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Male Sprinter Will Compete Against Females in Paralympic Games

Male Sprinter Will Compete Against Females in Paralympic Games

Sports scientist Professor Ross Tucker: “And the only conclusion you can then draw is that the person still has male advantage even when their testosterone is lower.”

Valentina Petrillo, born Fabrizio Petrillo, will compete in the female T12 classification (visual impairments) at the Paralympic Games in Paris.

Petrillo, who is 50 years old, will run in the 200m and 400m events.

Petrillo is the first transgender athlete in the Paralympic Games.

World Para Athletics’ rules allow Petrillo to compete against females:

Under World Para Athletics’ rules, a person who is legally recognised as a woman is eligible to compete in the category their impairment qualifies them for.

The rules go on to say that “World Para Athletics will deal with any cases involving transgender athletes in accordance with the International Olympic Committee’s transgender guidelines (as amended by the IOC from time to time) and any applicable World Para Athletics regulations.”

We saw two males win the gold in two female boxing divisions at the Olympics last week.

In 2023, Petrillo won two bronze medals at the Para Athletics World Championships, competing against females.

Petrillo has nine medals in female events. After the World Championships, Canadian Paralympic coach Peter Eriksson lashed out:

“It’s shocking to see that women’s opportunities to a medal were taken by a cheating 49-year-old male,” Eriksson told Reduxx. “The International Paralympic Committee is diminishing the rights of fairness in women’s sport by allowing transgender athletes at their events.”

Eriksson added, “It’s a cop-out not to make a stance in support of women in sport. It feels kind of like they are trying to push the blame onto the IOC,” Eriksson says. “They adapted World Athletics rules and should also adopt the World Athletics regulation on transgender and DSD participation.”

After failed attempts to win at men’s events, Petrillo began his hormone therapy treatment in 2019. He was previously married to a woman with whom he shares a son.

Petrillo even admitted that hormone treatments affected his racing times. He said, “Better to be a slow, happy woman than a fast, unhappy man.”

But it doesn’t change the fact that Petrillo went through male puberty:

Sports scientist Professor Ross Tucker said: “Male advantage is created through development and so it is essentially laid down over years and years of exposure to testosterone. The solution that sport has tried to come up with is to say well if the source of that advantage is testosterone then let’s lower it and then the athlete is free to compete.

“But that doesn’t work because there is an asymmetry there because some of the changes that testosterone causes, like the increased muscle mass, increased strength, the shape and size of the skeleton, those changes don’t go away. There are some, like haemoglobin levels, certain elements of the cardiovascular system that may go away.

“But the strength advantages, all the evidence that exists suggests that even when you remove testosterone in an adult those advantages continue to exist in that person. So therefore sport has to realise that it can’t take away that male advantage, reduce it slightly yes, but certainly it doesn’t get removed. And the only conclusion you can then draw is that the person still has male advantage even when their testosterone is lower.”


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Taxpayer-funded abortion!

There – that will silence practically every feminist who was thinking of speaking out against this.

Stolen Gold! These woke slobs make a mockery of women’s sports and the prizes are given to people who haven’t earned them. By competing with those who belong there but don’t have a chance of wining due to the fact that the people making the rules have rocks in their heads.

This guy doesn’t even look female. He looks like he was a try out for Silence Of The Lambs.

What, exactly, is a sports scientist?

Women, STOP competing with these ghouls

Walk away and it will stop when the fools running these events lose their ass’es!!!!

I really missed my chance.

I was a swimmer in college, but never really won much. Now, I could “identify” as female, and not even have to have anything cut off.

I could race against the girls and win some races, and spend my afternoons in the girls’ locker room watching the parade of naked females.

Did some politician say that men wouldn’t pretend to be female just to get easier competition and better scenery in the locker room?
That person is an idiot.

Why do women put up with being beaten by deviant men?

RepublicanRJL | August 13, 2024 at 6:34 am

We need a global athletic division called the Mentally Ill Games where it’s a free for all.

Men competing with women? Where are the white coats?

This dude looks like he was cast as the ‘psycho serial killer’ in a slasher film.

Two words. Demonically Ugly. Ugly to the bone.

I can’t figure it out.

It just seems odd to me that there are no Female to Male transgender athletes winning medals in male events at the Olympics.

It’s almost like there are some sort of strange biological differences that prevent people born female from being able to compete effectively against males.

But that can’t be…I mean, they’ve been telling me all my life that gender differences are purely social and not driven by physiological differences at all so that can’t be right….can it?

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 13, 2024 at 11:04 am

So let’s say that I did not fully mature and am stuck in my pre teen years, which happens to some people. I could compete against and wipe the floor with the little munchkins. And I could also identify as a different race. Where does this end? I don’t think that his taking estrogen slowed him down; I think that it’s really just age related and he’s just saying that the hormones are responsible (makes him more legit, in his mind).

I have NO PROBLEM with MEN in WOMEN’S EVENTS!! BUT, there should be EQUITY!! Yes, before each event, they should line up and kick each other in their testicles!

Voice_of_Reason | August 13, 2024 at 2:29 pm

Like the great philosopher Austin Powers said, “that’s not a lady, that’s a MAN, baby!”