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‘No It Didn’t’: Trump Still Supports Right to Bear the AR-15 After the Assassination Attempt

‘No It Didn’t’: Trump Still Supports Right to Bear the AR-15 After the Assassination Attempt

Good. I love my AR-15.


The left used former President Donald Trump’s assassination attempt to push a ban on the AR-15 (my favorite gun!).

Despite the fact that the shooter used one, people on the right didn’t call for a ban.

It also didn’t change Trump’s mind.

In 2015, Trump changed his tune concerning guns like AR-15:

In his 2015 book “Crippled America,” Trump appears to have changed his position.

“Opponents of gun rights often use a lot of scary descriptive phrases when proposing legislative action against various types of weapons. Ban ‘assault weapons’ they say, or ‘military-style weapons,’ or ‘high-capacity magazines,'” he wrote. “Those all do sound a little ominous, until you understand what they are actually talking about are common, popular semiautomatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned and used by tens of millions of Americans.”


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When the BLM rioters burned numerous American cities a few years ago, did the proggie loons call for banning fire?

That’s because guns don’t kill people, other people do. The intent behind the action is what determines whether it’s good or evil.

    alaskabob in reply to Ironclaw. | August 8, 2024 at 6:34 pm

    A suitable mantra for the Left “Through individual weakness, we have community safety. Through individual helplessness, we have community security.”

“Can’t do it because people need weapons for protection.”

In my opinion, it would have been better to say: “Can’t do it because the Constitution expressly forbids it.”

    Mary Chastain in reply to Exiliado. | August 8, 2024 at 3:26 pm


    Paul in reply to Exiliado. | August 8, 2024 at 3:49 pm

    Or perhaps, “I have a God-given right to defend myself that can be neither granted nor taken away by man or government. Next week our quiz will be on the word ‘inalienable’. Go study!”

      4fun in reply to Paul. | August 8, 2024 at 10:12 pm

      Federal Appeals Court Again Upholds Maryland AR-15 Ban

      Stephen Gutowski
      August 6, 2024
      Where is the Supreme Court telling them you have a God Given right to defend yourself when they’re needed?
      I sure wish they’d tell the states all their gun laws are illegal and void. Next they should send US marshalls to the state governments that try to continue pushing this kkkrap.
      Meanwhile that NY guy who tried to assert his 2A is sentenced to jail.

      He Was Sentenced to a Decade in Prison for Having Unlicensed Weapons
      Dexter Taylor is now a “violent felon,” even though his hobby was victimless. He still needs about $170,000 for his appeal.

        Milhouse in reply to 4fun. | August 9, 2024 at 12:33 am

        Where is the Supreme Court telling them you have a God Given right to defend yourself when they’re needed?

        This takes time. There’s a process. Courts can’t address issues sua sponte; they have to wait until they’re brought before them properly, by someone with standing.

        Granted, the Court seems to be dragging its heels, and could move quicker if it wanted to, but for instance this outrageous MD decision only happened a few days ago, so there’s been no time for anyone to appeal it yet.

    Milhouse in reply to Exiliado. | August 9, 2024 at 12:28 am

    In my opinion, it would have been better to say: “Can’t do it because the Constitution expressly forbids it.”

    I disagree. Saying that implies that we would like to ban them, it’s something that makes sense, but unfortunately the constitution won’t let us. Whereas Trump’s answer explains why we wouldn’t do it even if we could.

    Now if he were addressing a concrete proposal that Congress pass a ban, then the correct answer would be “it can’t. It has no power to do that, no matter how much it may want to.” But for a general question like the one he got, I think his answer is better.

    DelVarner in reply to Exiliado. | August 9, 2024 at 7:19 am

    It is important to stress this because guns can be used for a variety of purposes. The 4th Circuit upheld MD’s “assault weapons” ban because they said AR-15s are not suitable for self defense (poppycock).

A gun is a tool, Marion, no better or no worse than any other tool, an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that.

Trump gets shot in the face and his reaction is to continue to protect the civil rights of people including their God-given right to keep and bear arms.

Brits march in the streets against an overwhelming influx of immigrants to the UK and Keir Starmer’s reaction is to arrest anyone who shared the ‘wrong’ memes on social media.

We are not the same as the UK…..well, at least some of us are not the same.

This makes me feel even better about voting for that man. I think he’s put some steel into his principles.

    Milhouse in reply to GWB. | August 9, 2024 at 12:36 am

    I don’t think so. I don’t believe his principles have changed from when he was a liberal Democrat. But the backlash against his stupid bump stock ban, and the Supreme Court’s subsequent decision slapping it down, has made him realize that if he wants the base not to abandon him he needs to be strong on this issue. Otherwise enough people will decide that there’s no point in voting for Trump if he’s going to be not much better than Harris, and then Harris wins.

destroycommunism | August 8, 2024 at 5:02 pm

we should use leftys logic back at them……..

if you kept all the violent criminals in jail

murder rates would be down 87%

lefty: back that up

patriots: dont answer them just keep repeating it

The Left preys on the ignorance of their voters…. many are also stupid but that can’t be fixed. Just be very glad the shooter was ‘influenced’ to use an AR style rifle…. the standard scoped “deer rifle” would have been far worse…. as with JFK and MLK. As for that “deer rifle”…. that will be on the ban list for being a “sniper rifle”…. no one needs a sniper rifle…. The Left wants to convert the 2A to be only in home self-dense where Uncle Joe Biden says on a shotgun is needed. No government provides the education and tools needed to overthrow it…. ask any communist country.