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Foreigners Urged to Flee Lebanon as Iran, Hezbollah Threaten War With Israel

Foreigners Urged to Flee Lebanon as Iran, Hezbollah Threaten War With Israel

Large scale missile attacks on Israel expected as soon as Monday, Israel promises severe response

The U.S. and several European countries are urging their citizens to leave Lebanon as Iran and Hezbollah threaten to launch a major terrorist offensive against Israel.

France and Italy become the latest countries to call upon their nationals to leave Hezbollah-dominated  Lebanon. “France and Italy on Sunday urged their citizens in Lebanon to leave the country due to the risk of military escalation in the Middle East,” Reuters reports.

On Sunday, Politico reported the measures taken by Western countries:

The U.S., the U.K. and Sweden have issued similar recommendations to leave Lebanon. In a statement on Saturday, British Foreign Secretary David Lammy pressed U.K. citizens in Lebanon to “leave now” as “the situation could deteriorate rapidly.”

Several airline companies have suspended flights to and from Beirut due to the worsening security situation, including French operators Air France and Transavia France, and German flag carrier Lufthansa.

Iran is dragging Lebanon into war after several Tehran-backed top terrorists — including Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah deputy chief Fuad Shukr — were killed in targeted strikes attributed to Israel.

The Iranian regime declared an Islamic war of ‘vengeance’ against Israel after Hamas leader Haniyeh was killed in an explosion at his Tehran residence Wednesday night. The Mullah regime blames Israel for the strike that killed one of the main masterminds behind the October 7 massacre.

The French newspaper Le Monde reported Thursday:

A red flag was hoisted over the Jamkaran mosque on Wednesday, July 31, a significant site for Twelver Shi’ism near the religious city of Qom. This act was a symbol of “great vengeance” following the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, which was attributed to Israel. The flag had previously been raised in January 2020 after the US killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, head of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force and a key figure in the “axis of resistance” against Israel.

Hezbollah fires more rockets at northern Israel

Western governments are issuing travel warning as Hezbollah continues to fire rockets at Israeli towns and cities.

The IDF intercepted dozens of Hezbollah rockets. These cross-border rockets rained down on Israel nearly a week after an Iranian-made Hezbollah missile hit a children’s soccer game in Golan Heights, killed 12 children and wounding several others.

“Following the sirens that sounded in northern Israel overnight, approximately 30 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon, most of which were intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array,” the Israeli military said in a press statement Sunday.

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) “struck the Hezbollah launcher from which the projectiles were launched and additional terrorist infrastructure in the area of Marjaayoun in southern Lebanon,” the IDF disclosed.

Israel’s Home Command prepares for Hezbollah terrorist escalation

Meanwhile, Israel’s Home Front Command — the military branch responsible for protecting civilian population —  is gearing up for further escalation by Hezbollah in the north.

“We are determined to continue fighting until we fundamentally change the security situation in the north and can bring the residents of the north back home, from a place of safety and a sense of security,” head of IDF’s Home Front Command, Major General Rafi Milo, said in a statement released Sunday.  “We are preparing and are prepared for any scenario and any response.”

Over 60,000 Israelis have been forced to leave their homes amid relentless cross-border rocket and mortar attacks by the Iran-backed terrorist group since October 7, the BBC reported last week.

IDF uncovers 3 meter tunnel connecting Rafah terror stronghold and Egypt

Israeli troops discovered a 3-meter-tell terror tunnel between Hamas stronghold of Rafah and Egypt. The Hamas tunnel was located  beneath the Philadelphi Corridor, a 9-mile-long stripe that runs along terrorist-controlled Gaza and Egypt.

The latest discovery is part of a massive tunnel network built underneath the corridor. Israeli “troops have located and destroyed dozens of routes” in the area, the IDF revealed in a press release Sunday.

“At the beginning of last week, in one of the operations to locate underground tunnel routes in the Philadelphi area, a three meter high tunnel was uncovered on the Philadelphi Corridor,” the IDF statement said. “At this stage, the troops are continuing with the investigation and neutralization of the underground tunnel route, as well as other large-scale routes that were found.”

The Philadelphi Corridor has been used by Hamas to smuggle weapons and move terrorist commanders and fighters in and out of Gaza. “Hamas smuggling tunnels below the Philadelphia route [the Egypt-Gaza border] raise two challenges for Israel, as they enable the illicit transit of weaponry into Gaza and may facilitate the escape of Hamas leaders, thus circumventing Israeli apprehension or attacks.” noted Israeli strategic analyst Joe Truzman noted in an October 2023 report.


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There’s a market competition for international funding as the baddest-ass terrorist group. It’s not about what it appears to be about, in other words.

This may be “it”

I’m sure Israeli intelligence understands this. But, there’s a very real possibility some or perhaps many of the hostages that remain alive aren’t even in Gaza anymore considering how porous the Gaza/Egypt border has turned out to be.

With respect to the looming hostilities, I think it’s a troubling sign that the Pentagon has deployed an additional squadron of F-22s. That is not something we did during the exchange of Iranian and Israeli missile earlier in the year. F-16s & F-15s are more than capable of shooting down drones and cruise missiles. If you have dozens of F-22s in theater, you’re thinking about offensive counter-air missions, not defensive counter-air-missions.

And, as sure as the day is long, the despicable, feckless and morally bankrupt European, leftist dhimmis and American Dhimmi-crats will perversely blame any morally justified reprisal by Israel for alleged “escalation” — they won’t blame the rabid, goose-stepping Islamofascism, Muslim supremacism and Jew-hate and Christian-hate that collectively represent the only reason why there isn’t peace in the middle east, today.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | August 4, 2024 at 3:04 pm

    Chalk up another preventable war taking place on the “Biden-Harris” Administration’s utterly emasculated, incompetent and corrosive watch. The concept of American deterrence under a Dhimmi-crat president, is total farce.

    Every rational person understands that the Dhimmi-crats’ stupidity, gullibility, naivete and narcissism in foreign policy perennially enable the belligerent predations of the world’s most malignant and despotic regimes.

JackinSilverSpring | August 4, 2024 at 3:59 pm

I do not understand Israel’s passivity in this matter. It should tell Lebanon that if these missile attacks don’t stop, it will take out every power plant in Lebanon, destroy its government buildings, and much of infrastructure. I know Lebanon is a failed state that can’t control Hezbollah, but with massive damage to its economy, the people of Lebanon should rise up to put down this Iranian puppet.

    Considering how people are fleeing Lebanon right now – in a way that they did not back in April – I think everyone fully understands how Israel is going to respond this time.

The survival instincts of US or EU Citizens who chose to remain in Lebanon after the 1st round of Hezbollah attacks on Israel but particularly after the egregious attack on the arena are….suboptimal. GTFO, don’t screw around or plan on some cool rescue you can record or live stream online. Any rescued operation is launched to save you from something bad, far better not to be in need of saving b/c you were smart enough to use prudence instead of ‘hope’.

angrywebmaster | August 4, 2024 at 6:14 pm

Iran and Hezbollah might want to consider one thing. If Israel starts firing rockets back, theirs are rumored to contain canned sunshine.

Idk how any of this will play out — But I am 100% absolutely certain that all the talking heads will assert that they knew it all along.

Subotai Bahadur | August 4, 2024 at 6:55 pm

Noting rumors in the military/geopolitical field.

1) Supposedly Iran is making noises to the effect that they will strike on the anniversary of the destruction of the first two Temples in Jerusalem. I don’t think in the Hebrew calendar, but it is about the 13th of August in our calendar.

2) A few days ago the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN aircraft carrier battle group [CVBG] left en-route from near the Hawaiian Islands to relieve the USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT CVBG in the eastern Med. This voyage should take about two weeks, a little less if they push it.

3) The USS WASP Amphibious Ready Group is already in the eastern Med.

4) That means that at a time when supposedly Iran is threatening a strike [I know, I know, they lie a lot] we will have 2 CVBG’s, 1 ARG, and the additional F-22’s mentioned by TargaGTS in theater, Keep in mind that Iran also has its own functional operational and logistical limitations on when they can strike.

5) There is something else that readers here may have heard about. One apocryphal measure of how busy they are in the funny 5-sided building in DC is the pizza box factor. Short form, if they are busy and working longer hours, they order a lot of takeout in the Pentagon. This is at 4th remove, but I have been given to understand that restaurants around the Pentagon are getting slammed for takeout orders, for whatever that may mean for an increase in operational tempo.

6) If I may ask the Gentle Readers to consider two scenarios; one foreign and one domestic. First, what are our odds with the crippled military that we have of prevailing in a conventional conflict? And what are the odds that it goes nuclear? And incidentally, given the US government’s tendency to attack everything Israel does and make excuses for the Palestinians; which side would we be on? Second, what domestic political effect could such a conflict have; noting the tendency of those in power to ignore the Constitution until and unless forced to follow it?

Subotai Bahadur

JohnSmith100 | August 4, 2024 at 7:38 pm

Why not a pre-emptive strike on Iran which leaves them in Mohamed’s living conditions.