Kamala Harris Agrees to Two Debates With Donald Trump
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Kamala Harris Agrees to Two Debates With Donald Trump

Kamala Harris Agrees to Two Debates With Donald Trump

So childish: “Assuming Donald Trump actually shows up on September 10…”

Presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris said she would debate Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump two times.

Harris and Trump have a debate on September 10. Their VP picks, Gov. Tim Walz and JD Vance have a debate on October 1.

Also, notice the disrespect shown to Trump and Vance. The campaign didn’t even use their titles. Emphasis mine:

“Assuming [President] Donald Trump actually shows up on September 10 to debate Vice President Harris, then Governor Tim Walz will see [Senator] JD Vance on October 1 and the American people will have another opportunity to see the vice president and Donald Trump on the debate stage in October.”

Notice how they pushed back the debates?

Trump offered:

  • Fox News: September 4
  • ABC: September 10
  • NBC: September 25

I doubt she would ever agree to a debate on Fox News.

Vance even offered to debate Walz on CNN on September 18. Why not have two debates?

Vance was right when he said we deserve as many debates as possible, even though I’ll be sick all those days, so why not?


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I presume they will be on networks that support Harris, right?

And Fakamala gets the questions ahead of time?

Start calling them cowards running scared.

E Howard Hunt | August 15, 2024 at 3:04 pm

Maybe Kamala will win both debates by limiting all responses to powerful cackles. Biden bested Paul Ryan by laughing at him during the VP debate.

    Ironclaw in reply to E Howard Hunt. | August 15, 2024 at 3:39 pm

    That wouldn’t be winning

    Peter Moss in reply to E Howard Hunt. | August 15, 2024 at 3:49 pm

    If I were running Kamala’s (note that I don’t use her ill-gotten title either) campaign (such as it is) I wouldn’t allow her to accept any invitation to debate.

    She is *horrible* at it. She’s not at all bright, not quick on her feet and wholly inarticulate.

    If Trump decides to repeat his performance in the Biden debate, she’s toast. For all of Trump’s faults, and there are many, his ability to speak extemporaneously and at great length is very impressive.

    Go back and watch Kamala’s appearance at the Kavanaugh hearing. She appeared remotely and read (poorly) from a script. She’s a freakin’ idiot.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to Peter Moss. | August 15, 2024 at 4:32 pm

      For the first (ABC) debate, Kamala will know all the questions in advance and be very well practiced. The 2nd debgate won’t happen unless Merchan allows Trump to debate remotely from Rikers Island, since he will go there on Sept 18 and stay there through the election.

Trump should have insisted that each side chooses someone to ask questions, separate from the moderator. Odds are that Kamala will never have to answer a question about BLM Riots, a bio male hitting women Olympians, the Taliban conquest of Afghanistan etc.

Another opportunity lost.

The Sept 25 debate will never happen because Justice Merchan will put Trump in prison on Sep 18, and 1 week isn’t enough time to get him sprung by an appeals court.

NotSoFriendlyGrizzly | August 15, 2024 at 4:34 pm

On the + side of things, I have a medical procedure planned for September 11th. The debate on September 10 should just empty my stomach so I go into my procedure nice and clean for the surgeons.

Sadly, I don’t have one scheduled for October 2nd…

Maybe I’ll still be recovering from September 11th?

I just hope both Trump and Vance will take their respective debates very seriously.

Like it or not, each will be dealing with snakes. Snakes as opponents, and snakes as “moderators”.

Still the party of stupid. Once again we let the Dems dictate ALL the terms of the debates. No push back, no demands, just limp-wristed acquiescence.

destroycommunism | August 15, 2024 at 11:30 pm

first rule will be:

no one is allowed to speak for more than 1 minute

that way she is protected from her self

and trump is stopped from attacking the communist

I’d like to see Trump do a one-man debate on Fox Sept 4th. Maybe take a tip from Clint Eastwood and have an empty chair speaking for Kamaltoe or, better yet, a pastel blue woman’s pantsuit hanging from a coat rack, to signify her status as an empty suit.