Grandma Jailed for Violating Walz’s COVID Regulations: ‘You Do Not Want Tyranny at This Level’
“I would like to see Tim Walz impeached. I would like to see him prosecuted for the crimes he has committed against the people of Minnesota.”

Lisa Hanson once owned a wine and coffee bistro south of Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has a simple warning for Americans regarding presumptive Democratic VP candidate Gov. Tim Walz: “You do not want tyranny at this level.”
Hanson faced 90 days in jail because she re-opened her Interchange Wine & Coffee Bistro business during Walz’s draconian COVID regulations.
The business owner, who has eight children and eighteen grandchildren, witnessed Walz ruling with his iron fist. He shut down supposed non-essential businesses like “bars, restaurants, gyms, dance studios, and hair salons.”
Walz allowed liquor stores and strip clubs to remain open.
Hanson had enough. She told Fox News:
“He shut down a lot of the mom-and-pop shops, those folks that were just trying to make a living and provide a great product and a great service,” Hanson told Fox News Digital. “In contrast, he allowed big box stores, etc. to stay open. Really incredible, an incredible use of tyranny against the people.”
Hanson eventually decided to re-open her business and defied Walz’s renewed shutdown order for bars and restaurants six times between December 2020 and January 2021.
She was convicted in December 2021 on misdemeanor charges and received the maximum sentence of 90 days and a $1,000 fine. Hanson ended up serving two-thirds of her sentence, 60 days.
Walz’s administration cracked down on Hanson within two days of her reopening the business:
Within 24 to 48 hours of first reopening her wine and coffee bistro in December 2020, Hanson said “the state came down on us with a vengeance,” siccing the health department on her business and eventually bringing about a half dozen civil and criminal cases against her. During her trial, Hanson claimed she was denied due process and blamed “rogue judges,” the attorney general, and Walz for operating in “lockstep.”
“They employed all of their resources against We the People, just trying to run a company, serve a cup of coffee to a willing customer. And they said, ‘nope, you can’t do that,'” Hanson said. “And mind you, there was never an injury. There was never an infection of COVID-19, nor was there ever a death that occurred because I had my doors open and willing customers came in to patronize me.”
Incurring tens of thousands in legal fees and fines, Hanson said eventually her business was forced to close while under intense pressure from the government.
“What happened to me was no accident, and they absolutely wanted to make an example, right?” Hanson said. “It was like literally living a nightmare.”
“This is the story that America needs to hear, that Tim Walz is not some cuddly, joyful coach, like all the things that the MSMs are calling him,” stressed Hanson. “That is not who this man is. This man would like to take your rights away. He will take your rights away. Because what happened to me could have happened to anybody. What happened to me will happen to you.”
Those 60 days cost Hanson a lot.
She missed Christmas, her wedding anniversary, and, worst of all, the birth of a grandchild.
My mom always tells me you have kids just to become a grandparent!
More from Hanson:
“I’ve heard some people say that Tim Walz is a real nice guy. Yeah, well he’s not. Take my word for it,” Hanson said. “Through this whole process, I’ve gotten to know other people. Similar things have happened to them when they were trying to run their business and survive. Mostly women, by the way. So Tim Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison really like to go after women. They’re bullies.”
“They’re bullies. And they like to go after women and torment and destroy women’s lives. This is what they have done in the state of Minnesota. So let America know you do not want Tim Walz as vice president. You do not want tyranny at this level,” she continued. “I have seen firsthand. We, the people of Minnesota, have seen what Tim Walz, the type of evil he orchestrates if he is elected as vice president of this country. He, in lockstep with Harris, who is also evil, will perpetuate this same type of evil on the American people. We do not want that. So this is the truth about Tim Walz.”
“I would like to see Tim Walz impeached. I would like to see him prosecuted for the crimes he has committed against the people of Minnesota,” Hanson said.
Hanson wasn’t surprised presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris picked Walz as her running mate.
However, it doesn’t mean Hanson will vote for former President Donald Trump, which she did in 2016 and 2020, after everything she “learned about Operation War Speed and Trump taking credit for the development of the COVID-19 vaccine.”
Hanson doesn’t like the two-party system:
“Donald Trump is not going to save America. We certainly know Biden’s not going to save America, and Harris is not going to save America. The people need to get involved,” Hanson said.
Hanson, who briefly ran for state Senate unsuccessfully in 2022, encouraged citizens, parents especially, to get involved in school systems and local government.
“Electing Donald Trump is not, in my opinion, is not the way to go. For so many reasons,” Hanson said. “We need to change the two-party system. Otherwise, we’re just headed for some big words here: socialism, communism. And I know a whole lot of people that would say we’re already there, just not full-blown yet.”

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Commie-La-La and Tyrant Tim
Tyrant Tampon Tim
ohhhh hope Trump uses Tamon Tim as the nick name.
Tiananmen Tim is the better nickname. Continuing the Biden/Harris grift.
She would be wrong
Trump is the way to go
He didn’t put you or anyone else in jail, everything was voluntary
He was doing the best he could with the information he had
Did it turn out to be good. No, the vaccine was disastrous and the left used it t abuse people like you
But go ahead and blame President Trump, he was trying to save lives in the best and quickest way he knew how and was available to him
No one knew the evil in the drug, military and globalist could rise to the level it did
Not his fault
Imagine the abuse to which Trump would have been subjected had he not instituted Warp Speed and insisted on the usual regimen of regulatory oversight and testing of the Covid vaccines. Or the abuse if he had not “listened to the experts.” “Killer! Monster! Hates old people, children, and your dog!”
People need to be reminded that although Trump removed regulatory hurdles to vaccine development, he did not make the decision to create mRNA and DNA “vaccines.” Nor did he encourage pharmaceutical companies to lie to the regulatory agencies, nor did he instruct the regulatory agencies to brush those lies under a carpet. Nor did he instruct his advisors and “experts” to lie to him and to the American people. Again, imagine the hue and cry if Trump had determined they were lying, and had tried to fire the lot of them.
People who attack Trump over the vaccines and Covid response are either ignorant or disingenuous. The disingenuous types are now blaming Trump in an attempt to keep him from the presidency in order to protect people like Fauci, Birx, and others who committed crimes against humanity.
Well said.
This is a binary choice in this election, either you vote for Trump or Harris/Walz are elected.
Politics has always been mostly about picking lessor evils. And in this case I thin Trumps stands head and shoulders above all other choices.
We should all blame Pharma, who ran a huge scam on everyone.
Over 17 million dead from the c19 shot and Trump still supports Operation Warp Speed, why? Trump is just the other side of the same coin. Tails we win, heads you lose. You got to think out-side-the-box because you are still being manipulated.
If you remember Ms ultra liberal Minnesota woman
We were all fed that millions upon millions of people were dying of the China flu
What happened to you was a fascist government in action with evil
But that was not DJT
Take your Minnesota nice and shove it
Heck, I don’t want this tyranny at ANY level. Not even in a HOA (which my neighborhood does not have).
It is foolish to buy any HOA shit, with lots of tin horn dictators.
So the drunk allowed liquor stores and strip joints to remain open. Maybe that’s why this 60-year-old looks 75.
A strip joint story: An old associate asked me to join him for a drink at a strip club before he went on vacation. After a couple of drinks he said he needed some cash before taking off to the airport so he headed for the club’s ATM machine. He came back and I asked him if he got enough cash. He said he got $500, and then waved a wad in front of me. I told him to take a good look. They were green, stripper dollars (naked ladies pictured), usable only in the club, and no refund would be allowed. LOL.
I was stationed in Connecticut, not far from the HUGE casino Foxwoods. If you took money out of the ATM, the smallest bill given was $50. Now that I think of it, might have been $100, but $50 would be bad enough back in 1995.
“Walz allowed liquor stores and strip clubs to remain open.”
Well, well, well. We can see what Timmy thought were the important entertainments! You know, ones he is used to.
If I recall my real-time history, this wasn’t unique to Minnesota. California and some other blue states did exactly the same, while closing constitutionally-protected churches and gun stores.
And this is what the Communists want for everybody.
the more people he shut down the more they became dependent on the government for survival
the gov has only grown bigger since the lefty shutdown of freedoms
This lady got a raw deal. Lauren Boebert did exactly the same thing snd got a congressional seat out of it. Here in AZ, we had other mom-and-pops defy these orders, and the guv (after discovering they had no constitutional power behind the rules) blustered but lost. None of them got to congress, more’s the pity.
Well its a good thing he emptied the jails to make room for COVID violating business owners.
That’s what Inslee did.
“The government that governs least, governs best.”
If she doesn’t vote for Trump, she might as well vote for Harris–the effect is nearly the same
Weird Walz seems to have a lot in common with Himmler.
In the 2 party system Trump is the only way to vote.