold medals at the Olympics.

      As I said, in her case, there was no sport for her to play to get where she wanted to go. No one begrudged her playing baseball because she still had to compete to make the team(s),

      Last time I saw her, she was successful in her profession, had a nice family, gave motivational speeches to encourage young women to play sports and to shoot for the stars in following their dreams.

      I cannot imagine a world where true, biological women cannot compete in the sports they want to play. Her life, and the lives of the people she inspired would be much different if she had not been able to follow her dreams and was blocked by a lack of a particular sport at her school, district, and county,

      When done right, it is well worth it.

      (Oh, and btw, my mother was an All State player in two sports – basketball and softball growing up in a small southern rural town pre-WWII. She was also a southern lady until the day she died. She was no more a “tomboy” than you are. 🙂 )

        Edward in reply to gitarcarver. | August 20, 2024 at 9:35 am

        It is very true that there were fewer opportunities for girls sports back then and girls/women had more limited opportunities for school, work and life.

How about a systematic , prospective comparison .

Treatment (I)
Treatment (II)
Treatment (III)

In a year or a few years you’d have good data, on which to make legit recommendations, etc.

And there’d be no lawsuits, because risks, benefits, rationale, alternatives would all have been out in the open. From the start.

This is why the NIH was created in the first place. To address difficult problems like this. Whatever happened to the time when people were willing to acknowledge “Well, actually, we’re really not sure how to advise you. There are people who feel very strongly on all sides of this. But don’t worry, we are the USA, and we’re just going to fuss and fight. Like a drunk Waffle House crowd at 02:00 AM

    Edward in reply to Jvj1975. | August 19, 2024 at 12:50 pm

    Do you think there are three treatments for mental illness which might be tested as effective for this particular manifestation of mental illness? The NIH should not be in the business of permanently altering/disfiguring children to test treatments (e.g. mastectomies, puberty blockers). Of course that is assuming it is actually a mental illness and not an attempt to “get over” the system and obtain scholarships and awards for which they would otherwise not be competitive.

      Jvj1975 in reply to Edward. | August 19, 2024 at 11:39 pm

      Fact #1 Nobody really knows who these kids are. Wouldn’t you like to know? Are they autistic-spectrum? Have they been molested? What if the parents? To my knowledge, no one has systematically studied the moms. The dads. You and I and the dog-catcher have ideas, theories, but we do not know. We do not know because no one has investigated the matter, objectively.

      Fact #2 We do not know why there’s been increase in self-reported gender “nonconformity” in recent years. You and I and the dog-catcher have ideas, theories, but we do not know. We do not know because no one has investigated the matter, objectively.

      Fact #3 It’s not in dispute that this issue has caused enormous societal disruption. And cataclysmic disruption for many families. Just for the ginormous amounts of money expended on lawyers and drugs and surgeries ….. justifies well-designed prospective study. (Retrospective as well!)

      Again, the whole notion of a federally-funded prestigious authoritative “institute” to get useful data — that’s exactly why all of the national institutes — of health. Exist!

      Aren’t you at all curious whether or not suicide rates go up. Or go down. Depending on how a “gender dysphoric” is treated? That’s just one question.

        Jvj1975 in reply to Jvj1975. | August 20, 2024 at 12:57 am

        Or, again, do you just want to scream and shout, hurl insults and pout.

        I mean … we are grown-ups, no?

          Jvj1975 in reply to Jvj1975. | August 20, 2024 at 1:01 am

          Correction: does *everyone* just want to….

          I did not intend to imply that my reply was directed personally No offense intended

        Edward in reply to Jvj1975. | August 20, 2024 at 10:17 am

        This is either a mental illness or temporarily going with the flow and peer pressure. Either way we don’t assist those afflicted with the problem but treat it as any other mental illness. Those who go with the flow will quickly decide they really didn’t intend to go down that route. And there is ample evidence of children growing out of this delusion by the end of puberty, if not before the end. OTOH those who are mentally ill should receive treatment without being subjected to physical, chemical and mental disfigurement while being assisted in their delusion.

        Those national institutes didn’t exactly cover themselves in glory with the recent pandemic, nor the previous pandemic (I had an aunt I never knew die in 1919 with the Flu pandemic). In fact we have since found out that one of those institutes actually was funding the research which produced the pandemic and spent a lot of time and effort attempting to cover up that connection. Based on past performance I reserve the right to question what sort of job any or all are doing or might in future,

          Jvj1975 in reply to Edward. | August 20, 2024 at 12:37 pm

          Ok ,so you are content with your current state of understanding of who these kids are. You do not want to know more. Are there subgroups.

          You do not want to know whether “gender dysphoria” is “merely” a subtype of Munchausen-By-Proxy.

          You do not want to find out whether these kids have been exposed to certain toxins or drugs of abuse or medicines whilst in utero, or via vaccination or via regional water supply, or via artificial milk product.

          And you do not want to find out whether, in fact, these kids are at increased risk of suicide. And under what circumstances.

          And you do not want to find out whether, in fact, these kids are being identified and groomed by trusted caregivers — eg, at school or at dance class or at soccer club

          No. You are comfortable not knowing any of these things. Ok fine

          But my guess is that there are a lot of people who would like to know more. Especially — what helps them and what does not.

          Because respectfully nobody cares what you think. Nor what I think.

          Edward in reply to Edward. | August 20, 2024 at 5:42 pm

          jvj1975: I’m perfectly content with my understanding. They are either mentally ill, participating in the “latest craze” or faking it for their own nefarious purposes. And you are likely correct that nobody cares what I think and there’s a strong probability nobody cares what you think (other than yourself). You are concerned about why then go start, or fund, a research group to delve into the issue. I’m sure there are many MDs and PhDs who will be very happy to spend lots of money working for a decade or two attempting to find “the” answer. I couldn’t care less. Bye now.

I gotta question: What mental disorder, other than gender dysphoria, is indulged and treated to make the patient more comfortable with the problem instead of correcting the infirmity?

    henrybowman in reply to MarkS. | August 20, 2024 at 3:11 am
    R676 in reply to MarkS. | August 20, 2024 at 12:02 pm

    Well, if we are being honest, virtually everything that every competent, conscientious physician does every day — and has ever done , historically — is to try to “make the patient more comfortable with the problem.” That’s what you trust your doctor to do with you too.

Real American | August 19, 2024 at 1:14 pm

weird that HE finds it humiliating to have to play on a team with other boys but believing he’s a girl and its drugging himself to in a futile attempt to make that permanent doesn’t create even an an ounce of shame.

his parents and “doctors” should be put in prison for the abuse.

“They will not go through testosterone-driven puberty, nor will they experience physical changes caused by testosterone, including the muscular development characteristic of males,”

If the above is true than it seems a fair solution would be to put a medical exemption into the statute based on levels of testosterone, and whether they have masculine physical traits to those who want to show they should qualify as female for the purpose of participating in sports. “We’re all East German Shot Put Players Now” could be the rallying cry.

And finally I bet dollars to doughnuts they were reared by single moms. Or if their moms were married you can be sure dad was pretty much gonadless.

nordic prince | August 19, 2024 at 2:29 pm

Parker has, from a young age, “expressed a preference for feminine clothing” while also painting his nails and watching My Little Pony.

So… that’s all it takes to be able to declare yourself “female”? He got off easy.

It’s pretty insulting to render “being female” (or being male, for that matter) to a handful of subjective character traits. These people are anti-science and anti-common sense.

E Howard Hunt | August 19, 2024 at 3:04 pm

A tranny is just an extreme fag.

    negative- these creepy little sleezos just want to do some oggling in the girls locker room…. as was the case with Mr “I’m a girl with a John Thomas” on the NCAA swim team.

      Edward in reply to Andy. | August 20, 2024 at 9:41 am

      Or want to qualify for rewards which they would otherwise not qualify for (e.g. scholarships, trophies and potentially advertising – eventually though not now). The oggling may just be lagniappe compared the the financial rewards of scholarships to major universities.

Diagnosed with “gender dysphoria.”
Note that a “normal” person isn’t diagnosed by way of having “normality,” but rather by not having a mental disorder.
Having a mental disorder may qualify someone for protection under the ADA, but it does not make a girl from a boy nor a woman from a man, except in their own heads. These boys are attempting to impose their delusions upon reality, and demanding that others (not so deluded) accept their delusions as reality.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | August 19, 2024 at 4:25 pm

Here’s the deal.

If these boys want to be considered females, then ALL males who claim to be female must have their genitalia removed BEFORE they can be considered female.

Gotta dïck? You are a guy!

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 19, 2024 at 6:24 pm

I didn’t like My Little Pony or fairytale princesses. Still a female though.
I don’t believe that they have female levels of testosterone or ever will; they’ll just have low male levels. I also believe that they both have gone through puberty. If their idiots parents thought this, then why aren’t they in prison? Why would you knowingly delay your child’s development just so they could play sports or wear different clothing?

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to BigRosieGreenbaum. | August 19, 2024 at 8:13 pm


    My bet. Single or divorced mothers who wanted a girl.

    Dress James up like a girl, paint the nails, and magically she has Jane.

      The classic case it the Texas doctor and wife who had twins and wanted a pair – one of each – but had two boys. So she started one of the boys on the Trans path. Being a physician it wasn’t all that hard. Except for her husband divorcing her and filing suit to try and prevent her from physically and mentally altering one of his sons. But the (female) family court judge sided with the “science” of the MD, denying his requests. The ex-wife was supported by one of the nationally recognized specialists in trans conversions, more recognized “expertise”. The Ex then proceeded to take the children to CA where there would be no possible restriction on her desired results. In fact she switched her specialty from pediatrics in general to trans treatment, claiming to be one of the leading physicians in the specialty.

Mental illness. Period. Neither to be “celebrated” nor persecuted. Certainly, NOT to be accommodated.

All it would take to end this madness is for girls to refuse to take the field if they have a male on their team. It’s that simple.

But the fact that girls have a high degree of empathy as well as trait neuroticism gives girls (and women) a natural tendency to experience negative emotions in response to threats, loss or frustration.

So when faced with what otherwise would be a simple binary choice becomes a guilt ridden, emotional conundrum.

What we can do as parents is to make it clear to our daughter that this is not a dilemma that requires a heavy emotional investment. What they’re faced with is a simple question. Does this person possess a vagina or a penis? If you are a boy, you can’t wish yourself.into having a vagina.

Furthermore we need our daughter to understand that a biological boy who has forced himself (the very basic trait of a male, use of force) into the role of a girl is denying a girl a legitimate place in womanhood. Life is competitive enough without fake girls changing the nature and definition of what it means to be a woman.

I am not in favor of XY males competing in contact sports with XX females. It’s patently unfair and dangerous to the women involved. I think the best remedy is for girls to refuse to compete. It will hurt in the short run, but it will force the issue in the long run. The Olympic boxing program showed very clearly how unfair the present system is. Two straight left hands from the XY opponent and an excellent female boxer (She did, after all, make Italy’s Olympic team.) knew that as long as she stayed in the ring she was in genuine danger. It was simply wrong and I will never be convinced that it is either right or fair. The IOC has lost both its grit and its mind.

Nevertheless, I do have a transgender male in my family. Believe what you like, but there is no doubt in my mind, that he’s a boy in his own head. The issue has been decided. Now, it’s a matter of love to me.

The point I’m trying to make is that parents, good, loving parents approach the issue differently.

Here’s how I found out. My daughter who lives thousands of miles away, called me up, afraid that her conservative Dad would freak out, to give me the news. My advice was not to throw the pom poms away just yet. She sent me a copy of her journal and it contained three 81/2 by 11″ pages of single line, dated entries on both sides in which she chronicled years of suspicion that my grandson was not a girl, but saw himself as a boy. Refusal to wear dresses or play with other girls or with girl toys, that sort of thing, were written down. He wanted nothing to do with My Little Pony. Army men? well, that was another matter.

Data is data.

My daughter and her husband are good. loving parents, not fanatics with an agenda. My daughter is deeply religious. They’re working this as best they can, but love is the path they’ve taken and I agree.

For those men who would judge either him of his parents, I say this : Imagine that when you were a boy, your parents insisted that you had to wear dresses and play with dolls 100% of the time, Cabbage Patch kids, instead of G.I. Joe. Tea parties instead of tossing a football, that sort of thing. After 73 years I’m damaged enough already, but if my parents had done that to me, I’d REALLY be damaged.

This issue is highly personal and very difficult to navigate. You need to walk a mile, guys, before you pronounce judgement. Remember, love is the filter to use. It will lead you to the correct decision.

One huge fact stands in the way of hormone treatment alone working for gender dysphoria: it’s classified and is a form of major depressive disorder under the DSM5 and has been classified in this manner under earlier DSM versions. Even after hormone therapy and surgery and all of the “transitioning”, the major depressive disorder still remains unless the patient is treated for that, and even then most of this is nearly treatment-resistant. Puberty blockers, surgical procedures and further drug therapies have inherent risks, which is why so many European countries have banned them for children under a certain age. Why this major industry still exists in the United States and Canada, ignoring the lack of medical evidence, is beyond anything I could imagine as a physician.