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Israeli Drone Strike Eliminates Hezbollah Special Forces Commander Riding Motorcycle In South Lebanon

Israeli Drone Strike Eliminates Hezbollah Special Forces Commander Riding Motorcycle In South Lebanon

Also, Israel expands Gaza operation as Hamas appears to reject Biden’s latest ceasefire proposal.

Israel on Saturday eliminated a senior commander of Hezbollah’s elite terrorist Radwan Force in a drone strike in southern Lebanon. Iranian-trained Radwan Forces commander, Hussein Ibrahim Kasseb, was taken out by Israel after Hezbollah fired a massive barrage into northern Israel.

“An Israel Air Force drone hit the motorcycle of Hezbollah Commander Hussein Ibrahim in the Tzur area in southern Lebanon on Saturday shortly after Hezbollah fired 55 rockets into northern Israel,” the Jerusalem Post reported Saturday morning citing military sources.

The Radwan Forces, deployed by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, has been tasked with conducting cross-border terrorist attacks on Israeli soil. “Ibrahim was a commander in Hezbollah’s Radwan Force – a force which has the main goal of infiltrating northern Israel,” the newspaper confirmed.

“The Lebanon-based Shiite jihadists of Hezbollah on Saturday launched a barrage of some 55 rockets at a northern Israeli kibbutz,” Israel’s i24NEWS TV channel reported.

Indiscriminate Hezbollah rocket fire caused several fires in Israel’s northern Galilee region. “As a result of the projectiles fired into Israel, multiple fires were ignited in the area and Israel Fire and Rescue Services are currently operating at the scene to extinguish them,’ the IDF said in a statement Saturday.

Hezbollah rockets also injured two IDF soldiers. On Saturday morning, “an IDF soldier was severely injured and another soldier was lightly injured this morning as a result of a projectile that crossed from Lebanon and fell in the area of Misgav Am,” the military disclosed.

Israel expands Gaza operation as Hamas appears to reject Biden’s ceasefire proposal

Israel is expanding its military operation in central Gaza as the terrorist group Hamas appears to have rejected President Joe Biden’s latest ceasefire proposal.

The Biden administration on Friday presented a ‘bridging proposal’ aimed at finalizing an end to the Israeli military operation in Gaza which began following the October 7 massacre. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday in a bid to press for a ceasefire in exchange for Hamas’ promise to release the remaining hostages in several phases.

While refusing to free more than hundred Israeli hostages in captivity for over 10 month, Hamas spokesman Samu Abu Zuhri blamed the U.S. and Israel for the failure to reach a ceasefire deal.

The Times of Israel reported Saturday:

Senior Hamas spokesperson Samu Abu Zuhri says optimism that a ceasefire-hostage deal will be reached soon is an “illusion.” (…)

“We are not on the cusp of an agreement or real negotiations, rather the imposition of American dictations,” he says.

With Hamas stalling the negotiations and using Gaza’s civilian safe zones to launch attacks on IDF troops and fire rockets into Israel, the IDF is expanding the military operation in jihadist-infested enclave. “In the central Gaza Strip, IDF troops eliminated several terrorists, including a terrorist who launched rockets toward troops operating in the area. No IDF injuries were reported,” the Israeli military announced Saturday. “Shortly following the launches, an IAF aircraft struck and eliminated the terrorist.”

“Over the past day, IDF troops expanded operational activity in the area of Khan Yunis, eliminating armed terrorists and locating and dismantling dozens of Hamas terrorist infrastructure sites in the area. Furthermore, with the direction of ground troops, the IAF eliminated the terrorists that carried out the launches yesterday (Friday) toward Nirim.” the Israeli military said.

The counter-terrorism operation in Rafah terror stronghold is also underway. “IDF troops are continuing operational activity in the Tel al-Sultan area in Rafah and over the past day, eliminated several terrorists and struck multiple terrorist infrastructure sites,” the statement added.

Power outage in Lebanon as last working power plant shuts down

With Iran’s proxy terror group Hezbollah dragging Lebanon into a war with Israel, the terrorist-dominated Arab state is falling apart. Large parts of Lebanon went dark after its last operational power plant shut down over the weekend, media reports say. The water supply to country’s 5 million-strong population was also massively disrupted.

The Jerusalem Post reported Saturday:

The Zahrani power plant, the last and only plant still providing electricity in Lebanon, reportedly shut down on Saturday, Sawt Beirut International reported on X, citing Lebanon’s electric corporation, Électricité du Liban. (…)

The South Lebanon Water Establishment said that shutting down power plants will negatively affect their ability to pump sufficient quantities of water into the area.

The Electric Corporation, as per Sawt Beirut International, said that Zahrani no longer supplies electricity “as a result of the exploitation of the plant’s oil reserves, which resulted in a complete interruption of the supply of electricity to all areas of Lebanon, including the basic facilities in the country, including the airports, water and sewage infrastructure, and more,” Israeli media reported.


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Congrats, Israel! Keep up the good work until every murdering Hamas goon is good & GONE!

As soon as they wrap up Gaza they will focus on Lebanon. So look out Hezbollah.

    jmt9455 in reply to Paula. | August 17, 2024 at 4:32 pm

    Looks like he ended up living his faith as an adherent to the religion of pieces…

      countryboy1947 in reply to jmt9455. | August 18, 2024 at 7:45 am

      Nothing better than the smell of fried terrorist in the morning air. One wonders if there is enough left of him to satisfy those 72 virgins.

    mailman in reply to Paula. | August 18, 2024 at 7:40 am

    The problem for Hesbollah is that they are now so committed to ongoing attacks against Israel that they can’t stop for fear of looking weak to their finders on the left.

    Had they just stayed out of the way with the occasional rocket launch at Israeli civilian population centres then probably all of their very senior commanders that are now nothing more than memories would still be alive and kicking.

    But no, once a Jew hater always a Jew hater.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 17, 2024 at 1:54 pm

The way leftists measure things, I guess this would qualify as a “motorcycle fatality”.

More of this

Herve Montague | August 17, 2024 at 1:59 pm

If hamas or cair or kamala or khameini or dearborn or cairo or Tlaib or omar or aoc or schumer or sanders or Jayapal or Hillary wanted a ceasefire , somebody would suggest releasing that five-year-old Israeli boy.

Can you imagine kidnapping a four-year-old boy ? and keeping him for over 10 months?

Reminder: the gazans released a couple of Israelis with family ties to NBC NEWS. within couple days of October 7 attack. But — Not a four-year-old Israeli boy.

Keep hitting the Islamofascists, Muslim supremacists and terrorists, hard — wherever they reside, and, whatever name they go by.

In order for Israel to succeed, they must stop the flow of new terror recruits. Day by day we hear about Hamas being cheated out of those virgins.

Hamas shoulda worked harder on the cease fire,….LOL!!

Have Kamala and Walz openly expressed their condolences to the family and supporters of Hussein Ibrahim? They don’t want to lose the support of their “Death to America” voters.

destroycommunism | August 17, 2024 at 5:51 pm

kinda hope it was a woke harley he was on

Motorcycles are dangerous.

Now they’ll be really mad.

I reckon Kasseb wasted money when he got that “Live to ride, ride to live” tat.

Sorry to see the guy didn’t suffer for hours and hours.
I’m old enough to remember pedo joe said he’d not rest until all the hostages from the October massacre were released.
Looks like nap time has been his major political accomplishment since he was booted out by the dem elite.

Did you see the three children and two women who were also killed on the same bike? This will be Hamas’ new statement soon.

This week’s Mideast Darwin Award winner. On a motorcycle! Yes, yes, that’ll fool the IDF!!