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Virginia Gov. Youngkin Issues Executive Order to Remove Noncitizens From Voting Rolls

Virginia Gov. Youngkin Issues Executive Order to Remove Noncitizens From Voting Rolls

Virginia removed over 6,000 noncitizens and 80,000 deceased voters from the rolls.

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s latest executive order told state officials to remove noncitizens from the state’s voting rolls.

“In Virginia, we have established a comprehensive approach and continuous improvement process for election security, which is necessary to ensure that individuals cast legal votes,” said Youngkin in the order. “The Virginia model for securing elections has proven itself over the past few years despite the significant expansion of voting days and locations and the lingering effects of the pandemic on state and local governments.”

Youngkin added: “Under my Administration, Virginia has made unprecedented strides in improving the accuracy of our voter list including substantial updates for removal of deceased voters and protection against non-citizen registration.”

Virginia removed over 6,000 noncitizens and 80,000 deceased voters from the rolls.

The order also specifies Virginia’s voting rules:

  • Paper ballots
  • Paper ballot counting machines, not voting machines
  • Strict chain of custody for ballots with daily reconciliation during easly voting
  • Application required to receive a mail ballot – no mass mailing of ballots
  • Counting machines tested prior to every election
  • Counting machines not connected to the internet
  • Drop boxes under 24/7 monitoring

Virginia officials used data from the DMV to identify noncitizens. The data goes to the Department of Elections, “which uses it to scrub existing voter rolls and remove non-citizens who may have purposefully or accidentally registered to vote.”

Virginia requires people who register to vote to supply their full social security number.

The order also told the Department of Motor Vehicles to share with the Department of Elections the “non-citizens by generating a daily file of all non-citizens transactions, including addresses and document numbers.”


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Thank you, Governor.

These changes are long overdue.

    guyjones in reply to TimMc. | August 8, 2024 at 1:43 pm

    And. yet, the vile Dhimmi-crats fight common-sense ballot integrity/protection measures such as voter roll clean-ups, voter ID requirements, etc., tooth, nail and claw. We don’t have to guess why that is. It has nothing to do with absurd allegations of “voter disenfranchisement,” and, everything to do with enabling and facilitating fraud and exploitation of loose ballot security.

    Paul in reply to TimMc. | August 8, 2024 at 3:47 pm

    These changes have been required by federal law since 1993. Why are government bureaucrats allowed to shirk their duties? In the private sector, one would be fired for gross incompetence and/or negligence.

      henrybowman in reply to Paul. | August 8, 2024 at 7:09 pm

      My thought precisely. Isn’t this already Virginia law? Why does it take an executive order?

Good, this should happen everywhere.

Dat one crazee mo’ fo’.

I sure hope he is removing registrations that have invalid or undeliverable addresses, you know like vacant lots, industrial parks, apt buildings without apt #’s, etc.. Undeliverable ballots can be harvested by postal workers and be handed over to Dem activist NGOs.

destroycommunism | August 8, 2024 at 2:10 pm


those who are doing the elimination

might start eliminating gop voters….by accident of course

This is nice, but federal law has required these actions for more than two decades.

What he should really be doing is finding the people responsible for this not being done like clock-work every year, and fire them for incompetence. Their pensions should also be revoked, as a signal to the other leaches in the government who think they are the ones actually in charge.

Good steps. Others remain.

Prepare the law fare machine in particular the possibility of challenges to a State’s electoral vote being counted which hasn’t cleaned up (maintained) its voter registration roll. ‘Oh heavens’ the pearl clutching set will cry….’we don’t have time to do it, it’s too close to the election and will be disruptive’…y’all have had since motor/voter was passed in the Clinton administration to get it done so stop making excuses and start making progress.

destroycommunism | August 8, 2024 at 5:15 pm

dnc not worried about this

they have their indian “call centers” ramped up for those mail in votes

If Virginia is close, as some recent polls say, this could make the difference.

Virginia officials used data from the DMV to identify noncitizens

But how does the DMV know?

Last I heard, during the 0bama administration, DHS was refusing to allow states to check voters against their citizenship databases. I guess Trump must have allowed it, and Biden somehow forgot to renew the ban?

States have to be careful with this, because if they get even slightly over-enthusiastic and don’t verify every removal 100%, some Democrat will be invalidly removed and will sue and bring down the whole system. That has happened several times, and results in the doors being thrown wide open to invalid registrations.

It happened in NYC, I suspect on purpose. So now there’s practically no verification at all.