The Second Gentleman’s “Missing” Love Child Becomes A Campaign Problem For Kamala
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The Second Gentleman’s “Missing” Love Child Becomes A Campaign Problem For Kamala

The Second Gentleman’s “Missing” Love Child Becomes A Campaign Problem For Kamala

Why is Doug Emhoff’s affair empregnating the nanny during a prior marriage an issue? Because it was covered up while Kamala’s campaign aggressively labeled JD Vance “weird” and her supporters attacked Vance’s marriage. What’s that line about people who live in glass houses?

Marital infidelity is nothing new in politics, and certainly Democrats don’t hesitate to use it against a Republican.

But the marital infidelity of the Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff is both weird, and has the makings of a bigger problems for Kamala.

The infidelity wasn’t during his marriage to Kamala, it was on a prior wife, but that’s the least interesting part of it.

The Daily Mail reported:

Kamala Harris’s husband’s first marriage ended after he got his children’s nanny pregnant, can exclusively reveal.

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff cheated on his first wife Kerstin with the blonde nanny, who also taught at their children’s pricey private school.

The woman, Najen Naylor, 47, did not deny the story when approached by at her home in the New York millionaires’ playground, The Hamptons.

She would not comment, except to say, ‘I’m kind of freaked out right now.’

A close friend with direct knowledge of the affair and pregnancy told that Naylor did not keep the child – though her social media shows a video of a mysterious baby girl named Brook in 2009, the year the baby would have been born.

Another friend, Stacey Brooks, who mothered twin boys around the same time as Naylor was expecting, also did not deny any of the claims – but said she would not divulge further information without Naylor’s permission.

The incendiary news is said to be causing panic in Harris’s campaign, just as she has overtaken Donald Trump in several polls and as she ramps up her final push to win over voters in November.

Why is this an issue?

Because Kamala’s campaign has taken a strategy of branding JD Vance “weird” and Emhoff’s first wife (on whom he cheated) has attacked Vance’s marriage:

Emhoff has now admitted the affair, but was silent on whether there was a pregnancy and child.

“During my first marriage, Kerstin and I went through some tough times on account of my actions,” Mr. Emhoff said in the statement. “I took responsibility, and in the years since, we worked through things as a family and have come out stronger on the other side.”

The Biden campaign was aware of the affair before it decided to tap Ms. Harris as vice president in 2020, according to a person familiar with the vetting process, who spoke on condition of anonymity. In addition, this person said that Ms. Harris knew of the affair before she married Mr. Emhoff in 2014.

Emhoff has become a pro-abortion point man for Harris. Now we know why.

He’s also gone on offense against “toxic masculinity”.

But it gets worse. It’s not clear whether the love child was aborted, or born and disappeared.

The whole sordid thing, including the cover up, takes a talking point away from Kamala.

What’s that line about people who live in glass houses?


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So he turns out to be a POS.

Is ANYONE surprised?

    I don’t think Trump or the Republicans should be making a big issue about this. Sure, it was wrong, but Trump was found guilty of sexual abuse by a jury, he cheated on all of his wives, and he had sex with a porn star. By making this an issue, it just reminds voters of all of Trump’s sexual problems. It is much more productive to focus on the economy, the border, and national defense issues.

      gonzotx in reply to JR. | August 4, 2024 at 6:59 pm

      You are literally full of crap, he was not found guilty of sexual abuse and we do k ow the porn star said he never touched her.
      He has not cheated on “all” of his wives

      Get. Life

      Kamala could not have said it better, except she is not talking to anyone these days. Congrats, however. Trump did not break up a marriage to get off, and leave a baby in his wake. His “sexual problems” are largely the product of Democratic fantasies and corruption. You swallow the crap. Beyond weird, the TSD, but it would not be the same without the sage advice that could just as easily come from the likes of Kinzinger.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | August 4, 2024 at 7:45 pm

      For once, dingus, I ALMOST agree with you. Trump and his campaign should continue to focus on getting Kamalalaladingdong to speak publicly about the issues you noted. If they can get her to open her mouth a few times, her stupidity will doom her.
      However: other Republicans like Vance (the Dems have already attacked him for being “weird” and one Dem mutt attacked his wife) could make a LOT of hay with this, as could right wing pundits and people like Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson.
      But you’re FOS on Trump’s “sexual problems.” I don’t recall where he cheated on a wife and had a child out of wedlock, the porn star retracted her accusation, and he was never convicted of sexual abuse. I’m guessing a metrosexual like you usually isn’t familiar with such “problems” and the Dem attack dogs’ capacity to sling such charges baselessly.

      buck61 in reply to JR. | August 4, 2024 at 11:23 pm

      Trump was also the darling of the left when all is said to of happened. You didn’t see the high profile dems running away from him, in fact they would seek him out so they could be apart of the media coverage he generated nearly every time he was out in public.

      henrybowman in reply to JR. | August 4, 2024 at 11:37 pm

      Concern troll is concerned.

      ChrisPeters in reply to JR. | August 5, 2024 at 8:00 am

      You are correct in stating that Trump and the Republicans should focus on real issues, rather than this sort of sideshow. Voters are hurting because of what the Biden administration and the Democrat Party have done. To most voters, this guy is completely irrelevant.

      Ironclaw in reply to JR. | August 5, 2024 at 1:37 pm

      The most damaging narratives in politics are the ones that challenge your base assumptions. Nobody cares if Donald Trump ever cheated, because everyone knows he was a player and he loved the women. On the other hand, you have a guy who is supposed to be straight-laced and buttoned down and when THAT guy turns out to have cheated with his kids’ nanny, that is transformative because nobody expected it.

      MattMusson in reply to JR. | August 6, 2024 at 6:25 am

      A lot of women are mad at Trump for sleeping with a side piece. So, they are going to try and elect a Side Piece.

Kamala calling someone weird is projection.

Gotta say, Coulter nailed it.

Yes, we are weird. They are BIZARRE!

inspectorudy | August 4, 2024 at 5:50 pm

Professor, you are wrong for the first time in many days. This is not a loser for Harris but a gold star. Trump cannot bring it up because he has done worse. Almost every Dem has a shady background of sex or crime in some respects. They feel like you are one of them if you have a record. Only the conservative sites and maybe NewsMax will bring this up.

    This is not for Trump but for social media to take and run, and for people that need to see how inauthentic the Democrats are. Not to mention the hypocrisy.

    Where has Trump done something worse than destroy his marriage by doing the teacher/nanny and getting her pregnant, likely using his power to do so. And what happened to the baby? That sounds worse, actually, than anything Trump has done.

      You’re right. Politicians are almost expected to fool around. Look at Saintly JFK, who had the Secret Service bring in young starlets to be with the Pres.

      The pants-down presidency of William Jefferson Clinton – and the decades-long lockstep defense of Slick by his Party and the Joseph Goebbels media – forever destroyed the idea that any politician should be held accountable. Not only did the Joseph Goebbels media not repent of that massive deception, they doubled down by making Epstein’s island completely disappear.

      Complaints about Trump’s supposed defects no longer deserve a hearing after that. The only rational and ethical course of action is to consider any accusation of sexual impropriety made against Trump by the media is a self-serving lie and ignore it.


      Biden has a long history of skinny dipping at home and in the Congressional pool, even in front of female Secret Service officers.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to inspectorudy. | August 4, 2024 at 7:19 pm

    That’s nonsense.

    Rules for Radicals. Make your enemy live up to their own rules.

    Trump has “the morals of an alley cat?” Per the deposed President Joe Biden. So does Hunter and Emhoff and the lot of them.

    LOL, the neverTrump “inspector” thinks Harris gets a gold star.

    So tell us “inspector”, what did trump do that was “worse”?

    You’re FOS as usual.

Marital infidelity is nothing new in politics, and certainly Democrats don’t hesitate to use it against a Republican.

But the marital infidelity of the Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff is both weird, and has the makings of a bigger problems for Kamala.

Meh. Harris was literally “the other woman” when she was kneeling to Willie Brown (who was estranged from his wife at the time). A no-talent Democrat Communist Party hack, Harris used her… ah, skills … to gain power and influence in California politics, and now stands an excellent chance of being the next President.

In fact there have been many other Communist politicians whose crimes and perversions have not had the slightest effect on their political careers. Biden* showered with his daughter. And there was the rape-oholic William Jefferson Clinton’s endless antics. The list goes on.

The fact that Harris’ husband boinked the nanny and got her pregnant while he was cheating on his then first wife will not cost the Communists a single vote in November. It is impossible to appeal to the better nature of people who have none, and certainly the fraud machine does not care.

Emhoff says: “I took responsibility, and in the years since, we worked through things as a family and have come out stronger on the other side.”

It’s a good thing he cheated on his wife because it made his family stronger.

Now that is some pure unadulterated spin right there. I’m looking forward to the book, “How to Make Your Family Stronger” by Doug Emhoff.

    Olinser in reply to Paula. | August 4, 2024 at 6:29 pm

    Interestingly, that’s actually a somewhat common excuse for when women get caught cheating, that it ‘makes their relationship stronger’ or some absolute nonsense.

    It’s classic deflection crap, to act like what they did wasn’t so bad because it ‘made them stronger’, so it was AKSHUALLY a good thing!

    LeftWingLock in reply to Paula. | August 4, 2024 at 6:39 pm

    Divorcing First Wife = Made The Family Stronger

    gonzotx in reply to Paula. | August 4, 2024 at 7:02 pm

    And we made the baby disappear, at least we didn’t kill it!

    And the Nanny lost her job!

    Great job Emhoff

      fscarn in reply to gonzotx. | August 5, 2024 at 11:52 am

      But murdering the child is exactly what Emhoff did. There’ll be no “recently discovered adoption papers.” Emhoff paid to kill the child and the maid/mother participated.

      Emhoff’s bonking the maid was a lapse in judgment. These things happen. But killing the unborn child was cold and deliberate. And so representative of the Democrat mindset.

Well, well. Doug Emhoff abandoned his child – he does not know (or say) if there was an abortion, foster home, giving up for adoption, or what. As far as he is concerned, it is dust under the rug. And Joe Biden abandoned one of his grandchildren. These are the minds that want our adulation for their moral superiority as they hold these luxury beliefs that cost them little but negatively affect those that less fortunate.

This is irrelevant, and probably counterproductive, especially given Trump’s checkered past. There’s plenty to attack her with, without this silly gossip,

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to txvet2. | August 4, 2024 at 7:26 pm

    Trump is a Saint compared to the Biden Crime Family and their Klingons.

    irishgladiator63 in reply to txvet2. | August 4, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    It is not irrelevant. They attacked Trump over his morals. Emhoff, Harris, and Hunter have all been involved in adultery. At least two of them have abandoned a child. They have no moral leg to stand on.
    Also, it’s not gossip. Emhoff has admitted it. It’s true.

      irishgladiator63 — Indeed. Typical of the the Dem Party ‘morals.’ The Dems write God out of the Party platform at the National Convention in front of the world, and then in the same breath — from a claimed *higher moral ground* — attack their opponents over their slimey morals. Did I miss something along the way here?

    CommoChief in reply to txvet2. | August 4, 2024 at 8:52 pm

    If the ‘weird’ label had been directed at Trump not Vance then sure. However, it was directed at JD Vance, a happily married father, USMC Veteran, successful entrepreneur and best selling author who seems (for now) to be refreshingly genuine and humble for a politician.

    Should Trump make this his hourly tweet? No. Should he bring it up once in while? Sure, just every so often, spaced far enough apart that Harris and d/prog believe it has ended then needle them and their crazy cat ladies/bitter boomer Karens with it.

The Gentle Grizzly | August 4, 2024 at 6:41 pm

Bottom line: who cares? Virtually every politician has plenty of faults. To go after and report on the peccadilloes of the spouse of a candidate is New of the World territory.

    That’s a problem when people don’t care that he abused a young nanny, definitely a power move, and a baby disappearing, not. Problem for you?

    And the nanny lost her job at a prestigious school

      txvet2 in reply to gonzotx. | August 4, 2024 at 7:27 pm

      It has nothing to do with Harris the candidate. She didn’t do anything wrong, unlike Trump, and it’s hypocritical to harp on it.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to gonzotx. | August 4, 2024 at 9:59 pm

      I have enormous problems with what HE did. HE did. I will not project HIS vile actions upon Harris. She can be criticized soundly for things regarding HER. Her actions in California speak volumes.

      Her choice of spouse is a bad one, but that is her business. She is running for president. HE is not.

What’s that line about people who live in glass houses?

Demetri Martin:

There’s a saying that people who glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Okay, how about nobody should throw stones? That’s crappy behavior. My policy is no stone throwing regardless of housing situation. Don’t do it. There is one exception though. If you’re trapped in a glass house and you have a stone, throw it. What are you, an idiot? It’s really: only people in glass houses should throw stones, provided they are trapped, in a house with a stone. It’s a little longer but….

The event itself may be of less interest than the hypocrisy for which they are famous. “Democrats in glass houses always throw stones.”

Oddly, media fact checkers abound countering the scurrilous rumor that Jill Biden may have been the Biden family babysitter.

Ok. So, will media fact checkers in this case say “not there was anything wrong with that???’

Halcyon Daze | August 4, 2024 at 7:57 pm

To a leftist, not banging the nanny is weird behavior.

So, Kamala got her start by being the “other woman”?

    Milhouse in reply to Kepha H. | August 4, 2024 at 10:13 pm

    No. By the time she started her affair with Brown, his marriage existed only on paper. His wife (like everyone else in CA politics) knew about the affair and didn’t give a ****. She didn’t break up anything. Brown and his wife eventually got around to making the end of their marriage official, but that’s all the divorce was. So Harris was not “the other woman”, and didn’t break up a family. She simply latched on to a powerful and single (in all but name) man, and he put her foot on the ladder, and later, as she climbed it, he gave her an occasional boost (including long after the affair was over).

      Edward in reply to Milhouse. | August 5, 2024 at 11:39 am

      He was not single, no matter how you spin it. At least he wasn’t Catholic, in which case until this Pope he would still have been considered married no matter what the civil authorities claimed.

        E Howard Hunt in reply to Edward. | August 5, 2024 at 12:12 pm

        How does he know all about this adulterous timeline? When cheaters are caught they always fudge the dates like Joe and Jill did. Maybe he can sell the rights to this sweet romance to the Hallmark movie channel.

          Milhouse in reply to E Howard Hunt. | August 6, 2024 at 7:21 am

          Everyone knew about it. None of the participants made any secret of it. Brown’s marriage broke up more than ten years before his affair with Harris. She was far from his first girlfriend, and he never kept any of them secret.

          So yes, for all practical purposes he was single, and nobody cares what the Pope might have thought about it.

      AlinStLouis in reply to Milhouse. | August 6, 2024 at 3:05 pm

      That explains why Brown and his wife are together ever since his affair with Kamala ended?

    E Howard Hunt in reply to Kepha H. | August 5, 2024 at 10:38 am

    Yes, at birth, because Obama labels dark people as the other. He fancies this quite a profundity

irishgladiator63 | August 4, 2024 at 8:47 pm

They go after Melania and Baron. They went after Bush’s daughters. And McCain’s wife. I see absolutely no reason Kamala’s husband shouldn’t have his turn.

    Interested Party in reply to irishgladiator63. | August 4, 2024 at 9:06 pm

    The situation is different.
    Doug is actively campaigning for Harris, not just with her but off on his own, pushing Abortion rights and talking about toxic masculinity. He isn’t just Harris’ husband, he’s one of her political operatives and therefore we’re perfectly right to call him out for his hypocrisy.

E Howard Hunt | August 4, 2024 at 9:04 pm

Given these democrats’ extreme views on abortion it’s still not too late to abort the child.

But wait!! There’s more!! Yah!!

The internet is convinced that Mr. Emhoff is more of a “fixture” for Kamala than a real husband. Rumors that he’s gay are everywhere,

“Why is Doug Emhoff’s affair empregnating the nanny during a prior marriage an issue?”

Because they can’t spell impregnate?

Kamala husband impregnated the baby sitter, and ran away? Like hunter and his stripper baby mama?

Why the deafening silence from feminists?

Micky Kaus’ comments on X (highlighted in the article above) ask a great question: Was there an NDA signed with the nanny? And, if so, was it signed in exchanged for payment (almost certainly there was as NDAs are tough to enforce if they’re not compensated in some way). So, that raises a very important question: Was that compensation disclosed as a campaign contribution to Kamala Harris?

Trump was ‘convicted’ of 34 felonies for this very act. 34.

    2nd Ammendment Mother in reply to TargaGTS. | August 5, 2024 at 1:49 pm

    You beat me there – because if there is an NDA, then there are “34 felony counts” Emhoff needs to be immediately charged with

destroycommunism | August 5, 2024 at 11:28 am

hes just trying to regain the

black vote

destroycommunism | August 5, 2024 at 11:35 am

whoopie goldberg

shes right there in plain sight

Gee, I wish my first wife and I could have afforded a nanny for our children. Oh, wait! While I wish we could have had the money to have a nanny, we’ve had each other for 58 years now and are seeing Great-Grandchildren.

destroycommunism | August 5, 2024 at 11:43 am


I guess he DID


destroycommunism | August 5, 2024 at 11:45 am

if the child shows up and its age minus the nannys age === trouble………

look for the huge payoffs to begin

and/or maybe the dems “introduce” the child ( who isnt really the child…OR the birth certificate age is changed )

Damn, I knew this guy seemed like a loser, but the nanny isn’t even remotely hot. WTF?

So the 2nd husband went through some tough times because he failed to keep his cock where it belongs causing a ..pregnancy and an abandoned child. A familiar story but relates to Kamila’s judgment an a national leader along with her affair with Willie Brown and the high pay government jobs Willie found for her.