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Josh Hawley Reveals Shocking New Details on Trump Assassination Attempt and the Secret Service

Josh Hawley Reveals Shocking New Details on Trump Assassination Attempt and the Secret Service

“Whistleblowers are coming forward from the Secret Service because they can’t believe what leadership is doing”

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) appeared on the Jesse Watters show last night and revealed some shocking new details on the July assassination attempt on Donald Trump, which have been shared with him by U.S. Secret Service whistleblowers.

It turns out that the security lapses that day were even worse than previously thought. Hawley also stressed that this information was being shared with him because these whistleblowers are worried that this could happen again.

FOX News has details:

Sen. Hawley reveals new whistleblower claims about Secret Service failures at Trump rally: ‘Scared to death’

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., appeared on “Jesse Watters Primetime” on Monday night to reveal new claims regarding the assassination attempt against former President Trump last month.

Hawley told host Jesse Watters that he had spoken with whistleblowers who provided him with information about the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) lead site agent at the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally on July 13.

In the middle of the rally, gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks shot Trump from a sloped roof, hitting him in the ear and killing one attendee. The 20-year-old had also injured two others before he was killed by Secret Service agents.

The incident has led both Republicans and Democrats to intensely scrutinize the Secret Service in recent weeks. On “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Hawley claimed that the lead site agent was known to be inexperienced and “incompetent.”

“The site agent, the lead agent, was known to the Trump campaign to be inexperienced, to be ineffectual, to be, frankly, incompetent at their job,” Hawley said. “I’m also told by whistleblowers that on that day, she was not enforcing the normal security protocols.”

“She was not checking people’s IDs. She did not use Secret Service agents,” Hawley added. “Most of the agents there that day were not Secret Service agents. They were Homeland Security agents.”…

“Whistleblowers are coming forward from the Secret Service because they can’t believe what leadership is doing,” Hawley said. “They cannot believe that Secret Service is not taking action to clear out the rot.”

Watch the whole segment below:

Hawley shared this on Twitter/X:

We have a serious and dangerous problem in our country with institutional rot. It has never been more obvious.

Featured image via YouTube.


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 6, 2024 at 3:15 pm

This was like the assassination attempt on Kavanaugh. Lax security and the refusal to enforce law was used to prep the field for any attempt and help it along. The only reason that the Kavanaugh attempt didn’t end with his death was probably because the guy had second thoughts and turned himself in. That was just pure luck, from Kavanaugh’s view, and went against what Traitor Joe and his junta were doing to enable assassination attempts.

There is no question that Traitor Joe and his junta were intentionally destroying the Secret Service, relaxing security, and ginning up their rhetoric in order to encourage assassination attempts on Trump. If not for one millisecond of chance in this one, it would have been successful.

When the Trump assassination attempt failed and we got to see the sea of little women assigned to Trump’s detail (which was a joke in and of itself) how many people bothered to notice that none o the democrats end up with joke details like that? And that assassination attempt came right at the most crucial time for Traitor Joe. He was drowning and about to go down and, all of sudden, his main problem might have disappeared. The timing stunk to high heaven – though almost no one bothered mentioning it.

    That Marxist c*nt Barack Obama told everyone he was going to ‘fundamentally transform’ the country. Nobody was curious enough to ask what he meant by that.

    how many people bothered to notice that none o the democrats end up with joke details like that?

    Assuming facts not in evidence.

      JackinSilverSpring in reply to Milhouse. | August 7, 2024 at 6:52 am

      How about the very large detail protecting Jill Brandon?

      bhwms in reply to Milhouse. | August 7, 2024 at 12:44 pm

      We know some of the problems to extend into the Democrats’ details. On J6, Kamala’s detail took her out of a vehicle within 10 yards of the alleged bomb sitting outside DNC HQ – after bomb sniffing dogs and teams had allegedly swept the area.

        Tionico in reply to bhwms. | August 8, 2024 at 4:09 am

        since the item in view was not a bomb, the bomb sniffing dogs did not alert. Perfectly obvious.

Well appreciate my senators efforts on this problem I don’t anticipate any good outcome. Unfortunately this is wasted effort

If you relax the standards sufficiently for long enough, sooner or later a threat that would have been easily thwarted instead becomes a sentinel event.

But for a last second turn of the head this nation would be on fire right now.

As it is, I’m not sure it won’t be eventually anyhow.

The left is now a cornered rabid animal, and as such is very dangerous.

    Evil Otto in reply to Peter Moss. | August 7, 2024 at 6:49 am

    I’m sure it will be on fire soon… and I think that’s intentional. I don’t believe it’s because the left is a cornered animal, I believe it’s because it presents a golden opportunity for the crackdown that they really want. Look at how much they’ve campaigned on the nothingburger of January 6th, presenting it like it was a full-on rebellion. Nationwide Northern-Irish-style “troubles?” That’s a golden opportunity to shore up their power and eliminate their opponents.

    They want chaos. They thrive on it.

So one of Cheatle’s DEI agents was in charge. No surprise there.

Any bets on whether or not she is still given responsibility for Trump events? Mayorkas and his SS puppets like much of what happened in Butler, except the shooter failed to rid the traitor leftists of their enemy.

    henrybowman in reply to iconotastic. | August 6, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    The one bright side to all this is that when the time finally comes to clean out the rot, these incompetents will fall swiftly to a competently-led insurrection.
    Yes, I’m going there. You didn’t really think one set of incompetents was going to clean out another set, did you?

It was clear they weren’t trained protective detail agents the way they milled around. They also apparently didn’t attend the final briefing and there was no one in the communication center to hear the announcement there was a man with a gun.

    bhwms in reply to Crawford. | August 7, 2024 at 12:50 pm

    It’s worse than that – they had TWO command centers – one for the Secret Service and PA SP, and one for the Butler County units. They were separated by significant distance and the comm line between them was cell phone traffic. And, oddly enough, within yards of cell towers, the cellular communications went down (probably because of all the cell phones in close proximity?), so they had problems sending the pictures they had from the local command post to the secret service command post.

    This violates two major principles of event security: There should be only one command center, with the ability to communicate with everyone providing security services, and a clear chain of command. You could argue a third principle was violated by the dependence on cellular communications, but they should have been in the same room.

E Howard Hunt | August 6, 2024 at 3:56 pm

Finally the feminine pronoun! I had to read a half dozen damn accounts that either laboriously repeated the noun or used the plural pronoun. Women do have their place in law enforcement- in the vice squad as undercover hookers.

It’s almost like they dared for something to happen

    AbrahamFroman in reply to Skip. | August 6, 2024 at 4:52 pm

    When looking back at the event in the context of the Iranian plot that we’ve now all become aware of, I don’t see how any other conclusion could be drawn. By any reasonable evaluation, they skimped on Trump’s protective detail when they had credible information one or more Iranian assassins were in-country. How credible? They just arrested one of them.

I initially read that title as:

Josh Hawley Reveals Shocking New Details on Trump Assassination Attempt by the Secret Service

and on the day failed to implement basic security protocols
Well, that one was pretty obvious.

(Inside 500 feet and not inside a totally secure perimeter? All those non-vetted people standing next to that building and pointing at the shooter?)

destroycommunism | August 6, 2024 at 5:36 pm

stop mansplaning!!!

Subotai Bahadur | August 6, 2024 at 6:46 pm

Given that the new head of the Secret Service is the person who before the assassination attempt was in charge of . . . protecting those they are supposed to be guarding; we can expect further attempts with limited opposition.

Subotai Bahadur

Sounds like we have a David and Uriah moment

LibraryGryffon | August 6, 2024 at 8:34 pm

We should all insist that she either be fired, or put in charge of Harris’ and/or Walz’ security details. If she’s good enough to run Trump’s detail, she should be good enough for them, right?

JackinSilverSpring | August 7, 2024 at 6:51 am

Not to be a conspiracist, but it seems to me like the Secret Service intentionally understaffed the protection detail while having incompetent agents in the detail. It’s almost as if they were inviting an assassination attempt.